Today’s post is all about my new friend Susan E. Isaac’s book Angry Conversations With God: A Snarky But Authentic Spiritual Memoir. In addition to introducing you to a fantastic book and writer, I’m also lucky enough to be able to offer a FIVE lucky blog readers a free copy of Susan’s book! MORE ON THAT IN JUST A SECOND.
I’m excited about Susan’s book for many reasons: It’s honest and funny–at times, hysterically funny! Unlike a lot of writers who publish books in the Christian market, Susan’s voice and tone is distinct, lively, and passionate. I mean, anybody can learn to construct sentences in order to tell a story. But the writers whose work you long to read put “themselves” down on paper. That’s not something easily learned. I have a feeling that Susan didn’t really have to learn that, because it seems to be a part of who she is, to capture in words her engaging, broken, even ballsy persona.
The stories she tells in Angry Conversations are sometimes raw, and for some, they will perhaps be too raw. Honestly, I’m thankful that Susan doesn’t retell her experiences in the gingerly I-don’t-want-to-offend-any-Christians sort-of way that so many writers who have Christian publishing deals tend to do. Susan let’s the ugliness of her story hangout, makes the reader a little uncomfortable, and then sometimes surprises us with a redemptive conclusion.
OK, I’ll admit, and I believe Susan would want me to, once in a while there’s a little over-spiritualized “cheese” in Angry Conversation. You know, the stuff that will make some people cry and others roll their eyes. But one thing is for sure: Angry Conversations is original. It’s not perfect, but in my opinion, the best books aren’t. Why? Because perfection isn’t human, and let’s face it, when we read a memoir we need that human element, that emotional connection that whispers to us as we read: I know exactly how she feels. That happens over and over again in this book.
This is the kind of book that you will read and feel compelled to tell 4 or 5 of your friends about. I highly recommend it.
So, if you don’t want to wait to see if you will WIN one of the 5 copies from the publisher, BUY IT NOW BY CLICKING HERE. You are going to LOVE it. And if you don’t, send me an email and complain! I love getting those kinds of emails.
Donald Miller said this about Angry Conversations: “If King David were a woman, and were funny, he’d be Susan Isaacs. And the thing about this book is: it surprises you. There are lines in it you won’t see coming. You’ll be handing this book to somebody else about a month from now, thinking ‘maybe this will help them understand me.’ You’ll do that because it helped you understand yourself first.”
Susan: Well if I had stayed single any longer, I may have ended up with a cat named Bathsheba. I was seriously considering naming my cat “Cheryl.” Don was kind to say that about me; but maybe he was referring to all the bone-headed mistakes King David made in his life. Cuz I did that.
Matthew: Speaking of your book, the premise of Angry Conversations is that you take God to “couple’s counseling”? But can I ask you this: uh, how does that work if you’re a dude?
Susan: I’ve always wondered how you guys deal with being the “Bride of Christ?” Or for that matter, how does a guy sing girlie worship songs to Jesus every Sunday and still keep his cojones? Whatever that takes, you’d have to bring that resolve into the counseling room. Use lots of “Man, I love you man!”
Matthew: See, I’m inclined to think that, if I’d written your book, it would have been called Passive Aggressive Conversations With God, mostly because I’m weak like that, Susan–so, I want to know how you mustered up the courage to get really mad at God?
Susan: Haaa. Passive Aggressive conversations. LMAO (that’s “arse”). Well I grew up with a rageaholic father, so Dad kinda broke the ice, when it came to anger. And if you hit forty and your life bottoms out, the proverbial kid gloves come off. Trust me. Actually they came off at 35. Just warning you.
Matthew: Great to hear! I’m 35 now. At least, I’ll have something to write about. OK–moving on–so I’m pretty sure my blog readers will be interested to hear that you starred in an episode of Seinfeld. So, I’m assuming that means you met Jerry? (I actually sat really close to him at a hip diner in NYC one time. But I couldn’t get him to look at me.) Anyway, that must have been pretty cool. So when you met Jerry, did you have an angry conversation with him, too?
