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By November 16, 2008Blog

My birthday is tomorrow. I’ll be 35-years old. I could be stereotypical and say that the years have flown by and that it’s hard to believe I’m 35, but the truth is, some of the years have crept along the same way a three-toed sloth inches through a tree in the Amazon and on certain days I feel 35.

Some days I feel 25.

Some days I feel 40.

How old do you feel?

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • gerbmom says:

    mentally or physically????

  • Sally says:

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow!

    I turned 32 last week, and I’m definitely a ‘where has the time gone’ type person. I still think of myself as only a couple of years out of college, but then I realise it’s nearly a decade since I graduated..

  • Sally says:

    Wait – you only just came up on my RSS feed, even though you posted this yesterday and I checked my feed at least 3 times already today. So Happy Birthday for today, not yesterday!

  • I certainly feel like where has my life gone but then I think and feel that I am 19 going on 20…and I like it 🙂

    Have a great birthday! I am sure as Elias grows up he will make you feel young on the days you feel 40 =] xxx.

  • Nathan Hov says:

    I turned 35 in July and some days feel like I am 20 other days I feel like I am 60.

  • Karla says:

    Happy Birthday!

    I recently turned 37. Most days I feel like I am in my 20’s, although once in awhile I feel like I am 40. (I have 3 kids…they do keep you young!)

    I laugh at myself, sometimes. Like today, as we walked to the library. This teenager hurriedly backed out of his driveway, peeled out, then went flying down the street. “SOMEbody’s in a hurry,” I said to the kids. Not long ago, that would have been ME, so focused on self, so in a hurry. Time flies…

  • How old I feel depends on the day my 15 yr old is having….good day, I can feel young; bad day, I have to act my age and be the Mom! Bummer, dude!

  • Gary Durbin says:

    happy birthday

    I feel younger, when I work out. I feel old right now.

  • Anonymous says:

    Well, since I just ran with my 11 year old and I have never ran before, 50! But I am 38!
    Hey, he wants to take up running and I thought I would do it with him!
    Maybe my husband would be better at it!
    hee hee

    Christi in Mississippi

  • My real age is 35, when I’m falling asleep at 9pm I feel 50, when I’m with my kids I feel mid 20s, when I’m with students I feel 40, when I’m trying to figure out the DVR I feel 60, and when I try and run (like this morning) I feel like dying.

    Happy Bday and welcome to the mid life!

  • Amy says:

    I feel really young … even at 48.5 years. Good genes and a clean life help! When I look at my grown sons, though; and I acknowledge I’m a grandmother, I start to feel somewhat old. I’m just thrilled I am a “young” grandma (a “Gigi”).

    Happy Birthday!

  • christi28 says:

    happy birthday!

    i am 32 and i feel like i am still in my 20’s. i can remember when i thought people in their 30’s were old!! scary thought….

    blessings ~

  • Anne Dayton says:

    Happy birthday!

    I’m turning thirty in a month and people keep trying to tentatively ask me how I feel, like they’re afraid I’m going to start crying or something. Am I supposed to be emotional about it? I just feel kind of normal I guess. It’s just an age. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, and I honestly feel like I should have turned thirty a long time ago.

    Also, Shannon has promised me a copy of Churched, and I can’t wait to read it! Um, and then I’ll… um, yeah, I’ll buy it stuff too. Yeah.

  • Southern Gal says:

    Someone once shared with me that our spirits don’t age. That’s why you feel young when your body is getting old. Don’t know where they got that from, but it sounds good to me. Some days I feel like I did when I was a teenager. Other days I feel like I’m 45…wait, I am 45.

  • Mary Lou says:

    Well…I am in my early 50’s & I definately don’t feel that old! I just took a fun test to see how old you REALLY are and it said I was 39!!! So you look for things like that and enjoy it : ) Happy Birthday Matthew! Love you!

  • ttm says:

    old enough to know better and young enough not to care…

  • Daniel says:

    Hey Matthew!
    Well I got four years on you – but I don’t feel my age at all – I feel 10 sometimes -other times I feel my age – starting to get grey hair – but still look like I am 25 or less- I will take that!
    Happy Birthday -enjoy your youth!