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help me share uganda’s story (& a giveaway!!)

If everything goes like its supposed to, “Uganda Week” (my blog journey to Africa with World Vision) will begin on January 17. As you would probably suspect, I can’t wait…

However, I need your help. So can I ask you for another favor–you know, in addition to my request for prayer? I need your help spreading the word about “Uganda Week.” It might not seem like much to you and me. But to the thousands of children that World Vision impacts in Uganda, one little mention or link might be the difference between being alone and having a community of support to help them survive. So anything you can do will be greatly appreciated…

With that in mind, here are a few obvious ways you can help…

  • Tweet or ReTweet the links to the blog posts! If possible, when you Tweet, please use the Twitter hashtags #UgandaWeek and #WorldVision
  • Please consider using your Facebook statuses to promote “Uganda Week” (And if you still use MySpace, tell your friends there, too!)
  • Share posts using Digg, Delicious, Stumble Upon, and the like… 
  • Some of my posts in Uganda will be videos, feel free to repost them your blogs, Facebook, or Twitter. 
  • If you haven’t already, sign up to follow my blog with the online reader of your choice or email… 
  • And if you have any other ideas… please let me know!



If you’re willing, here are a couple NON-obvious ways to help spread the word about “Uganda Week”…

My good friend Sara Frankl (<-if want to be inspired check out her blog!) created these AMAZING "promo buttons" to help promote "Uganda Week"... I hope you will consider using them…  So here’s the deal… anybody who puts one or both of these buttons on your blog, blog’s sidebar, MySpace, or Facebook, will be entered to win one of two World Vision sweatshirt zipups (trust me; they are very cool!) AS WELL AS one of two copies of my BRAND NEW book Hear No Evil (<-winner will receive their copy BEFORE it's released!) So here’s what to do if you want to enter…

  1. Copy code of one or two or both of the buttons below… 
  2. Paste the code at your blog or Facebook or Myspace or any other online spot that will accept the HTML… 
  3. THEN, return here and leave 1 comment for every button placed… (in other words, if you leave one at your blog and one at your MySpace, leave two comments at my blog… 
  4. Oh, and thank you… 

Here are the codes for the buttons… 

Thank you.

**Photo credit: Michael Bianchi


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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