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christian mimes

By September 28, 2009Blog

Christian Mimes must like the music of Casting Crowns.

These mimes Twitter.

Anybody want to bring them to your church?


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • I love that theme song they have.. Reminds me of Silver Spoons or Webster.

    You should also see these guys.. They take Christian Mimery, to the next level. They are simply mimetastic

  • Jaden's Mom says:

    Oh man…Christian mimes and Christian clowns frighten me more than regular mimes and clowns.

    About ten years ago, The Daily Show did a piece on a “clown school” that a church here in MI was hosting. I felt bad for those people, because they thought that The Daily Show was paying them a compliment.

    I’m like…Have you ever seen the Daily Show? Because if they’re doing a feature story on you, it’s not a compliment.

    Anyway, I don’t know what it is with Christians and this type of performing arts, but I don’t know how a loving God could allow it to continue.

  • Jaden's Mom says:

    Yikes, that was a little snarky…please forgive me for that.

    Mimes just scare me. A lot. That’s all. 🙂

  • dubdynomite says:

    Aren’t they breaking one of the cardinal mime rules by miming to music?

    I hope the mime union doesn’t catch wind of this.

    This would have been much more entertaining if it were like Mime Time on Animaniacs. Like, they mime pulling on a rope and an anvil falls from the ceiling. Or they mime flying a kite, and get struck by lightning. Now that’s comedy!

  • Heather says:

    AAAAAAH! I am better now….wait… AAAAAAAH! Man, that is some scary stuff. Why, exactly, could this not have been done without the CREEPY factor? WHY do we make Jesus creepy?? But then again, I suppose that is the point of the blog, right?

  • Andy says:

    Mimes scare the crap out of me. Christian or otherwise.

  • PC says:

    Casting Crowns is the new Carman.

  • Adam says:

    Wow.. that was nice.. i mean niiiiiiiiccceee
    Thanks for that.. but I think I will pass on the mimes coming to my church.

  • Aren’t they just a human videos team with face paint? Not trying to hate on them but just saying…

  • machoo says:


    I was thinking the exact same thing.