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have you seen this?

By August 12, 2008Blog

Focus on the Family posted this “supposed to be funny” video on their web site.

The man asks his Focus audience to pray for rain–a nominal yet harmless flood–on the evening of Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.

OK, all politics aside–it’s just not that funny.

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • perhaps obama synchronized to rick astley will help us all recover?

  • I’m not ashamed of the gospel but I’m ashamed of so called Christians

  • oh my. If i were a man of God who wants to change our country for the good, maybe a certain presumptive democratic nominee, i might see this and think to myself “gee, James Dobson and his people really dont like me that much, and they are even ignorant to my politics and values”.

    Politics aside, Focus on the Family needs to actually “Focus” on families and leave the poltics to the talking heads on the news.

  • Christy says:

    I think it’s funny, not HA HA funny,but he he funny. Either way, humurous to me. Sorry you didn’t chuckle.

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t think it was meant to be funny, Ha Ha funny or any kind of funny

  • Anonymous says:

    That is funny.

  • Greg Allen says:

    It’s as stupid as I thought it might be.

  • sandra d says:

    not even slightly funny, IMO. lame comes to mind

  • Susan Isaacs says:

    If the shoe were on the other foot — if someone from MTV was praying for a flood at the Republican National Convention, or if it were someone from Sojourners, I might find it funny or clever. For some reason it’s OK for the left to be snarky. But on this platform it just looks totally lame. I guess because Dobson pretends to take the high road when in fact he’s down and dirty in his own self righteous way. But in the end, this kind of thing makes me believe that God is going to give the Christian platform to Christians in the Global South, because we’ve squandered our gifts. For crap like this.

  • Joy says:

    I don’t like the entire “Is it okay… is it right… blah blah blah” is so unnecessary.

    I’m not an Obama fan whatsoever… ooh, stop me before I get started.
    But I’m not making stupid videos about it. Just grab your voting card and VOTE. What happens will happen.

    By the way… I’m no John McCain fan either. It’s like choosing the worse of two evils. (Not that they themselves are evil, just what they stand for.)

  • Simone says:

    I think it’s a little funny in a snarky way, but not appropriate as a mouthpiece tool for Focus on the Family. I’m disappointed, because I think sometimes Dobson can have some good things to say. Something like this politicizes him and puts him on the same low level as many other politicians.

    The funny thing is, I can see this backfiring. Really, can’t you see it being a torrential downpour, that only works to dramatize the night and gives Obama some fuel (“despite the weather, you all came out to support me…see how strong my fan base is…etc.”) Besides. You know the media can find their way around any obstacle. Maybe they’ll CGI in some sun.

  • chris says:

    man i hope that happens, the rain, that is. even though the video is lame, it would be sooooo freakin’ funny if that rain happened. The DNC is sooo boring, at least that would be some great entertainment to see a bunch of democracts soaking wet, scrambling to cover up equipment, running a tarp onto the field kinda thing…hahaha…sounds like our community backback giveaway/outreach the student ministry did last week, soaked us all.
    Obama would turn the rain water into wine, right?

  • James M says:

    I am an Obama supporter, but this video does kinda have a bit of cute humor to it.

    But then again, I haven’t taken Jesus Dobson & Friends seriously ever since they threw a bunch of their funds off to lobbyists, haha.

  • Anonymous says:

    i am also an Obama supporter, and i found the video to be humorous only insomuch that it shows the level of desperation involved by some people who support McCain. If he’s the right candidate for the U.S., then why not focus on his own message rather than trying to flood out Obama and the DNC?

  • Dave Carrol says:

    Remember the old SNL “Bad Idea Jeans” sketch?

    That dude is wearing bad idea jeans

  • Thomas+ says:

    What a smug man he is. What an example of Christianity.

    If it doesn’t rain, do we think Mr. “stoplight” guy will repent?

    How in the heck do they maintain their 501c3 status?

