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The Tebow Post (back by popular demand!)

By March 26, 2010Blog

Loud, proud, Bible-verse-wearing Christian (oh, and college football star) Tim Tebow was taking the Wonderlic Test (<-Wikipedia's definition of "Wonderlic Test") with a group of players. Right before his group began the 12-minute test, he asked the person who was administering the exam if everyone could bow their heads and pray together prior to beginning. (<-I wonder if he raised his hand.) The one problem is (<-actually, there are several problems, but the obvious one is...) Tim hadn't asked the other NFL hopefuls if they minded him leading them in prayer. His request was met with one player loudly exclaiming, “Shut the f*ck up!” (<-Unnecessary. A polite decline would have sufficed.) And then the roomful of NFL hopefuls broke out into laughter. (<-Yay Jesus.) Why couldn’t Tim have prayed by himself? Did he pose the question thinking it would be a good way to “stand up for Jesus”? If so, it sort of backfired. Yes, the player who shouted “shut the f*ck up” was disrespectful and his response was uncalled for. But minus the cuss word, he sort of makes a good point. What he said wasn’t any more disrespectful or uncalled for than Tim’s assuming request for group prayer. We get it, Tim. You want to be an influence on behalf of Jesus. Then play good football. And then you can do what other Christian football players do: Give glory and praise to Jesus for helping you “do all things through Christ” and winning the big game. (<-Just resist the urge to praise and glorify Jesus on behalf of everybody. Cuz not everybody believes that Jesus plays football. Or even likes it.) I found this story here.


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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