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happy christmas in pictures

By December 27, 2009Blog

It began with me having the stomach flu… when I was feeling better, Elias got some Daddy time and I got some Elias time.
When we finally got to Wisconsin (we flew the next day), we took pictures. Mommy made Elias wear a tie. I tried to fight against it, but I didn’t win. (Don’t worry, Elias; I’ll keep fighting for your neck’s freedom.)

Poppa and Nana enjoyed some Elias time, too.
Tie off, Elias is ready to chill.
Jessica looking amazing in green. 
I got a Snuggie. Stupid “Dirty Santa” game… 🙂
Playing “blocks” with Elias. Some of his toys are pretty cool.
Dan (fiance of Melissa), Melissa (Jessica’s sister), Jessica and me…
A happy Christmas indeed…


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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