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Will Jesus prevent Romney from winning election?

By October 24, 2012Blog

Jesus might be this election’s Ross Perot. The folks at hope so. And lots of people seem to be jumping on the bandwagon. The Jesus-political site says they’ve received nearly 1.4 million pledges from Christians who say they will write in the name above all names at the bottom of the presidential election ballot.

According to the website…

It is time for Christians, true followers of Jesus Christ, to rise up and say NO to satan this November! As I prophetically shared last November, if God allowed the upcoming election for President to be between President Obama and Mitt Romney, it would truly be satan flipping a two-headed coin with his head on both sides!

President Obama has proven by his words and deeds to be a true enemy of God as detailed in James 4:4. He has been the most pro-death President in history, supporting the legalized slaughter of innocent babies here and around the world, he is a staunch advocate of the radical homosexual agenda, and he has been a great friend to the enemies of Israel. On every major spiritual issue of the day, President Obama has proven to be an enemy of God and a true tool of satan!

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is a 5th generation member and a priest in the satanically inspired Mormon cult. He and others in his cult LIE when they claim to be Christians, since Mormon doctrine is 100% inconsistent with Biblical Christianity and a Mormon is no more a Christian than a Muslim is. He deceives people by saying he believes in “God” and “Jesus” is his savior, when the “god” of Romney’s cult is NOT the God of the Bible, and their “jesus” is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. Romney and those in his cult believe the Bible to be a flawed and incomplete book and look at Biblical Christians as inferior and non-believers for rejecting the beliefs of their cult.

If President Obama is re-elected, his anti-American, socialist policies will continue, as will his attacks on Christianity and Christian churches. He will continue to support abortion, homosexuality, the enemies of Israel. How can a true follower of Christ vote in good conscience for a man who has proven to be a true enemy of God and His Word and will continue to be so in his next term?

We can do that this November, taking a real stand for God and His Truth by writing in the name of JESUS for President. I assure you that if 1 million, 2 million, 10 million Christians make this symbolic statement for our faith, we will no longer be ignored. We have a chance to make a statement for our faith that the world will not be able to ignore! I am tired of satan having his way. It is time to lead our nation back to God and Biblical Truth, while leading the lost and hurting to faith in Jesus Christ!


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Matt says:

    I’m voting for Mitt but this is silly. Waste of a vote. Vote for who you want to win the election, even if its a PERSON who you would like to be president and not the democrat or republican nominee

  • This is an insult to true Christian Anarchists everywhere.

  • Jim Sanders says:

    But, will Jesus submit his long-form birth certificate?

  • Bill Archinal says:

    You might be oversaved if……

  • Just to be clear, in case anyone cared, “Jesus Is My Candidate” is a completely different concept than this. It’s ludicrous to define yourself according to something you do once every four years. Theologian Stanley Hauerwas calls presidential elections our equivalent of the Roman Circus. Instead we should vote for Jesus every day with how we represent Him to the world. If Christians really did vote for Jesus, then Caesar’s elections wouldn’t matter all that much. The problem is that Christianity has been hijacked and replaced by something called suburbianity. In any case, you should celebrate Election Day Communion after you vote in Caesar’s election in order to remember who you belong to:

  • Peter says:

    So, in all seriousness, what would happen if Jesus won the popular vote? I’d imagine that the electoral college would feel obligated to follow suit and vote to elect him. Does the planning for the inauguration go on as usual with the expectation that he’ll arrive in the flesh for the ceremony? Who would he appoint to his cabinet?

    • Vorjack says:

      I suspect that the votes would have to be thrown away, just like the votes for Mickey Mouse and so forth. I’m sure that there are some legal reasons why a person who hasn’t registered as a candidate and is not a citizen of America could not be considered a candidate.

      • Lisa says:

        The legalities would prevail vs. the “principle of the matter” as much as I appreciate the sentimentalilty and tiresome feeling of being the minority for daring to believe in our country was founded on principles of freedom from relgious tyranny. People – you see that believers are the minority in the workplace etc but groups like the Mormons are NOT the only ones deserving of bad press. There are other scourges to the Bible in the name of non-denominational evangelical groups causing much much harm too. The bad press of things such as Wacco etc tie the hands of those trying to free the captives and become a media blitz or feeding frenzy. Fundamentalism is no fun! I have bore the brunt of it personally and was left to die physcailly or at least the death of my credibility – all in the name of saving a group’s misdeeds from bad press- all in the name of submission. The church was to have more authority in my life than the law. I praise God daily that I am free from this twisting of the scriptures with my limbs and marbles intact.
        Even when the popular vote was counted up to be a different result than the electoral college…we all see what happened there only few years ago, right? As one of the few peope who actually admit to having voted for Ross Perot personally, very young and idealistic… I still am at heart but I have been jaded too. We can’t simply say whatever puppet we put as the figure head is truly in charge. The lobbyists, big Pharma, the medical care crisis are not being addressed at their core but via rhetoric – all the while the proverbial saying of the rich getting richer and the poor becoming poorer becoming more and more of a reality.

        The main reason I went against the grain back then was the NAFTA issue. The begining of the end in of our prosperity. Growing up in middle class neighboorhood with many teamster types (inlcuding my own Dad) That agenda packaged as creating more opps for business smelled of giving our jobs and resources away..bad bad idea. We all have seen the damaging impact that agreement began. It grew from the so called least desirables maintaining employment to what it is today…our own children coming out of universities now are less likely to find emloyment then ever. Even the “professional” vs. “blue colar” jobs are farmed out. An English only speaking, albeit educated person has less marketablity than ever and the univesities love the out of state (or country) students vs. our own kids being selected. But who? Who are having the most amount of children in our nation.? The Muslims and the Mormons. The melting pot of America should not be cut short and i am in no way promoting such; nor a racist at heart.