Susan: I was on the show in its seventh season; they were monstrously successful by then and had their walls up. Jerry gave me his cursory “hey.” Julia gave me her friendly ‘Hey!” and Michael Richards didn’t look at me — he’s a foot and a half taller than the rest of the world, he doesn’t make eye contact he’s so tall. Jason Alexander was such a Broadway vet; he sat around a picnic table with most of the guest cast and talked about New York theater. Now if Jerry had made conversation with me, I probably would have clammed up. I never thought he was a brilliant actor, but when I watched him and Larry David work out the jokes each day I was kind of floored. They really knew what made something work.
Matthew: One last question, Susan. Can you offer my blog readers some advice on how to be funny? I mean, your book is pretty dang hilarious at times.
Susan: Tell the truth, don’t hold back. Be willing to be vulnerable and wrong and stupid! 2) Things are funny when you make yourself look silly. 3) Be be specific. Specifics always ground any story (comedic or not) in things you can see and touch and taste. For instance, what’s funnier? Saying, “I love cheese.” OR saying, “I love a good gherkin on a cracker.” And yeah, words with P and K are funny. DUH. It’s because they’re percussive. They startle the listener.
Matthew: P and K, huh? I do like a good P-word. I also think L-words are funny. But probably for different reasons. Anyway, hey Susan, can I ask you one more question. Uh, are you mad at me?
Susan: You MoFo, you STOLE my book cover idea! The whole “boy putting on his clip-on tie,” that was MY CHILDHOOD! YOU little piece of… Oh, no. That must have been a dream. No I’m not mad at you. May the Lord bless you richly.
Matthew: You’re awesome. I totally see why Don calls you Queen David.
The five (5) winners will be chosen at random and announced TOMORROW, Thursday, March 12 at 3 p.m. CENTRAL time. In order to be entered to win, comments must be left by 2 p.m. CENTRAL time. All comments left after 2 p.m. CENTRAL time will be disqualified. Winners will need to provide to me by email ( a mailing address (sorry no P.O. boxes) in order to receive their copy of Angry Conversations With God. If winners fail to send me an email with their mailing addresses, a new winner will be selected to take their place. The books will be sent to you by the publisher Faith Words.
So, leave a comment–any sort of comment–but include your name, and then, TELL A FRIEND ABOUT THIS GIVEAWAY!
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I would love to win a copy of this book. If I don’t win, this is definitely going on the list of books I want to buy
I want a book – I won’t be telling anyone because that will make my chances of receiving a book soooooo much slimmer.
I would like to find out by the way – us people here in South Africa would really like to be able to go to out local book shop and buy copies of your books. (that includes your book Matt!) The problem of course comes in that they don’t have the books in stock! And ordering from Amazon and shipping fees and waiting doesn’t sound nice at all!
Please tell me you will work on having your books released in SA!
P.S. After I have my copy I will tell everybody I know and get them to place a bulk order on Amazon?
Pick me! Pick me!
Sounds like a great book! Speaking of which, I read Churched recently, and couldn’t put it down–great work!
I can’t wait to read this book! Great interview!
FYI: typing the word verification reectrus:) that sounds like it could be a real word…
Sounds like a great book… I am excited to read it!
Enjoying your blog very much. Just read Churched and my wife just bought me Hokey Pokey with the Coffeehouse Gospel. Can’t wait to read more good stuff!
I will definitely be reading this book, free or not! Thank you!
Jenn W
A must-read for me! But you can pick me and save me a trip. Great post!
I have never won anything in my entire life. I have to admit, there is definitely a piece of me that isn’t sure I want to even enter this, cause if this is my lucky day, I’m not sure winning a book is the most constructive use of my good fortune.
However, it does look like a good read, and after what I’ve been reading lately, I could use something light. Plus, I wasn’t raised as a Christian, so it may give me some pitfalls to avoid as I raise my own kids.
