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guitar praise

By September 3, 2008Blog

It’s Guitar Hero with a savior! Yep, Christian Guitar Hero is hitting stores later this month. 

Thank you, Jesus!
FROM THE GUITAR PRAISE WEBSITEGrab the guitar and play along with top Christian bands! Shred those riffs or blast the bass…you add a unique sound to the solid Christian rock. But watch out: if you can’t keep up, the artists will take a break and stop the music. Crank it up and try again – you’ll soon be rockin’ with the best while praising the Lord!

So awesome, right?!?
Not sure what you think, but I’m so happy that Guitar Hero got saved. Now, people who love Jesus can rock out hardcore in the comfort of their living room without all of that awful guilt they feel for LOVING Pearl Jam and Matchbox 20.   

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Dave Carrol says:

    to be totally honest… i don’t mind this. But it’s mostly because my son is 5 and is an air guitar rock star. The kid picks EVERYTHING up and sings and plays along. We’ve got friends to have rock band (who doesn’t) and he loves it… and not that I find the music evil or offesive but he picks up and sings it all… and as a 5 year old (i know THATS not the target audience … ha) I rather have his singing that. It’s funny because when he fakes playing rock band he already thinks the people are worshiping with him anyway

  • Chip says:

    Wow that’s just so, so, Jesus-is-my-Homeboy. Thanks for showing me what this country is all about. Sounds vaguely like Ryan Fisher… why are we all sheep?

  • the ben show says:

    Sounds rad. Is it weird that an Audioslave song and a Live song both feel like Christian rock to me?

  • the ben show says:

    That’s rad. Is it weird that an Audioslave song and a Live song both feel like Christian rock to me?

  • Sara says:

    More entertaining than playing Christian guitar hero? Sitting in the boardroom when they pitched the idea…


  • Kate says:

    Marketers sure know how to dupe Christians out of a heck of a lot of money! Why didn’t I think of that?

  • Anonymous says:

    OOohhh, I just clicked on the link, and it’s just so GOOD! I’m especially curious about the Youth Group Specials Dance & Dance Praise Party, complete with the “DDR” Dance Pad. I wonder how they include those interpretive dance moves too that I LOVE to see performed in churches?? Now the BIG question here is, will they include the new hit single form Hamlet 2, “Rock Me Sexy Jesus?”

    All I can say is YIKES!!!
    Nancy B

  • Rick says:

    I hope the game is a bust! But there are way too many youth leaders in America for that.

  • jasongrant says:

    I am officially scared. I probably listen to 2 of those bands mentioned on that list! I guess churches like I attend that feature secular music would be frowned upon by the creators of such game?

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m a little late in posting this, but I just read your post yesterday about Sarah Palin (sp?). I, too , feel sorry for her daughter. I know mothers can multi-task and there are a lot of working mothers who can successfully raise a family (and well, too!) and work. HOWEVER, doesn’t it seem odd that she would accept this nomination knowing that the media would get a hold of this family matter and make it public? I have a hard time w/ that. It’s almost like she put her wants in front of her daughter’s needs. For the rest of this poor child’s life, the ENTIRE world (or at least the US) will know she had a baby at 17. And, no, I don’t think that’s the worst thing that could happen to a 17 year old, but was the daughter ok w/ this happening? Maybe she was ok w/ this becoming public knowledge, but I, as a mom, just could not do that to my child. And, this woman has 5 children. One w/ specials needs that is going to require lots of extra help. It just seems to me that, as a mom, her plate is full. Maybe this is just not the right time for her to even consider being VP. Yes, I do think that it’s time for a change in leadership for our country, but couldn’t she just have waited until her family life was a little more self sufficient?

    Sorry for the rant. I just don’t get it!

  • jordan says:

    jesus freak would be cool.
    i’d like to buy a couple Christian songs for regular guitar hero but you don’t have enough good ones for guitar to have a whole game of Christian songs.

  • supersimbo says:

    id love to get a chance to come up with some ideas for ‘christian products’ cuz this sucks and i bet i could make even suckier stuff!!!

    They will need to make a ‘conservative’ worship one and then a ‘rocking’ worship one, and then an ’emergent worship’ one and bla bla bla


  • Kelly says:

    What? It doesn’t have any Third Day songs!!

  • jeremy says:

    It’s not like Christian songs are hard to learn, just get a real guitar. 😀

    remember they all start in A, D, and G. 😀

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand why people are complaining about a guitar hero that has Christian songs. It sounds like fun and it doesn’t mean that they think the other one is too “worldly”.

  • jamie says:

    Matt – you’re the best (don’t let that go to your head).

    Guitar Praise? Seriously? I mean seriously? I read a quote recently which pinpoints what I think is the real issue: Christianity has become a subculture when it should be countercultural.

    This guitar game thingy is NOT countercultural, but slick marketing. And I would bet money that Christians are not behind the idea, the product, or its promotion. And nobody except Christians will buy this.

    It will let Christian parents allow their kids to listen to and play rock music without them engaging the world. This will be a great tool for youth group lock ins. Death to ‘Christian’ retail! Life will come when we live like Jesus – different in a Jesus kind of way!

  • Anonymous says:

    Honestly, “christian” versions of popular things is one if my pet peeves. It’s always a not-as-good version.