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thank you, dr. dobson…

By March 1, 2010Blog

James Dobson retired from Focus on the Family on Friday. As you might suspect, Dr. Dobson and I disagree about a lot of political and theological issues. However, that’s not what this post is about. This post is one of gratitude that he will probably never see.

The reason why I am thankful for Dr. Dobson is because he was the first “famous Christian” that I heard who talked at length about clinical depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality, antidepressants, and other mental health topics. That might not seem like a big deal today considering numerous Christians discuss their mental anguish on broadcasts, in books, and on blogs. But back in the 80s and early 90s, many Christians deemed those topics “hogwash.”

While I didn’t always end up coming to the same conclusions as Dr. Dobson, because he was willing to talk about these issues, it allowed me to talk about my own issues with my mother and father, friends, and the spiritual mentors in my life. Growing up in a conservative church, one that would have considered Dobson “too liberal,” conversations about mental health were frowned upon. People who suffered depression and the like were told to pray more, dive into scripture, and never fall for Satan’s lie that suggested medications were the answer. Dr. Dobson’s radio broadcast pushed beyond those boundaries and allowed people of faith to begin conversing about their mental and emotional health.

For that, I am grateful.


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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