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Vote for Romney or go to Hell?

By September 24, 2012Blog


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Abby Normal says:

    Can someone tell me how this ‘church’ gets away with being tax-exempt?

  • Joyce says:

    I’d like to know what “I hereby repent of my sins and receive Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior FROM HELL” is supposed to mean. lol

  • […] Matthew Paul Turner posts a picture that states the consequences of our vote in the upcoming electio…. Nothing screams salvation like voting for a Mormon. […]

  • Amelia says:

    Oh my god you’re kidding me.

  • Krissy says:

    What is this from? Is it real, or a joke?

  • This is so supremely bad that I am calling it into question It must be a parody. Or something done by Soros or Michael Moore or some guy who wants to paint a group of people as ridiculously as possible.

  • By the way, your headline mentions voting for Romney, but this tract, if it’s real, doesn’t say anything about Romney or, for that matter, voting. I could see a context where the writer was saying something along the lines of “place all your trust in Jesus, not in any leader or in your government.” If that’s the case, it could very well have been written 3 years ago and not had anything to do with any election.

    • Exactly. I actually have no theological qualms with the message of the tract. I hope Christians take this stance regardless of who is in office…

      • Sundown says:

        Eric Michael,
        Given that the message of this tract has a strong subtext of “voting for Obama in the Presidential Election is just the same as rejecting Jesus”, are you still so sure that you’re ok with it?

      • Leanne says:

        There are people who have no problem with this tract? Really?If this is a real tract, it is making a huge assumption that one who votes for Obama is trusting Obama in the same manner one would trust Christ for salvation. Does this apply to voting for Romney? It doesn’t assume that people voting for Romney are trusting Romney to save them in the same manner as Christ has saved humanity. The reasoning of this tract is absurd. As thinking human beings, we should find problems with this tract.
        And the fact it doesn’t mention Romney—since we are mainly a two party system–the jump to this tract being pro Romney, though it could be faulty, is not a big leap. If they were not supporting the republican ticket they should have added “voting for Romney and Obama is equal to rejecting Christ.”

        • Whoa. Let’s tap the brakes. I didn’t say I have no problem with the tract. I’ve maintained all along that we are to respect our sitting president (that goes for the current president as well as the one before him). I said I felt Matthew was making a leap with his headline, which contained an implication about voting in this year’s election. The tract may very not have been about any election, not telling anyone who to vote for.

          • I see nothing that explicitly states that simply voting for Obama (which I did) means putting faith in him, though I suppose it could be implied in the phrase about voting for yourself…
            Personally, I see the good ol’ US of A as a kind of babylon that is totally f’ed up. It doesn’t matter who is president next year. Only good people doing good regardless of economic return can accomplish anything. That’s what I thought Jesus was talking about.

            So I’m fine with the overall statement. I’m sure I don’t believe in hell like the tract author, would never hand one out, and be offended to receive one, but I don’t trust or put faith in my rulers. Obama let me down plenty.

          • Someguy says:

            It’s projection. During Bush II’s reign, many of his fundamentalist supporters would go on about how God put Bush in office for a reason, he was there to fight Islam, holy crusades, etc.
            It’s similar to how they can’t handle the idea of atheism. They worship a deity. There is no other way to be for them, so the concept of “no gods” doesn’t compute, so the default is usually “if they don’t worship god, they must worship the devil.”

            Hence, they saw Bush or other GOP candidates as avatars of their god (pause for laughter) and somehow assume that it must be the same for everyone else.

        • Whoa. Let’s tap the brakes. I didn’t say I have no problem with the tract. I’ve maintained all along that we are to respect our sitting president (that goes for the current president as well as the one before him). I said I felt Matthew was making a leap with his headline, which contained an implication that the tract was about voting in this year’s election. The tract may very not have been about any election, not telling anyone who to vote for.

  • DYMongoose says:

    Tract ministries are defunct as of the advent of the internet. IFBCs need to realize this.
    I don’t even have a single nice thing to say about this, so I guess I’ll keep my mouth shut. Wow.