I haven’t read your book either, so I guess maybe I should add that one to the list as well.
My security word is “dules” – I wish it were “dudes” – that would’ve been sweet.
sounds like a very interesting book. –Amy Nabors
I read “Any Place I Hang My Hat” by Susan Isaacs and thought that was great. I have this book requested at the library, but I’d love to own a copy! :oD
Security word: Scracili
Googled it, first result:
scra cili castlehill1 iptables ccir1 microfarad foody eurweb ashurst teensart whiteford freecalendar taoist astute rayma usedrange uscom gown stairway …
Sounds very interesting! Would love to win a copy.
All right, Matthew, the interview sold me. If you don’t pick me, I’m gonna have to buy this book. And don’t think I’m kidding. I will do it. I mean it. Don’t tempt me here. I’m serious.
So are P- and K- words like phonetic and knowing funny? They are P- and K- words but they aren’t percussive. So do they still count as funny? Just wondering.
Sounds like an awesome read….I would love to win one!!!
This book sounds very interesting…especially since I’m constantly having angry conversations with God. I would love to win a copy!
Yep, sounds like my kind of book! 🙂
This books sounds great! It’s seems worth a read whether I win a copy or not. 🙂
Sounds like a great book! I’d love to win one! Good interview, too, Matthew. 🙂
Dude! All my wife can talk about is your blog and your books. For my sanity and all thats holly you have to pick me to win this book.
The posters of you and your books on the wall are freaking me out! I mean… I was just at a point where I was ok with changing my sons name to Matthew.. but the posters… Dude?
Put me in the running for the drawing. I am always looking for out of the ordinary books from the CBA. Great stories make great books.
This book sounds awesome. I love reading things from a truly human “I’m a screw-up too” kind of perspective. Don’s summary had me laughing. I would love to win this book!
If Donald Miller recommends it, I’m all over it.
I’d love to get this book; please pick me!
I’d love a copy, too. 🙂
If I win this book or not I am looking forward to reading it
I would to have anything for free, but beyond that it looks like a great read.
The book sounds great. Hope I win. Can’t wait to read it.
nice give away! and if i don’t win, you know i’ll have to have an angry conversation with God about this!!
I love this – – a snarky and angry woman who loves Jesus – – can’t wait to read it!
That interview alone makes me really want to read this book. If I don’t win, well… I know what I’ll do with my Borders coupon. 🙂
Yay! I can’t wait to read it, but why not enter a giveaway! =)
I love it when Christians speak in public the way the speak in private. Great interview.
We need that clip of her in Seinfeld. Sounds like an interesting book…any plans on an audio version, I can never sit still long enough to read a whole book.
My 22 year old has been having these same angry conversations for a couple of years now. So far they haven’t been too funny. I can’t wait to read this from a humorous perspective!
count me in…love to read it.
Oh, I hope I win. Susan sounds spicy…and I like spicy. I mean, she called you a mofo…that’s pretty stinkin’ funny. Really, Jerry Seinfeld wouldn’t even look at you?!
Pick me!! Pick me!!! I never win 🙁
I would love a copy of this book!
ok… here’s the deal… if I don’t win, I may just have to have my own angry conversation with God!
Melissa B.
last book i won from you never came in the mail – so i’m hoping this one actually arrives – 😀
I hope to win. This is my official entry into the contest.
My word verification was “anarr”. Weird word.
Sounds like a great read – winning it in a contest makes it even better
I’d love to read it!!
I’ve got a vacation coming up and need some good reads. In fact, I already had this on my Borders wishlist. A free copy would be awesome! Thanks!
Sounds like a great book – I’d love to read it!
sounds fascinating, and i mean, if Don Miller likes it, it HAS to be good, right?
Would love to have a copy of this book if not will probably be added to my Birthday Wish List. Can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Book please 🙂
I love winning things! I am not much of a reader, but I will read this book if I win it!!! 🙂
I like finding new folks through other folks that I respect. THanks Mathew
Sounds like this would be an interesting read! I enjoyed Churched and passed it along to a “winner” on my blog who also enjoyed it!!
Gimme that book! Please. 🙂 Ok, well maybe someone else might need it more than me…so I’ll leave it in God’s hands. heh.
This looks like a book I couldn’t put down and would pass along. What a great concept / testimony. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy. BB
The interview was great and if I don’t win I will be buying a copy as well.
Pick me!!! I need a good book to give me a jolt!
I want one!
As snark is the new black and authenticity is like being naked in public.. I will need this book for company lest I be left; naked, alone and snarky in Michigan.
Looks great! Well not at good as your books of course 🙂 enter me to win a copy!
Sounds good. I’d like one. 🙂
Sounds like something I would love to read and share with others! Pick Me!!
I’d really love to read this! Thanks so much!
This sounds like my kind of book. I am in. I never win anything, but maybe this will be my lucky day. If sucking up helps… I will definitely twitter, facebook and blog pimp the book for all its worth.
Love the blog!! Would love to read the book! 🙂
After reading your interview I’ve got to say this sounds like my kind of book. Would love to win a copy of it and if I don’t I’ll just get angry about it and complain until my wife buys me a copy of it!
I’ve had some angry conversations with God and I’d like to read this book!
Sounds like a great book! Would love to win it!
That interview is hilarious. I’m always saying MoFo, so she’s my kind of gal.
Hey dude, sorry that I can’t follow directions very well… Anyway hook me up or I might get ANGRY and you wont like me when I’m ANGRY!!!!
I’d love to win something but I never win anything. Oh well.
sounds like a really fun read, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.
Sounds like a great read. If you love it, and Donald Miller loves it, then I’m in!
very excited about this book! would love to win a copy! 🙂
It sounds like a great book!
This sounds right up my alley…. I can’t wait to read it!
This books sounds fantastic—definitely something I’ll be adding to my bookshelf whether I get one free or not!
Love your blog! I went to school in Oshkosh with Jess, obviously love her to pieces, and so have been introduced to you as a result 🙂 The book sounds awesome – can’t wait to read it! Would love to win a copy, but will pass on the title to my mom in the mean time…I’m sure she’ll want to scoop up a copy quick!
It does sound like an interesting book (although I’m kinda fascinated by the cover) but if donald miller loves it…man. woot. Please pick me!
I don’t like it when stars won’t talk to the little guy.
But I do like winning new books. And this sounds like a good one!
hope i win! hope I win! hope I win!
That interview was funny. I might have to buy her book and your book if I don’t win. LOL
Hello! I would love to read this book and pass forward when I’m done!
I know all about being angry with God. You should have seen me after I felt like God told me to move with my husband to the middle of nowhere in Illinois, for his great job opportunity, and then we got a divorce. And then the church I was going to asked me to stop taking communion. Yeah, I was pretty pissed.
But now I spend all my time writing about how God takes all the pieces from the junk pile we make, and redeems them in the most amazing, unexpected ways. And I’m getting the chance to tell that story in a completely non-religious book coming out in June–“Ask Me About My Divorce: Women Open Up About Moving On.” God is good.
(And I can’t wait to read “Angry Conversations With God,” and “Churched,” too. I’m glad I ran across you on Twitter.)
Sounds like an awesome book. Great interview!
I’ll always take a chance at a free book.
Sounds like an interesting book.
Sounds like a terrific book! I had an “I’m really ticked off at God time” just recently. This book would have been a great companion I’m sure. 🙂
Of course I want a copy of this book!!
you have the easiest give aways ever. sounds like a great read.
I pray that for once I might win something, which in this case is a book!!
Laura W. (N. Ga.)
Would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the info and the interview. And the giveaway!
this book sounds so interesting. would love to win a copy.
i’m in.
Sounds like a fascinating read! Hopefully karma, Lady Luck or the Big Guy Himself will smile on me and I’ll be among the lucky five. Maybe the luck o’ the Irish!
Wow … this book sounds awesome. It is about time someone is real. To be honest I am sick and tired of all the Amish story lines that take of the religious section of the book store. I would love to win one of these books.
Well Done. Way to rope her in.
I’d love to win a copy of this book!!
I’ll have to ask my hubby about the seinfeld episode…he’s got all of ’em memorized!!
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
I’d like a book.
This book sounds great! I’m always looking for new reading material and conversation starters; count me in!
Megan 🙂
Can’t wait to read it! I lost my sister to Suicide 8 years ago and have had my fair share of angry conversations with God. AND He still loves me!
I love to watch the same shows you do as you twitter, I laugh more with you than the show, and that ROCKS! I would love to win also so BONUS! Have a good on! JO
I would love to win a copy of this book. It sounds really interesting and I will read it one way or the other. Kate Stormes
WOW. How much do I owe you?? Seriously good Christian karma (in the Lord alone) coming your way.
wow chapter. 1 rocks!
You’ve definitely piqued my interest. I’d love to win a copy!
I’m going to buy this book… I’ll probably buy a copy even if I win one. And I’m going to convince the pastor in charge of our church bookstore that he needs to carry it there!
I think God wants us to have angry conversations with Him. At least He knows we’re paying attention then…
When I went through chemical depenency treatment 17 years ago, one of the most enlightening things I learned in AA was there was a God, and it wasn’t me. I wandered through mysticism, gnosticism and other isms before I came back to the “God of my parents” as He was called. Working through some things with my sponsor, I told him I was mad at God. He said, “Go ahead. He’s a big God. He can take it.” I’ve had those “angry conversations” many times in the years since. I’ve found that in every instance – and even though it may take a while to get there – my anger was misplced. He’s God. He’s always right.
I would love a copy!
I’d love a chance to read Susan’s book; it sounds like a refreshingly honest look at her relationship with God.
I would love a copy! I love to read and have read your book Matthew. It was great. Thanks
I would love to win a copy!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for having a giveaway! I would love a copy! thanks
Would love to read a good book!!
I need to read a book like this. I wonder if she could speak to my circumstances.
I’d like to win this book, please!
@Susan: Uh, you’re not allowed to win a copy of your own book. I figure you know this already, but just in case you were trying to pull another “King David,” I wanted to make sure. I wouldn’t want to have to get all “Prophet Nathan” on you now…
After that smashing interview, I’m very curious about this book!
This sounds like a book I would really love to read!
Just the title of this books draws me in. Gotta be real – respectful but real!
It would be wonderful to win this book! I love real life stuff that isn’t over “cheesed”. Thanks for the recommendation…but I’ll wait and see if I win!
Enter me please! I’d love to win this book 🙂
Sounds like a great book. I’d love a copy!
I’d like a copy …
I would love to read this…
Enter me! I would love to win a copy of this book. If not, it’ll go on my list of books to buy! Thanks for the “sweepstakes!”
this book sounds great! i want to win!
Well I’m certainly intrigued! Would love to win, but also would love to read. Thanks!
I need a good book to read.
I have heard great things about this book. I would love to win a copy!
This looks like a great book!
Would love to read this one then pass it along. Sounds like a good read. And, I’m right in the middle of “Churched”–a great read so far!
Lisa DeC.
Shazaam…you have me hooked! I need this book!
hook me up!
I’d love to win a copy!
Looks like a book that I want to read!
I love free books!
Count me in.
Interesting. Hope I win! 🙂
free books rock!
Count me in.
Sounds great. Can’t wait to read it.
Monica K
Thanks Angie for the link to this page, I would love to win a copy of this book.
I definitely would love to have a copy of this book! Thanks for doing this!!
I would love to win a book! Thanks and God Bless!
Jennifer Lee
yay! I can’t wait to read it.
thanks for the giveaway. sounds like a great read.
Sounds like a very interesting read!
Heather Erbe
2223 Glendale
Kalamazoo, MI 49004
The interview had me smiling, expecially at the end. Both of these books, Matthews, and Susans, are my my lists of books to get.
Kristina G.
I would be blessed to win this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy (Honestly)
The idea of being angry at/with God is not a new one to me. I can look back over my life and see a number of times when I shouted and cried out in anger and frustration… and disappointment.
I’m sure that the book would be beneficial to someone like me… who struggles with moments of anger with God.
hmmm, sounds like an interesting book. Hopefully I can win a copy. Good interview by the way.
Man, a lot of stinkin’ people read your blog! Maybe I should’ve said a stinkin’ lot of people read your blog; I don’t want to imply that your readers smell bad! Anyway, I already bought the book based on your recommendation, but you can pick me anyway!
Look at you with all the blog comments… and you didn’t even have to talk about Pampers 🙂
I am so getting this book… if it’s half as funny as yours it will be worth it. And sometime, when you come visit with Jess and Elias, could you bring Susan along too? I think I could spend a whole evening just listening to you two banter. And I wouldn’t even have to pay a cover charge. (Just for fun, bring Terroni, too. Thanks.)
This book sounds like it would come at the perfect time for me… I hope I get one.
Thanks for having such a great giveaway.
Catrina in Oregon
whoo hooo! I’ve been wanting this book for a while!
I hope I’m not too late as it is 2:30 pm now but not central time.
Serioulsy this sounds like a truly funny book to read and take to heart at same time.
If not win, I have to put on my books to buy list!
Thank you
Judy Rivard
@Judy: NOT TOO LATE… it’s TOMORROW at 2:00 central… 🙂
Count me in!
Stacy in Tulsa
I would love to win a copy of this book!!
Lori K in Texas
Hi! I would love to win this book! And I’ll be purchasing your memoir as well. Thanks for making this available!
would love to win a copy …sounds refreshing… stacey
Thanks for the chance to enter! I love to read and this sounds great!!
Awesome interview! Sounds like a must-read, and either way I will definitely read 🙂 Thanks!
Sounds like a great book. Christianity has to be more than “chicken soup” stories and Thomas Kinkaid paintings.
I don’t buy books ever – I go to the library so winning this would be an awesome and rare addition to my personal library!
Looks like a good book, so why not try to win it 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win what sounds like a great book!!!
I would love to win and read this book….sounds very authentic!
This sounds like a great book! Hope I win!
This sounds like an excellent read! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love me some books.
Looks like an interesting read..
Me gustaria obtener un libro gratis!
(I’d like to obtain a free book!)
I’m very curious about this book! I’d love to win this one..and I still want to pick up your book!
This is just the kind of book my snarky bible study class would enjoy. I’ll tell them about it tonight. 🙂
Sweet! I love free books…
Sounds almost as good as CHURCHED. : ) Thanks for the chance to win. Id love to read it.
Any book with Snarky in the title becomes a must-read for me. Bring it on, baby.
This book sounds so good! I look forward to seeing who is lucky and wins! Thanks! Melissa
many many ppl want a free book, eh? but i deserve it the most bc i’m me and that is just enough awesomeness to warrant special treatment of all kinds. 🙂
that and it’s my birthday! well, not yet, but it is at the end of this month and today IS my brother’s b-day.
anyway, if i didn’t just find out that i have over $1000 in repairs that need to be done on my vehicle, i’d be out there buying the stuff up. definitely believe in supporting writers!
pick me, pick me
I got laid off two weeks ago so winning a copy of this book would totally brighten my day!
Would love to win a copy!!
Anna Grant
This sounds like a book that could fill my mind for days on end! 🙂 X.
I loved your review and am now anxious to read the book. Great Giveaway!
Matthew, I loved your book and I’m sure I’ll love this one!
Wow! Not that I have a chance or anything…but who can turn down a free book?
this sounds like a great book!!! count me in!
Sounds great! I’m in!
Me too!
Pick me!
I want it!
sounds VERY funny!
I hope I win!!!!!
i want, nay, NEED this book.
v intrigued. i’d love a copy. the holly
I would love to win this book!!! Your description of the book really makes it a must read!!
I bought this weekend in hopes that it would help me hang on to the shred of faith I have left…its a great book, but I don’t think it will prevent me from becoming a full-fledged agnostic.
I totally want to win a copy! Love your blog and twitter posts by the way =]
So, I’m a sucker for a good give away. This one definitely sounds good. I’ve been following your blog for almost a year and have never commented but today’s the day. Thanks for the give away. I must say that I enjoy your honesty and sometimes snarkism very much. It’s refreshing to be in touch via reading blogs of Christians who are honest, real, and all with great senses of humor. Please keep it going. You have ministered to my soul. Maybe one day if I’m ever in TN I’ll run into you or Jessica or Angie or…well better yet attend CrossPoint. Blessings…
Bring it on! (you did say any comment)
Shreveport, LA
Sounds like an interesting book….
It’s always fun to win something! But this will be on the wishlist if I don’t win… do you ship overseas?
This looks great – I’d love to win a copy!
i would love a copy of this book! thanks for the chance!
Guilty! Maybe this book would help me understand….lora
sounds like it will be a great book to read, thanks!
I second everyone’s comments about wanting this book! Looks really cool… Thanks for letting us know about it!
Maybe pissed at God is a little strong..but…I do have my moments. I can’t wait to read this book when I win it.
Sometimes…I say fuck and shit, but I still love God.’
Word veri: Flumati:What idiot Christians say when they REALLY want to say SHIT.
I would like this book please!
Sounds like a great book! Enter me, please! (I heard about the drawing from Angie Smith on her blog.)
oooohhhhh oooohhhh (WAVING HANDS HIGH IN THE AIR IN HOPES THAT YOU WILL SEE ME) yoohoo!!! Seriously, great interview and seems to be a great book.
I just watched Susan read her second chapter and I’m hooked. This book is what you say it is: funny, surprising, and poignant. I especially liked the segment about reweaving our knowledge of the Trinity from a rug into a place mat.
Sign me up to win a copy–I’ll add it to the set of books on my shelf that I can share with all my similarly-damaged-but-recovering Christian friends.
Who doesn’t like a free book? I’d love one… hook a sister up!
I never win free things, so maybe this time I will.
I like free books. 🙂
cant wait to read it!
definitely want one of these
Thank you for doing this, would love to win a copy. Blessings!
I found your blog off of your wife’s. If you say the book is good I am at least willing to give it a try. Fingers crossed 🙂 Kristy
I would love to win this book, but even if I don’t it sounds like a book to go buy!!!
Through a weird Twitter path, I found this blog. And just in time for a great contest! If I don’t win the book, I think I’ll definitely have to buy it.
Count me in Matthew!! Thanks for the opp. ~Pam
Would love to win a copy! Sounds awesome!
Exactly the book I need for my 6 hour flight today! Too bad it’s not on the shelves yet…
Sounds like a very cool book. I’m in.
Sounds like a great book…
I would love to win a copy of this book!
I would love to win a copy
i wanna win! i wanna win!
I NEED this book. Just yesterday at lunch I was asked if I would return thanks for the meal.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” I said.
My guest looked puzzled.”Why not?”
“Because I told God this morning that I’m mad at him and I’m not talking to him today.”
I think you’ve got to admire a man of principle like that who doesn’t cave in to spiritual peer pressure. I need and deserve the book for my courageous stand.
—-Ramon Presson
put me in the running!
Who knew there were so many of us out there who grew up under the same brand of ‘christianity’ – I love your blog, your experience and your giveaway. 🙂
I would love to win a copy of this book.
Ashley Smith
I’m intrigued…I probably wouldn’t buy this book but I’d love to win it and give it a shot 🙂 she sounds great! Thanks for doing a giveaway!
I’d love a copy!
So excited about this boo, I would LOVE to win a copy!! Thanks…