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you might be a christian rock star… (part 2)

By August 24, 2009Blog


…if you watched Adam Lambert on American Idol and realized it was time for a makeover Whether you now look MORE like him or LESS like him completely depends on which way you swing: Chris or Adam. (EXTRA CREDIT if you recently discovered your high voice.)

…if you never leave home without your Bible, your guitar, and your flat iron

…if your final gesture before leaving stage is sign language for “I love you”

…if you’ve ever done the “windmill” while playing “Mighty to Save.” (EXTRA CREDIT if you throw pics after praise & worship.)

…if your theme song could go something like, “I wear my sunglasses in church…”

…if you owe it all to God and one of the following: Brown, Ed, or Monroe (EXTRA CREDIT if you hang out at Brown, Ed, or Monroe’s house on 4th of July!)

…if you’ve ever felt cooler because you’re rocking it out on a church stage wearing H&M

…if right before you begin your set, the stage crew is carrying off a pulpit or a podium (EXTRA CREDIT if the guy who preached was your road pastor)

…if you sort of look like an odd combo of…



… if you’ve ever written a song using King David’s lyric and not given him credit (EXTRA CREDIT if you steal lyrics from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount!)

…if every night before you go on stage you participate in a church potluck!

…if you hate “postmodernism” because it’s affected record sales. (EXTRA CREDIT if you preach against it!)

…if you’ve ever practiced “humility” in the mirror…

…if you’re sorta/kinda dating this girl…


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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