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a little of my baggage

By September 22, 2008Blog

Pete is preaching a sermon series called baggage. As soon as I heard about it, I must be honest–I thought about coming up with a few excuses to miss church for month of September. But for some reason, I haven’t missed a Sunday. Stupid, huh? But I trust Pete. And that’s saying a lot, since he’s a pastor. But I trust him. I don’t put my trust in him, but he’s shown himself to be vulnerable and honest and a true friend to me, so I trust him to use wisdom and grace when talking about my issues from stage. Okay, so I realize he’s not actually talking about me from stage, but this series is one of those kind that make me feel like he is.

To be completely blunt, for the last two weeks his sermons have kicked me in the ass. The week before last Pete spoke about forgiveness. All week long, I felt the need to blog about my thoughts and feelings regarding his words. But I couldn’t. I was still very much trying to process what he said, and more importantly, how his words were supposed to change me. One of the things that he said went something like this: “Forgiveness is when you get to a place where you stop trying to get even.” Wow. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve believed that I had forgiven somebody, but then find myself doing something to “even” the score, proving only that I was nowhere close to having a heart of forgiveness. I sat in my pew and began to cry when he spoke to those of us who are in situations where we are the ones seeking forgiveness from somebody else. I wish I had the energy to explain how much that part of sermon affected me, but I just can’t right now. I will say this: sometimes forgiveness is so difficult to offer somebody who has hurt you, but sometimes it’s just as hard to accept.

Yesterday, Pete spoke about “trust.” Again, he spoke right to me. I have a problem with trusting people. A long time ago (at least it feels that way), I was one of those people who trusted everybody. To a fault. I was the gullible one who believed everything that came out of people’s mouths. Because I had no reason not to. Oh, what age and experience and reality can do to somebody’s ability to trust.

I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Once again, I’ve been reminded that I allow my past experiences with people who have hurt me to dictate how or to what extent I’m able to trust people now. And that kind of existence comes with a price. I know that. I’ve learned the consequences over and over again. Those consequences aren’t always seen by other people, but they are felt deeply in my heart and soul. Because of my lack of trust, sometimes I am paranoid, anxious, depressed, manipulative, and I could go on and on.

This morning I spent a few quiet moments reflecting on life. I sat in lotus position and breathed like Jane Fonda and quietly whispered to God the words and thoughts that came into my head. Some of these words were requests. Some of them were confessions. Some of them didn’t make much sense at all, at least to me.

And for the moment, I feel lighter and less consumed with “me.” In my own life, I feel like that’s what my lack of trust boils down to–selfishness. Don’t get me wrong; I believe I have every reason to fear trusting other people. Like so many of us, I’ve been hurt deeply by people and I have consumed myself with those hurts and have then hurt other people deeply because of them. Selfish, huh? When I allow those hurts to affect my ability to trust and love and live in the present, I am doing a disservice to the people around me. By living in fear and not in hope, I’m keeping my guard up and living life in protection of “me.” And I realize once again, that’s not living.

So I just want to say thank you to Pete for the gentle and gracious reminder. My heart beats a little freer this morning because of your words.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • MandieGirl says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this Matthew. I really needed to hear that. 🙂

  • Dani says:

    I am young (just turned 19 TODAY: 🙂 ) and I am like you were when you were younger..I believe pretty much what people tell me. I am the type of person that believes the good about everyone. If most of the time if that person has hurt me or lied to me before. My mom has always told me that I need to be careful with that. I guess I am just naive. I am sure with age and experience that will change. But I just wanted to share that with you.

    Something else about forgiveness. it is similar to what you said. Forgiveness is willing to live with the pain or loss that someone has caused you without making them pay for it. It’s like you said sometimes harder to realize how to do that then to actually do it.

    Thanks for sharing this Matthew.


  • Anonymous says:

    i know this feeling all too well..

  • Pete Wilson says:

    Thanks Matthew. I appreciate your kind words and friendship.

  • Sara says:

    I really appreciated you sharing this, Matthew. Sometimes I have those moments of realization and then I sit there and think, now what? I feel lighter and clearer and now what in the world do I do to hold onto that?

    That’s when I realized that life takes practice. (That should have been a given, I know, but some of us are slower than others…). So I’m going to pray for you to keep practicing in the things you want to work on in life. I’ll pray for you that you stay open to God’s work that He as for you to do.

    Because I have a feeling you have great things to come, MPT… and He’s getting you ready. The fact that you’re listening means you’re already a step ahead of the rest.

    I wish you many more days of peaceful feelings and many days of being challenged ahead…


  • @ALL: Thanks for commenting. I know this isn’t my usual blog, but “me” nonetheless.

  • shellie says:

    who is pete and where can i get one? ha.
    thank you for your blog and your honest and funny writing. it’s been a breath of fresh air for i’ve been battling with not really liking christians and church (whether it be contemporary or traditional). of course, i then feel tremendous guilt for this, being a christian myself. your blog is somehow helping me with all this….thanks!

  • gerbmom says:

    “Forgiveness is when you get to a place where you stop trying to get even.” Wow. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve believed that I had forgiven somebody, but then find myself doing something to “even” the score, proving only that I was nowhere close to having a heart of forgiveness.”

    I really needed to hear that. I’m not doing so well in this area…. and here I thought I’d forgiven someone. Apparently not. Thanks for sharing.

  • waswrittenin says:

    Wow… that’s an excellent post… and I totally hear you on the butt-kicking thing… I have been squirming in my pew a little (ok, a lot) too…

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks you for that post…