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colbert on satan… watch the whole thing…

By February 12, 2008Blog
Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Anonymous says:

    This guy, Philip Zambardo, is a psychology professor and, as a psych student, I have seen a few videos now hosted by him. I even saw the video of the experiment Philip talks about where the kids act as guards and prisoners, and it is FREAKY!!! Afterwards, the kids that were doing the torture said they couldn’t help themselves and were just playing along with the role they were assigned. Do you think the Nazis would say the same thing about their role in WWII? Very interesting . . . .

    As I said, I’m a psych student, at a Christian college no less, and I completely agree with Stephen Colbert on this one. What the heck was Philip talking about that GOD WAS WRONG and Satan was right?!?!?!??!?!?! Yikes . . . . it’ll be interesting for me if I have to watch another Zambardo flick at school.

  • Tim Castle says:

    Zimbardo seems to have a lot of inside knowledge of Satan and God’s conversation… hmmmm….

    Still, the line, “I TEACH Sunday School, m**** f****!” gives me even more respect for Colbert than before!