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do you think jesus likes this kind of music?

By June 1, 2008Blog

If I were Jesus, I wouldn’t. I’d be tempted to try an heal the man. Give him a new haircut. Call Jenny Craig on his behalf. And then I might scold him for bending the Bible like he does. Who does he think he is? Bella Karoli?

But what do you think? Is Jesus REALLY praised by this?

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 18 Comments

  • Mike says:

    What the heck?!

  • Anonymous says:

    In a word, yes. admittedly I did not watch this video, but given your description I would say that the Bible says that Jesus does not look at his haircut and/or weight. The Bible also says to simply make a joyful noise to the Lord. I don’t think it is for you to judge what the Lord is praised by . . . just saying.

  • Richard says:

    Jesus likes emo

  • Dave Carrol says:

    I just watched this with my son…

    his comment…

    “Who is that girl?”

  • Anonymous, for one thing, get a life. And secondly, I wrote “If I were Jesus.” I figured it was pretty obvious that I’m not Jesus. And gosh, if you’re going to make a snotty comment… have the balls enough to put your name on it.

  • Mike says:

    And for the love, watch the video first. I was actually going to leave a similar comment until I actually did watch the video.

  • ttm says:

    We don’t have the mind of God. His ways are not our ways. I can speculate all day about whether this is honoring to Him or not. I can speculate all day about whether the things you write are honoring God or not.

    I could write a post like anonymous dissing you for dissing the guy in yellow and his “Lil Markie” alter ego, except I’m stopped by the fact that my son and I spent an hour this morning–yes an entire hour–watching local church services on a paid programming channel.

    We laughed our heads off at some praise dancers who looked like Klingons. We couldn’t believe how long another dance troupe could extend a ridiculously stupid mime about “loosing limitations” through the “Holy” Spirit (who happened to resemble Steve Erkel when he danced. And, in the words of my son, “He just keeps going. What is he ON?”)

    And then we laughed at a woman preacher whose hair looked like it was sprouting in chunks out of the rest of an otherwise smooth head. And the lovely banner on her wooden pulpit looked like it said “IRS” superimposed on a cross. And she was dressed in a blue suit all buttoned up like you might imagine an IRS agent would be. We could not stop laughing. My belly hurt.

    But in the end, I have to think that God probably has a wider level of tolerance than me. I mean, he MADE these people. (They probably think I look, act, and praise a little weird, too.)

    Praise comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and types. I’m actually grateful for that. And for the fact, that we saved major bucks on comedy club tickets! ;^)

  • I just want to let you know that I LOVE reading your blog….I often have many of the same thoughts!

  • Anonymous says:

    Anonymous #1 could have at least watched the video, wtf?

    2. Although you do have a point, let’s not take advantage of God’s acceptance. Let’s put some real heart and talent into praising God. We Christians take such advantage of God’s acceptance that we don’t even try.

  • machoo says:

    So that’s what Baby Huey looks like in church

  • Mike Browning says:

    MPT, most of your readers (including me) are in a young enough generation that’s past a certain threshold of cheesiness. I can be sure that the church in the video wasn’t past that threshold (just look at the stage!). That being said, this guy’s song probably wasn’t intended for you or your readers (if you couldn’t tell by the mullet or the sweats).

    Also, anonymous 2, you’re assuming he has no talent. But you’re not an accurate judge of that. Talent can be a largely arbitrary notion that can change for generations and preferences. It’d be better to say that you don’t share his taste. It’s a classic “You-don’t-look-like-me-so-I-won’t-validate-you” circumstance.

    I only know this from experience. I’ve played on countless songs during church that I thought were ridiculous (and I was frankly ashamed to be on stage then), but I had a perspective shift when people came up afterwards to tell me how much it helped them through a circumstance or opened them up to God. I haven’t been afraid to sport cheesy songs since (we just did “Shackles” by Mary Mary – I felt ridiculous but people were opened up for a freeing morning of worship!).

    And while it may not be encouraging to some, it is to others. Don’t forget Paul talks about edifying others through your worship – if it lifts others around you up, then don’t hinder it. You’d be worse off if you did just because it better suited your comfort to do without it. I think they call that selfishness.

    And regardless of my above statements, the bottom line is love. By totally degrading him on your website (okay I admit, even if it was kinda bad), you have done the opposite of loving him. I do hope you know a thing or two about Christian love, at least after reading your books.

  • Tim Castle says:

    The video made me wonder: do schizophrenics have to get all their personalities saved in order to go to Heaven? If more than one goes, who gets control of the new body? If one of the personalities isn’t saved, how do they work out the heaven/hell time share thing?

  • Anonymous says:

    yo mike browning.

    i didn’t say he doesn’t have any talent.

    i saiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddd.

    “Let’s put some real heart and talent into praising God”

    that means all of us. all i’m saying is we Christians sometimes think just because it’s “Christian” it’s “good”.

  • JustMarian says:

    The Bible-bending is what you found most offensive? Just curious.

  • seventhapex says:

    the comments are more silly than the video. My daughter would have found his performance fascinating. Paul wrote; “I am all things to all people”. No matter how creepy it is to me, if she gathered even a little understanding from it I’ll endure. As far as it being praise, I’m not qualified to judge that since praise is a personal practice.

    I sing praise songs with my girls every night, and sometimes it’s in reverence and focused on God. However sometimes I’m tired and ready for bed and I just end up making noise that sounds like praise. so I’d say this guy is crazy at best but his song could carry the sweetest aroma of praise to God.

  • Anonymous says:

    except it wasn’t really a song of praise. it was an attempt to entertain the crowd Elmo style.

  • I like Ricky Skaggs better when he does bluegrass.

  • Gary Hussey says:

    I’m sorry but, I think that you’re passing judgments that you’re not qualified to make. Be careful not to attribute what is of the Spirit to what is of the flesh. Jesus considered this blasphemy. Who are we to know what was in this cat’s heart. As I said this (though irritating to me) may be the foolishness that confounds the wise. Blessings to you brother/sister.