        But friends, do not let the Mormon’s fool you. They are one of the most racist groups one could encounter. They only began letting blacks in their fold the late 70s. Their “word’ or Bible is changed constanly depending on the political correctness coming into play or a desire to increase their rolls. Their Bible is missing entire books of the old testament and the Book of Mormon is nothing short of what is warned against the last page of Revelations.

        I am saddend at even those in my own circle who had pumped up over other independent candidates planning to vote Romney in as the “good Christian” thing to do in the face of the socialist agenda Omama promotes. People have been saying the end is near time and time again running around like chicken little of fairytale lore. Yet the good Lord has seen fit to do things in His own time. Need I remind folks of the 1999 fear frenzy.

        People literally were stockpiling supplies and water. We can’t go Chiken Little on this and run around saying the sky is falling; becoming prey to the agenda which is mostly fear and hot bottons being pushed. The war on terror? What about the terror within our own borders via wack job groups and cults that are more accepted than ever in the name of religous freedom?

        There is a huge lack of education as to what the Mormon movement really teaches or believes in. The same chest pounding Christians who cry out against Obama’s support of gays or abortion choices have no freaking clue…none whatsoever. That group they claim to hate with a ‘Biblical’ right to do so…the Muslims – have a near identical theology to Mormonism. The virgins when you die? They literally believe they get their own personal heaven or planet?

        A great book on their group was written many years ago by a real journalist. Long long before Romney even came into presidential view. “Under the Banner of Heaven” – author, Jon K. was the same author who wrote on the Mt Everest climb, etc. It was a prize winning piece that should be back on the top seller list given the political winds that are blowing today. The book details many of the dirty deals the Mormon’s have been involved in both in ancient history (Trail of Tears, occultic divination at the cult’s inception) to murder cases unsolved in the 80s..due to the facts bearing out the abusive men involved had connections with the local law enforcement in areas dominated by their group.

        The media in more recent years has been “main-streaming” the Mormons in features such as HBO vinette into plural wives like “Big Love” and Opera’s expose on the family with the husband facing possible charges for coming out; resulting in the offshoot series “Sister Wives” I watched some with a desire to chuck something at the TV. These little girls are brainwashed from the time they are born! I viewed the girls playing Barbie Townhome with three Barbies to one Ken in absolute horror.

        Religous freedom is a value – it is one worth upholding; and certainly what our forefathers intened in founding our nation. But the rescue groups dedicated to saving these young women being forced into marriage or relations with men usually old enough to be their fathers and stories of harsh removal of young men from their fold to ward off competition are not told loudly nor often enough. The resulting “places” these young people wind up in the name of survival are not few and far between. I am personally aware of some who were Mormon at birth going onto to put their religious bringing in prospective and becoming salt of the earth; non biased folks – some of whom would give you the shirt of their back if you needed one worse than they did.

        Yet it saddens me to my core to see how the activies still going on TODAY not a hundred years ago – are termed “fringe fundamentalist sect’s and not a real and ever present danger to the safety and liberty of those who may not be able to speak for themselves on our very own soil! Save the rain forrest, save those on foreign soil – but hell is for children? Right here in the good ol USA?

        My experiences with this group have been mostly via a relative’s relation to a family of them. They are the most underhanded coniving liars I’ve have had the displeasure of praying for – from a far very very far. They lie to protect their own. They give jobs based on a hand shake and a smile to felons if their ward or family tree affirms looking the other way. A colleague of mine had a grandparent’s rural homestead stolen in the face of young men arriving to help with yard work or few home cooked meals being “gifts or welcome need for social interaction. In old age and fraility; the beloved grandparent was tricked into signing a new will to leave it all to the LDS Church and despite the decedent’s grandchild being an attorney – they lost to the LDS Church. You call that family values? To take a good man’s intended passage of inhertiance to his own blood to a group of relative strangers who’d been in his life for only a few short months?

        Many, many well meaning and uneducated folks are in their fold. But I have noticed a huge difference between east coast and west coast awareness of their doctrine and a real “sheeple” mentality on both coasts. Their stonghold states are Utah and much of Idaho but the doctrine is not as readily accepted in the proverbial Bible belt. Sure, Romney may protect our right to bear arms a bit longer but he is going to have other very price tags..particuarly with how we are viewed by those who do not know Christ. If they become the “norm” for what Chrisianity means or freedom to worship as our forefathers intended it is a scary scary day indeed. I do not respect Omama saying he was at Rev Wright’s “anti cracker” church for twenty years and did not inhale the hate. Yet the birth certificate accusations have gotten really stale in my view. Likewise, I do not respect Romney trying to make his ties to Mormonism somehow a blind stamp of approval to equate to his being at ‘better Christian’ than Omama. His corruption with the banking and mortgage industry is well documented. Remember friends the only mediator between God and humankind is Jesus. Not Fox News, not the Colbert show, the major networks or the fringe new ssources. Pandamonium and knee jerk reactions are what both sides of the aisle are appealing to! A truly well rounded person would follow stories of interest from two or three sources maybe even the BBC to see how we are viewed by other nations.

        Vote your conscience with the good spirit of discernment that is afforded to all believers. But also do not think that we have a right to judge anyone else’s relationship with the Lord – it is clear theme throughout scripture that He and He alone is the judge.

  • Leslie says:

    Honestly? I thought “Satan” was a proper noun. Clearly, I would only hold this bunch back.

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