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God’s Not Dead-A new Christian movie starring The Newsboys

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Justin "The J Man" Holton says:

    I personally couldn’t disagree more! Can’t wait to see this film…and I really wish they’d release the film with Rebecca St. James (Suing Satan). I think the newsboys are rightly placed in this film. Need more films like this.

  • What is so irritating to me about this trailer is it’s kind of an fundamentalist fantasy. I’ve been to three different colleges, and taken multiple classes about religion and dozens more about others things, and not once has a professor EVER challenged a student’s beliefs. Most of the time they don’t care at all and it never comes up. (Or if it does, you are free to express your feelings and beliefs on the topic, but the professors keep it respectful and curb the conversation before flame-wars start.)

    “Who are you really looking to fail? Me, or God?” <– That's cheese out of a can if there ever was any.

    There was so much fear mongering when I was growing up that we would go through exactly what's in this movie, and I never have. It's like some Christians fantasize about a girlfriend making them choose between them and god, or some professor challenging them like this. I'm not saying it hasn't ever happened *somewhere*, but movies like this come off to me like they are just stroking their own ego. Self-congratulatory.

    I hope I'm wrong about it. (Three paragraphs later … I guess I have feelings about this. Hm.)

    Also, Newsboys? That's adorbs.

  • I loved it. Better than “Cats.”

  • Ron Cole says:

    isn’t this based on some obscure “share this story” that was going around the internet and e-mails a few years ago. Thank you christians for your originality…what a reflection of God. Doesn’t just the idea that you have to defend God…really say something. I believe in something profoundly eternal that surrounds everything, that all life is suspended in. I have never felt the need to defend “it.”

  • mkmangold says:

    Follow the money.
    The face-to-face confrontation in university classrooms does seem contrived. However, there is a tendency amongst public universities in this country to limit the careers of openly Christian professors (it just occurred to me how ironic it is that some Christian professors may be hesitant to come out of their prayer closets).
    Kevin Sorbo looks a lot better here than in “Meet the Spartans.” Clean living does have it’s advantages.

    • Eric Boersma says:

      “However, there is a tendency amongst public universities in this country to limit the careers of openly Christian professors”

      Can you provide statistical evidence of this assertion?

    • Friendgill says:

      Out of their “prayer closets?” I just threw up in my mouth!

  • Dan says:

    How disappointing. I was hoping for something closer to “Newsboys meet the Phantom of the Park.” The only chance this works is if it ends in an epic battle between the kid (with help from the Newsboys of course) and the “agents of the devil” Superman and Hercules (spinning drum riser to the head!).

  • Jim says:

    Did that guy say his name was Joss Whedon? When do Buffy or the Avengers or the Agents of SHIELD show up?

  • Several people I know worked on this movie, they filmed a lot of it at the church I use to attend.

  • Friendgill says:

    Nice. Another caricature of universities as places of godless professors who want to steal the souls of young Christians. What nonsense.

  • Friendgill says:

    Fundies will eat this up, like cotton candy…or…circus peanuts, you know, those orange, peanut shaped marshmallows…ick!

  • charlieschurch says:

    I think we already knew the ending, but then they basically showed the ending as the professor was about to burst into tears. Saves us all time, I suppose.

  • StephanieLynn75 says:

    Was there a preview here? If so, it’s gone. Was this the story about the professor and the Christian student who supposedly proved God’s existence with a piece of chalk? I remember when that story made the rounds online, and Christians were practically calling it a modern day miracle. The problem is, it never happened. It’s amazing what can be learned when one just investigates a little bit.