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Do you swallow? Church sign of the day…

By September 11, 2012Blog

Found at Christian Nightmares…

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • WIll Adair says:

    I’m not sure which is worse the message or that it appears to be real.

  • Shannon Becker says:

    I think this was something like what Jim Jones said to his followers at Jonestown 🙁

  • Brad says:

    Ugh. Should we send the pastor a link to Urban Dictionary?

  • Rebecca says:

    proof that naivety is dangerous. wow.

  • Brad says:

    Even if you avoid the obvious innuendo in this message the end result is a very overworked “emaciated” pastor and a very lazy and “fat” congregation. Church was not intended to just feed for no purpose, but to feed in order that we ALL become servants of Christ. Servants by their nature serve, not just eat!
    I really hope this isn’t a true sign. I know if I saw it on my church I wouldn’t be very happy!

    • Steven Howatt says:

      I agree with this assessment, though I do not think the innuendo is all that obvious without stretching (“swallowing” is a normal response to “feeding”, which is what the message says and is about. Do people always think something sexual whenever they hear the word “swallow”? Is our society that sexualized???)
      The real problem for me with the sign is the idea of differences between “pastors” and “members”. Pastors are members, for one thing, and members should all be able to “feed” others, for another. Each is equipped to “feed” in their own manner and area of expertise. Too many denominations are weak because they put the well-being of the group all on the shoulders of the Pastor, instead of relying on the active participation of ALL.

  • Tell me this is fake. Please? Really.

  • Jenny says:

    Then “said” congregation pukes all over “said” pastor…..
    I bet this church is a tiny little thing that has a bunch of old people and hasn’t grown in say…..20 years.

  • Chris Echols says:

    Pastor Peake is standing center in the third image down on this page.

  • J says:

    For this pastor to make such a claim, I hope he is certainly righteous himself, perfect as our Holy Father is… If he thinks he is going to lead a congregation to heaven for that reason let him be spotless, otherwise he will pay for the sins of the flock he misled. A truly righteous man does not take credit or pride in himself, but walks humbly with the Lord, allowing our MIGHTY GOD to lead him. Matter of fact, as I was listening to a sermon on Exodus last week, the revelation that “A righteous man doesn’t count himself righteous” came to me. Seems about right since a righteous person lets God make any and all judgements even regarding himself- not trusting his own flesh (mind and body). to make those calls. Secondly we’re supposed to follow JESUS- HE IS †HE WAY!!! a pastor is there to support a congregation, to make sure we are not misled, to teach the Bible and encourage us to go that Word ourselves- not to save, or feed, those are God and Jesus’ appointments alone, and only the Father and Son are capable of such. The pastor is supposed to plant the Word, ONLY JEHOVAH can make it grow, and it was given freely (saving grace and the Holy Spirit by which we come to believe) to us by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus the son, The word is something we can read at home, the Holy Spirit is given freely to those who choose to submit to God’s will, accept the kingdom like a child, and follow JESUS (to do so we need to read the WORD John 6:56 as Jesus is literally the WORD THAT BECAME FLESH.) Jesus died so we don’t have to rely on priests or so called holy men because we (and they) all fall short. Sounds like this preacher wants to be bigger than he is, is trying to operate in his own flesh because no one waters the seed BUT GOD ALONE, he should humbly and graciously accept this appointment with double the fear and trembling in his own walk. Jesus leads Mr. Peake- you just point hold the one way and take care to look after stragglers! No one is greater than the Master- it is He (and HIS EXAMPLE) that we follow. Being a pastor is a huge responsibility because taking on such an appointment calls for great discernment and discipline, and far more humility, all things that require that much more denial of the flesh. Lord have mercy on us for thinking we can know or do anything on our own strength or ability.