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Canadian Pastor Asks: ‘Why are AmeriChristians So Angry about Public Healthcare?’

By March 22, 2010Blog

As soon as I read this blog post, I emailed Dave Carrol, a blogger, pastor, and friend, about using it at Jesus Needs New PR. I think it offers great commentary about perspective. 

To get to know Dave, click here… 

So I was chatting with my American friend about Barack Obama’s health care reforms:

Dave: OK… I’m a hoser… I get it… but what in the world are people so afraid of with the health care thing. I find it stunning that it’s a Christian (or anyone) uprising.

American: Communism bro!!! They think it’s communism…

Dave: It’s a stunning mindset to me. Of course I’ve never been in it.

American: I know man. It’s fear.

Dave: I had to pay my first ever bill for 45$ for an ambulance ride up north this past summer. That’s the extent of my out of pocket bills in my life.

American: Wow. Amazing.

In 2004… in a very widespread national campaign, the father of public health care in Canada Tommy Douglas was voted as the Greatest Ever Canadian. Tommy was from the far left of the political spectrum. But what happened during the summer of 1962 in Saskatchewan via the visionary forging of this former Baptist Minister changed our nation’s destiny.

By 1966… men from 3 extremely diverse political schools of thought and interest (including 2 Prime Ministers… Diefenbaker and Pearson) worked hard to make it national; because it would help people.

Even today, 50 years later, there is NOT an argument in Canada whether or not there SHOULD be public health care for all. There is a minor debate whether there should be SOME private clinics… but the God card is not played by Christians. I’d say, “good for us” but I can’t for the life of me think of a reason why it ever would be!

The Canadian system is not perfect and too many complain. But that’s just a human thing. We whine as the slightest bit of discomfort. But when a Canadian catches another Canadian whining about wait times… you’ll often hear the Canadian compadre say something like, “Hey, at least we have public heath care. We should be thankful. At least we’re not in America”. Knowing nods are exchanged, we see our doctor… and we get to stay in our homes. Hopefully the “at least we’re not in America” changes now.

I’m truly thankful for what we have in Canada. And personally… I’m happy for The United States of America today. Good work Mr. Obama. Hopefully more people with be allowed to be healthy because of it.


And visit Dave’s blog.
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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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