  • DaveSchell says:

    I don’t think that’s quite what it means… I think it’s suggesting that you shouldn’t rely upon Barack Obama to provide for your “greatest needs,” whatever those are… I can’t tell from the back of the tract.
    The options *are* rather strangely tied together, though. What if someone (an atheistic republican, for example wants to reject Jesus Christ AND Barack Obama as their personal Lord and Savior?

    • Kevin says:

      I can’t seem to construct a scenario where the text here would resemble anything close to appropriate, even with a theologically-correct introduction, but maybe that’s just me.

  • Wow. That is awful! I would believe it’s real, created by some teeny fundamentalist church somewhere. Though there aren’t any typos in it, as I would expect. (Unless you count the implication that Jesus is from hell.)
    There is a sign I pass on the way home that just popped up the other day. In typical fashion, there is a sign on a tree by the side of the interstate saying “HELL IS HOT.” Below it, someone has propped up a sign against the tree that says “ICE CREAM IS NOT.”

  • Emily says:

    Yet another thing that wouldn’t happen to a white president. I’m so sick of this thinly veiled racism. Let’s quit splitting hairs about whether or not this is technically “theologically correct.” I can’t think of any other president they would do this to.

    • Joe says:

      Good grief, Emily. You must see racism in everything. I once knew a pastor who had a similar view, except he saw satan in everything – at the supermarket, under a rock – yep there he is.

  • It seems true that the message can be interpreted in something other than a politically partisan manner. That said, this strikes as just about as far as a church could possibly go without triggering problems with being tax exempt due to partisan activities. Were I to be a church desiring to drum up support for Romney without crossing the legal line in an obvious manner, this is about what I’d do.
    So one’s interpretation of this probably all comes down to one’s starting position on both the Presidential race and religion.

  • Traveler says:

    Is this real? If so, I am really happy for the expanse of water between the USA and my native shores.

  • Kevin says:

    Wowzer. That’s a whole lotta really dangerous and ridiculous assumptions being made right there.

  • A.P. says:

    Let’s hear it for veiled racism, bigotry, stupidity, fear-mongering, Republichristianity, and did i already mention stupidity?

  • Lame no matter who it was about.

  • Grant says:

    Hell doesn’t sound so bad – at least there’d be one less **** like there.

  • […] You Vote Jesus or Barack Obama Into Your HeartSeptember 25, 2012 By James F. McGrath Leave a CommentMatthew Paul Turner shared this bizarre piece of religio-political propaganda:I wonder why this fundamentalist […]

  • Mary says:

    It reminds me of an article from the last election….it was called “you can not be a Christian and vote for Obama”

  • TF says:

    Who ever made this pic is lost and ignorant. Only the stubbornly ignorant would block out the daily lies that the republican leadership has been caught in, the voter rigging they are attempting, the greed that is behind EVERY decision, law or statement they make. Is ANY of that what Jesus would support? Only willful ignorance would support destroying the health care system that the elderly, young and disabled need just to support the puppet for the rich.
    Mitt Romney is a modern day Pharisees and if you think he is better than President Obama then you have closed your heart to God in a blind race to destruction of this country. If you disagree with President Obama on gay marriage; okay. I can understand that. If you have issues with his stance on abortion, even though Mitt Romney recently agreed with the same “legal, safe and rare” stance that President Obama takes too; then I kinda get that too.

    So, it really comes down to this… will you condemn all those elderly, children and disabled people to no healthcare, and higher taxes and supporting the goals of the greedy and rich just to restrain the gays a little? I am a Christian. I am a democrat, and if you are that blind to your push to restrain the gays at the expense of the disabled, young and old.. then you are not good at making moral decisions.

  • […] Reshared post from +Zaine Ridling god-believers are batshit crazyVote Romney or go to hell #atheism […]

  • Someguy says:

    That pamphlet discriminates against those who want to accept Romney as their Lord and Savior! What? Accept Jesus? Pffft. Jesus is dirt poor, which means he’s being punished by God. Romney’s got loads of cash that God helps him hide from the parasites who’d sap him of his holy money power. May Romney forgive the writer of this blasphemy.
    I hope all here will someday be washed in the Perrier of the lily-white lamb.

  • Being a Christian was getting old anyway! Now I worship Obama!
    Barack of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee…