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thief in the night (the clip i write about in churched)

By December 7, 2008Blog

Now you’ll understand why I was so scared. 🙂

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Chad Estes says:

    My college professor showed this to our class before a study of Revelation. When the lights came back up he said we would discuss the movie and that he wanted to start with me. Apparently I was shaking in fear, much like I had when I had first seen it at church at 8 years old.

    Although I can easily laugh at the poor film making, acting, and mustaches from the Thief in the Night series, I have developed a strong aversion to fear-based religion. Love has no room for fear.

  • Oh my word, that’s terrifying! I’m not going to lie, the thought of living in that time period terrifies me. We don’t really know how it all will play out, but I would rather not be an eyewitness if at all possible. I just remind myself that my team wins in the end. I wonder how many youth pastors have used that line before 🙂

  • Jessica says:

    They showed this to us in about 4th or 5th grade…on Wednesday NIGHT, with the lights out! Scared the living crap out of me. It’s no wonder so many “churched” kids I grew up with don’t want anything to do with church. Kinda makes you want to stay home.
    Have not had a chance to buy your book yet…maybe I’ll be giving it as a Christmas gift (to give to those well-meaning church educators from my youth, lol).

  • Was this one movie or a series? I ask because I know I saw a movie like this at a friend’s church when I was in the
    4th grade, and I remember being incredibly scared. I always remember a scene where a little boy (I think) gives a lady a red balloon and he sees it float up to the sky after she’s been killed.

  • The scariest part is the man with the facial hair and the thunder. I’ll get saved if it will spare me from thunder like that 🙂

  • dan scott says:

    My fourth grade class at Christian school watched TITN and A Distant Thunder for Bible class. Scared the CRAP! out of us. Girls were sobbing. I had nightmares. At least the soundtrack was good…oh, wait…

    Seriously, we had the same childhood.

  • @Kathryn: That’s in the sequel to this one I believe.

  • I don’t mind having my head chopped off, I just don’t want it to end up in that cheap laundry basket.

    I find it utterly shocking that anyone would show that to a child, and do it in the name of Jesus.

  • gitz says:

    Dude! What the hell?!?!?! You couldn’t go to a Disney movie but THIS was a good idea?

    Wow. Even after reading your book I’m totally shocked. Seriously.

  • Gitz, that was always our question too, as my sister and I got older. I was around 14 when this particular movie was shown but was still totally scared!!! (and scarred!)
    Matthew, I am commenting w/o watching ’cause I’ve already seen it and DO NOT want to see it again!

  • Chip says:

    I want to see it. Not because it makes me love Jesus more but because its absolutely ridiculous. I also have a thing for ugly christmas sweaters, and bad music.

  • Gary Durbin says:

    I got saved every time they showed these movies at church when I was a kid. Scared the crap out of me. I was only 9-10 years old. I remember I couldn’t go see Batman, but this was ok to watch at church.

  • sarah says:

    I watched this movie as a child too! YIKES! And to be completely honest I couldn’t even watch this whole clip…NO THANK YOU! My husband and I both grew up in a FBC from the time we were little. A few years ago we decided the system was broke and went looking elsewhere. We found the grace and love of God..WOW! I got your book for my husband for Christmas, he got sick and bored last week so I let him open it. As he laid down and read out loud I wrapped presents…we both laughed so hard at so much of what you said because we could totally relate…all the way down to me breaking into song “we love you preacher, oh yes we do”…seriously! There were just as many times we shook our head in sadness. Our families are both still very involved in that church and as you can imagine it’s not easy to watch them live their lives. But God is so great and we trust Him. Thank you so much for sharing your life! We were so blessed by your book. By the way, I found you through the scrapbook world, I check out your wifes blog every now and then 🙂

  • Amber says:

    I must say I’m not surprised. I haven’t seen this particular one, but there are plenty just like it. *Sigh*

    I really enjoyed your book, by the way. I will be sharing it with some coworkers who grew up “churched” as well. We enjoy telling those kinds of stories over lunch. 🙂

  • Man do I remember those movies!! We had to watch them at least once a year.