  • machoo says:

    “swamp the intersection rain”

    What a great and humorous prayer! And then, when a horrific car accident resulting in a dead family occurs from, say, a swamped intersection, we can just grin. Because what’s a few casualties when God’s raining out Democratic meetings?

  • Brad Ruggles says:

    Ok, that just makes me sick.

  • ttm says:

    Would it be wrong to ask people to pray for a tornado?

    Not just any tornado–not a toss the umbrella out of your hands and roll on tornado–but a massive, rip the roof off the building, blow away the mailing lists, wrench apart the bundles of sentimental devotional books tornado which drops from the sky from the very hands of God?

    Would it be wrong to pray for an epic tornado to descend upon a particular place in Colorado Springs, at any time, day or night?

    I’m talking a redesign the landscape tornado, not a wipe the state of Colorado off the map tornado, just a here’s your concentrated dose of humility tornado.

    I know, you might be asking “Why would I pray for that?” Well, I’m still a somewhat embarrassed recovering fundamentalist. I’m still in favor of Christians having the God-given freedom to vote their consciences without bowing to a mandate from the self-appointed Christian mafia. And I’d like people who claim to be little Christs, who claim to live in such freedom and to desire freedom for all souls, to agree.

    Would it be wrong to pray for a tornado?

    I don’t have any special insights or special connections. I’m just a regular (Independent) gal who’s looking for people who feel like I do to pray for the wind.

    I know there are people who will probably pray for protection and blessing and continued profit, and this isn’t a contest. But if God decides…(And it’s always up to God to decide.) If God decides that a tornado of meteorological proportions, of Biblical proportions, is to suddenly appear, we’ll see it! And we’ll say “It is good.”

    And if He decides it’s not really necessary, I’m okay with that. I’m content to just let them keep wasting their money on the propaganda that lands in my mailbox (despite my attempts to be removed from the mailing list.)

    Would it be so wrong to ask people to pray for wind?

    I think we have the greenlight to pray…or wait, maybe it’s yellow…hmmm maybe I should stop now.

    (That video was sad on so many levels.)

  • Gary Durbin says:

    lame…so very lame

  • Anna G says:

    Yeah. Not funny.

  • Rick says:

    It would be great to see a video from that group calling Christians to provide alternative solutions (homes) for unwanted children as an alternative to abortion. It would be wonderful to see them be as zealous and snarky about the disgrace of poverty and unemployment as they are about gay marriage. I wish they would have been as outraged over people dying in the 9th ward of New Orleans as they are about partial birth abortion. Why is it that in these people’s eye’s God would rather i stand against abortion and gay marriage and compromise on care for the poor and disenfranchised. Maybe we Christians should use our energy and resources to affect change in people’s hearts and lives and not lean on the government to legislate love and redemption! I’m just saying…

  • Terroni says:

    No, this is not funny. But then, I don’t think that anything James Dobson or Focus on the Family does is funny. In fact, if I met James Dobson right now, I’d probably be arrested for kicking him.

    Why the JD angst?

    Because I love my LGBT friends. If you become friends with any LGBT folks, you will inevitably hear them talk about how they have been hurt by the church, by the kinds of things that James Dobson says.

    And, you know what? Many LGBT people truly believe what James Dobson and others like him say. They have internalized his condemnation and it clouds their vision of the cross.

    So, I try to tell my friends, his grace is sufficient for you, for his power is made perfect in your weakness; but I have a hard time drowning out Focus on the Family’s Captain Hetero. (Seriously, we should get the dude a cape.)

    If I met him today, I’d kick him in the shins and say, GET THE F*** OUT OF MY WAY. I’M TRYING TO SHOW JESUS TO MY FRIENDS.

    And that’s all I can think about whenever anyone even mentions Focus on the Family.

  • Anonymous says:

    To be expected from Focus on the Family.

  • Anonymous says:



    That is my second favorite behind
    “I believe in God motherf***er.”

  • lennon256 says:

    no, it wasn’t funny. However, neither is it funny what the democrats are trying to do to this country by instilling socialism into its very fabric.