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aliens exist?!

By July 27, 2008Blog

According to one famous astronaut, aliens have been observing and visiting Planet Earth for the last sixty years!

Here’s my question: If this story proved true–that aliens existed–how would it affect/change your personal faith? Did Jesus die for outer space too?

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Ron says:

    “Did Jesus die for outer space too?”

    …sometimes it’s hard to fathom that he died for earth – once I get past that, then I’ll worry about Predestination for Kling-Ons and Wookies becoming Emergant

  • Joy says:

    I’m a personal fan of Stargate SG-1 but I don’t believe there’s anything “out there” (except my hubby)! We were purposefully created. Hard to imagine an evolved group of people who grew out of a germ in some galaxy far-far away!

    BUT… if it were true, God is the God of all and my faith would remain.

  • Lori says:

    In the words of Larry Norman–If there’s life on other planets then I’m sure that He must know and has been there once already and has died to save their souls.

  • Anonymous says:

    Dude, James Carville has been living among us for 60 years or so… we didn’t need a moon walker to tell us there are really aliens.

    Seriously, The Bible is pretty clear about the coming of “strong delusions” that will be enough to fool even the elect. I believe that covers everything from the apostasy that has saturated MOST of the American Church to alien probings and Carville on Face the Nation.


  • It would probably faith shaking for some, but remember, it wasn’t all that long ago that we found out that there was a whole other side to our planet. And there were people living there and stuff. Equally worldview shaking stuff.

  • ttm says:

    If this story proves true, I doubt that it will change my personal faith in any measurable way. I think it’s quite selfish to imagine that human beings are the only possible intelligent and responsive creations of God. God is limitless and impossible for humanity to fully comprehend; it’s entirely possible that He created other beings in His image and put them “somewhere out there.”

    To my knowledge, the Bible does not mention beings inhabiting other places in the galaxies (unless you count angels and demons who are of the “spiritual” dimension), but that doesn’t mean they cannot and do not exist. The Bible doesn’t specifically mention computers, abortion, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, the planet Venus, magic markers, or Homeland Security either. Just because it isn’t mentioned, doesn’t mean it isn’t.

    I think if there are other beings “somewhere out there”, our God is big enough and loving enough to manage the situation. (It IS entertaining to speculate.)

  • k says:

    If this is true- then well, God is still God of this earth, if that’s your faith, but why not be open to the fact that there is more life out there than just us?
    I mean, with everything that exists in the UNIVERSE, we’re one planet of millions. It’s quite egotistical to think that we’re the only planet out there with life on it. And I’m sure they have their own faith, just as other nations and countries have theirs.

  • MB says:

    When I read your question I immediately thought of the part in Bill & Ted’s Bogus Adventure when they go to heaven and see all the other life forms.

    I don’t know which is scarier, the idea that there might be other life forms or that there might be theological truth and insight in a Bill & Ted movie!

  • Our world is the only one that fell to and captured by Sin and therefor only we needed salvation and someone to pay the ransom for sin, which is death but only the death of one blameless and Holy.

    Need more? Hit me up!

  • Dan says:

    Holy Wow! Was Windows 3.1 I saw in that clip? When was this video taken?!

    While I can’t say for sure that aliens exist, I can say it won’t affect my faith any. It may give a false hope to other though