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politics are so funny…

By September 6, 2008Blog

This has gotten around some, so you may have already seen it…

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Stephanie says:

    Is there a problem with the media when I feel like I get the most legitimate news of the day from The Daily Show?

    Of course….there is always “fair and balanced” Fox News to get my info from…..

  • Sara says:

    Dude… you’ve got to stop being so subtle about when your book is coming out. I mean, how are we supposed to know when to buy it if you aren’t making it clear about when it’s released?


    nice new header. I can’t even comprehend how exciting it must be!


  • @Sara: Thanks! I am so excited, more than I’ve been for any other book. Thanks for you kind enthusiasm!


  • @Stephanie: I feel the same way most of the time.

  • Matt says:

    Aw snap, that made my day. Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly done got busted out, sucka!

    And you know, Stephanie, I feel much the same way. I think it’s okay though, because in the pursuit of laughs, we end up with things like this, which point out some pretty clear contradictions in the way these things play out. I think that’s pretty necessary, especially in an election year.


  • Terroni says:

    “Every time one of those pops up, I lose a testicle.”

    I love Jon Stewart.

  • Sean says:

    Saw it when it aired, and still just as funny. People are suprised that the younger generation gets their news from Jon Stewart/Steven Colbert but clips like this just reinforce why.

    p.s. looking forward to reading your new book and seeking out the older the stuff.

  • machoo says:

    comedy’s main agenda (besides entertaining of course) is to tell the truth, am I right?

    so maybe that’s why I gravitate towards the Daily Show…I feel like I am getting a more real, albeit hilarious point of view

  • Ella says:

    I just enjoy taking it all in. How can you be informed and TV injects humor factors. It’s like jumping in a pool of cold water. You hold your breath and hope for the best during election years.