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Evil showed up on my Facebook feed today (and I am pissed off)

I’m angry. I haven’t been this pissed off in a long time. 

I’m angry and pissed off because I saw something today that I never imagined I would ever see in my lifetime.

I’ve seen some pretty ugly things. I’m certainly not naive. Can any of us claim to be naive today? I mean, the Internet seems to make innocence rather impossible, at least, to some degree.

By far the most unbelievable and awful thing I have ever seen online was in 2002. A friend sent me the link to a video that displayed in full color the assassination of Daniel Pearl. I had never seen anything so ugly, so evil, so overwhelming in all of my life. But I clicked the link. I didn’t have to. But I did. And I wished I hadn’t.

But today I didn’t click any link. I wasn’t on any strange or controversial website. I was on Facebook. I’d just left a comment on a friend’s photo and shared my wife’s blog post when I pushed refresh on my feed and there it was.

Child pornography. And to be honest, it was a kind of child pornography that I’m not sure I truly knew existed. At first, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing…

(**I’m getting ready to describe the photo-and it’s graphic-so if you do not want to read a description of the photo, please stop reading this post now.**)

It looked like a Facebook meme. It contained three pictures. Words were printed in Spanish beneath the pictures.

The largest of the three photos was of a grown naked male inserting his p e n i s into a baby. A baby!! A baby that appeared to be no more than 14-18 months old.

What the hell?

I pushed “report photo” as quickly as I could. I blocked the “friend” whose Facebook account it showed up on. It might have been (I’m sure it was) spam. But I wasn’t even certain the person was a friend. His name was in Spanish. I do have a few Spanish friends on Facebook, but most of them I know or recognize.

After reporting the photo and blocking it from my feed, I sat at my desk shaking. I’m still shaking.

I’ve reported the photo to three or four different links that Facebook provided. I haven’t heard back from anybody yet.

But you guys. I’m so sad. I’m just so sad. I can’t stop thinking about that baby girl. I can’t stop tearing up for her. I can’t stop feeling complete and utter hatred for the faceless man who was raping her.

I knew this kind of evil existed. But the weight of it hid behind words and phrases that we say and hear but perhaps become numb to. I’d never seen child pornography. I never imagined it being as it was… as it is.

I’m angry. And sad. And still shaking as I write this. But I’m at a loss for what to do.

I can’t un-see that image. And I can’t undo what’s been done to that little baby girl.

I feel helpless. But I must do something. We must do something.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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