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Does Pat Robertson condone or not condone wife beating?

By September 11, 2012Blog

Why don’t they force Pat to retire? His “advice” to people seems to be getting crazier (if that’s possible). I mean, the man can hardly put his “crazy” into complete sentences. It’s really sad. At some point, CBN needs to take some responsibility for Pat’s actions.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Omg! Not only were his beating/Saudi Arabia/etc comments totally out of line, but if those are random questions from viewers, he probably doesn’t know her and yet he assumes so much about her, her childhood and more.
    Somebody stop him!

  • You mean, *Pat Robertson* needs to take responsibility for *Pat Robertson’s* actions. Or perhaps people should stop donating to CBN to get the point across.

  • Dan says:

    I was waiting for him to suggest that perhaps the wife was one of those foreign adoptions…how desperate are these women for the work that they continue to sit there and laugh uncomfortably while he makes these comments?

  • HOBO says:

    He doesn’t have to go to Saudi Arabia. He could have just advised the guy to join the Mars Hill (American Taliban) Cult, so Mark Driscoll could mentor him on how to force his wife into submission. All the Mars Hill Cult boys are taught this practice. They don’t believe in Gender Equality there. Driscoll is just as perverted as Pat Robertson.

  • Sarah says:

    Spare the rod and spoil your marriage.

  • martha says:

    He is so mysogynistic it makes my blood boil!!!! Why did TBN allow that to air?

  • Kevin says:

    His co-host is a trooper.

  • Carole says:

    Please CBN, tell me that was his last show,

  • Catherine says:

    What’s really sad here is that not only is the man writing in probably going to now use physical violence against his wife, but Robertson’s statements are very likely going to feel like a ‘license to beat’ to other men who hear this statement. It bothers me that this guy is supposed to represent a more traditional view of Christianity. No wonder so many non-believers think we’re nuts!

  • You weren’t kidding when you said that his comments were getting “crazier”, this one is up there.

  • Leanne says:

    It is sad and scary that the rhetoric in the Christian circles which have such wide influence and power is becoming so very anti-woman.

  • Eagle says:

    As bad as that is…I think there is something much worse. Pat Robertson is on the wane and most people are used to his idiotic commnets. As screwed up and as sick as they are…
    However, John Piper actually teaches that women should endure physcial abuse in a marriage. Now I know many people who look up to John Piper and take his teachigns way too seriously. I felt sick when I say the Desiring God video where he says a woman should endure physical abuse for a night. Much of Christendom was silent on Piper. That needs to change also.

    • EllieC says:

      Just FYI, much of Christendom doesn’t know who John Piper is. I had never heard of him until I read about him on this blog.

      • Leanne says:

        While Piper is not as well known as Robertson, his influence is felt through many of today’s neo Calvinists like Mark Driscoll.I know of some theological professors who confront some of Piper’s teachings but that is mainly on the Calvinist-Arminian debate. They are known in the academic world but not amongst the populace.

        • EllieC says:

          I wouldn’t have heard of Mark Driscoll if I hadn’t read about him on Slacktivist …at least I think that’s where I read about him first. Traditional Christians (RCs, Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans, etc.) are fairly unaware of men such as these two. They don’t normally enter our part of the church world. Sometimes, I am quite taken aback at what I read and wish to discuss it with family and friends, and find that before we discuss, I have to explain.

      • Eagle says:

        Years ago when I was in Campus Crusade…John Piper was pushed….that’s how I was once into him. Others because of him got into Mark Driscoll. I don’t know if you heard of Mark Driscoll’s recent take on Esther in which he basically called her a Jewish whore. But for Matthew Paul Turner or Rachel Evans to talk so much about Mark Driscoll but ignore John Piper’s teachings stuns me. In addition to telling women that they should endure physical abuse in a marriage for a night, he also has clarified bathroom etiquitte telling women that they do not need their husbands permission when it comes ot using the restroom. John Piper is just as bad as Mark Driscoll.
        Here’s another one…John Piper has embraced Doug Wilson and says that he “has the gospel right” Doug Wilson is largely a neo-confederate who beleives that slavery in the American south was Biblical and that it was good for the African-American race.

        You should check out some of the discussions on The Wartburg Watch. We discuss a lot of this stuff there….

        • Abby Normal says:

          I seem to remember Matt (Rachel too) posting some stuff about Piper before.
          I’m with EllieC, though–I’m an Episcopalian and neither of those guys (Piper and Driscoll) rate a mention at my church. I had never heard of either of them until I started reading blogs like this one.

          It sucks that they have so much influence over such a good-sized subset of Christians, but I suspect that there’s an even bigger fraction (Anglicans, Catholics, etc.) that really could care less.

        • Leanne says:

          While I agree Piper needs to be held to task as well, I think the issue is the dog with the loudest bark gets all the attention.Robertson and Driscoll seem to be the voices for some of these awful doctrines and therefore have more influence.
          And yes, most of the mainline denominations do not hear of these guys, but their influence is being felt in the US church.
          Would it be best met with ignoring them? But their books and web blogs and television says they are not being ignored. Not sure what the answer is.

  • Joe says:

    Folks, please lighten up! Pat Robertson said that as a joke. It’s not to be taken seriously.

    • EllieC says:

      I take statements about domestic violence seriously. There’s nothing funny about the man who is supposed to love and cherish you, beating the crap out of you to make you respect him. Pat Robert$on has a violent bent, whether it’s suggesting assassinations, wife beatings, or dropping nuclear bombs on Washington, and he says it all with that nasty smirk.

    • Leanne says:

      Joe,I hope your comment is sarcastic. Being ok with a joke about domestic violence is just as offensive as the one who jokes about domestic violence.
      Not to mention his words after the “joke”..something has to be done about her. In context coming after the joke, it almost sounds like he wishes violence against a disobedient woman was allowable. Something has to be done about her.
      He doesn’t know anything about their situation. Robertson has no idea what is happening in that home. He is making a rash statement about a situation he knows nothing about. To top it off, he begins with domestic violence–joke or not–Robertson has proven once again he is irresponsible in offering advice. This is not godly wisdom. This is a poison which Christians need to be outraged with.

      • Melody says:

        It’s hard to say. If this is the same Joe with whom I’ve interacted, then this is the one who likes to piss people off. He once made an outrageous statement just to get a reaction out of me, since I was already high strung about a touchy subject. Whether he means it or not, he’s just another obnoxious asshole who likes to pick fights. He doesn’t care who he offends, just as long as he gets a hostile reaction.

    • Abby Normal says:

      Ugh, seriously? Jokes about wife-beating haven’t been funny since they were coming out of Ralph Cramden’s mouth.

    • Pam says:

      Oh please. He goes on about how she needs to be taught a lesson, he also seems disappointed that beating your wife is now looked upon as unacceptable. The way he says – with a sigh – ‘I don’t think we condone wife-beating these days’ suggests he’s wistful for those days when a man could batter his wife and nobody batted an eyelid.All of his rhetoric, he has to ‘stand up to her’, can’t let her ‘get away with’ it, it’s all abuser language.

  • Temperance says:

    So he hears one man’s side in a short paragraph and he’s already got this woman’s entire childhood and character figured out…Amazing!

  • Tom says:

    I’m no Robertson fan, but I think it’s clear he was kidding about the beating.

    • Leanne says:

      I disagree, as I stated above. He “jokes” about it which is horrendous in itself. And then says “something has to be done about her.” And sounds wistful for the days when men could keep their women in line. His joke is incriminating and so are his comments after his joke.