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ten reasons you should read ‘churched’

By October 29, 2008Blog
Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • vaneblu says:

    10 reasons why you should send me a autograph copy of Churched:

    10)I am a big stalker… I mean fan of yours.
    9)I live in a place where they dont sell the book (Dominican Republic)… I know I can buy it online but I’m trying to make a point here OK!!!??
    8)I have participated in all the contest in all the blogs for your book and never win 🙁 (pitty lane right?)
    7)I know I will love it!!!
    6)Elias said so (listen to the baby he has the dirty diapers)
    5)If I dont get it I have to wait until xmas to buy it online
    4)I cannot give you a review in english because my grammar stinks (spanish is my first language) but I can do it in spanish, you’ll just have to get yourself a good translator!!!
    3)I belong to the facebook group 😀
    2)I need a good laugh
    1)Elias said so…AGAIN!!

  • Southern Gal says:

    I can’t get the link to work.

  • shellie says:

    me too! the link’s not working…

  • Matthew,
    not sure if you have seen this, but i thought of you and Churched when i saw it

  • I just received your book in the mail today!! We (well, I) won it through your wife’s blog. 🙂
    My husband got the mail, was flipping through it and asked who you were….I told him, “Remember…I told you we won that through this blog, etc.”, and he said, “It’s signed!”….I said, “I know!”. He said it looked like a really cool book!
    So, my husband is just as psyched as I am about reading it now. 🙂
    Thanks again! You two seem like an amazing couple!

  • Matthew where have you gone!? X.