The following comment was written to me in regards to the Joel Osteen post.
I will attempt to answer some of her questions.
You’re seriously a Christian??
Yes, ma’am, I am a Christian.
Because this sounded like an atheist’s rant on Joel Osteen.
With all due respect, I doubt an atheist would give too much time to Joel Osteen’s thoughts about earthly blessings. I think, if anything, my post almost proves that I’m a Christian. Perhaps because it shows that I care.
How much money are you making off of this website?
Zilch. The ads you see are a part of the Guidepost Blog Network, and the network sort of failed. I haven’t made one dime from being included in that network. Your comment has actually reminded me that I should probably take them off my site. At some point, I’d like to make a little extra money from my blogging. I certainly have the traffic. But so far, I haven’t.
Your rude, cynical tweets?
Again, I receive no money from my rude, cynical Tweets, and even the nice ones don’t pay.
And your own book?
Well, I received an advance for my book. And I could probably buy a decent car with the check I received, if I spent it all at once. However, Joel Osteen received $12 million for his book advance, more than any other “author” in history. And that’s great for him! I have no issue with people making money. This post was not a rant about people making money.
Good thing God gives enough grace for me, you, AND Joel.
And Mongolia. I think people forget about Mongolia.
And good thing God doesn’t measure the amount of grace He gives us based off of YOUR standards
I completely agree.
But you might also consider this: God doesn’t use Joel’s standards for granting “blessings” and “favor,” either. While my comments about Joel’s theology were trite, immature, and sometimes humorous–the same could be said about Joel’s thoughts about God.
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Well said.
Not sure you’re seriously a Christian
More kind of satirically, joyfully, gracefully, humourously, passionately, heartbreakingly, faithfully a Christian!
Been loving your blog stuff, MP… thank you.
Keep the faith 🙂
Quit being vague. A used car or a new car?
Well said!
Yeah…I’m not a fan of Joel Osteen, and I never listen to him, which is why I refrained from commenting on that post. I get mad about the prosperity Gospel, but then I haven’t listened to or read Osteen’s words enough to get into a discussion.
I did find your post amusing, however.
Thank you so much for your blogs. I have been reading them for a while now and they have helped me in ways that you would never know. Reading your blogs have helped me belive that there is still some faith in humanity. It is sad to me that people get so offended and worked up that they forget about the real truth. LOVE. I love you MPT and thank you so much for bieng honest and real. The world needs more people like you.
What we have learned this week…
When a heritic is exposed for being nothing but a money grab, the person who brought this pretty well known fact to light in his blog is told the following…
*He is a douche
*He is tearing down Christianity
*He has no grace
*Not bringing glory to God
*An embarassment to the faith
*Bain (SIC) of a movement of christiananity that gives one commenter new purpose in life
*an A$$hole
*elder statesmen of the Christian Cynic Society
*Questioned on being a christian and told this was an atheist rant
Really? It actually looks like Joel Osteen’s defenders are the ones that fit these descriptions. Thanks again, MPT, for having the balls to write that post and for continuing to expose stuff like this for what it is.
I do have to say that last comment said it all. (Zac’s) Especially the last part.
My thoughts exactly.
Can’t wait to get my book in the mail that I won!!
I’d never pay for it…
“trite, immature, and sometimes humorous”
*golf clap*
Well played, sir.
Very VERY well done.
Who’s this Joel Osteen you talk about?
I love you – please come to our little Methodist church and shake things up for a day 🙂
Oh and having been to Mongolia, its tough to forget.
I agree with all- excellent response! You can come to my church in Savannah, GA anytime too!
When I grow up, I hope to have as awesome a group of ‘fans’ as you do.
Dear MPT,
Sometimes you annoy me. Sometimes I don’t have a clue what you’re thinking and come to the conclusion that you’re delusional. Sometimes I dedcide to stop following you here on the blog and on twitter because of that.
Then you write posts like this one and the Joel Osteen one and all is right in the world again.
Love, rachelizabeth
ps – I’m still waiting on my shipment of sparkle dust. =D
Advice to writers from William S. Burroughs, from an essay titled “Beauty and the Bestseller”:
“There is a type of bestseller that requires no research at all if you have the stomach for it. The self-help book will transform your whole life. Your Erroneous Zones, Think and Grow Rich, Winning Through Intimidation. You just sit down and write it, if you’re the kind of person who can write something like that. Your Erroneous Zones. I really take my hat off to that title. It hits the reader right where he lives. And gooses him right up to the cash register…. Get the title first, then write the book.”
so true.
Well, I loved your Joel Osteen post.
It almost makes me want to ask the question: “if you hate it so much then why do you read it? Why do you comment? Why do you send emails to the author of the post calling into question his salvation?”
Are you not doing the same thing….
You would think people are getting a kick back from Joel when in all reality they are giving money to him and he continues to flash that goofy smile.
MPT, you are just jealous of Joel’s wonderful full head of hair…………….such a blessing from the Lord it is
Kyle Reed-I don’t read it. I came here from the link YOU shared on SCL. I used to read this blog and then got so disheartened from all the negativity and ugliness that I stopped. And I’m not questioning his salvation. I’m questioning the example he’s giving of what being a Christian is.
I’m not a Joel supporter. AT ALL. I was not defending Joel Osteen with my comment. In all honesty, reading that post from you simply made me sad. It just seems that you get such pleasure from tearing others down. Self-righteousness is not righteousness at all.
Keep doing what you’re doing, that’s fine. I’m not “attacking” you or anyone else. My comment was definitely mild compared to what I was commenting on. With a public blog that is so very opinionated, you’re going to get people that disagree with you, which I’m sure you’re well aware of. As I said, I wasn’t trying to defend Joel Osteen, it just hurt me to see a Christian go into such an ugly rant about another.
For those that are offended by this blog, and this post in particular, I would say they need to do a quick study through the Bible some day at what God thinks about those who speak falsely for and about Him, and “false prophets”. The Gospel, and the message Joel speaks is definitely FALSE. I don’t think it’s wrong to point that out, even in a sarcastic or trite way…if anything it is loving. I’m not questioning Joel’s salvation or saying that he and his church are going to burn in hell…I have no idea, that isn’t my call. But what I am saying is those that fail to repent, will not be saved. Joel himself has said he doesn’t want to talk about sin…well if you are not talking about sin…how are people going to repent. As a shepherd of God’s people that is part of the whole story that you are suppose to be preaching to your people. Sure you should build up the “body”. But you should also show the “body” what they are in relation to a Holy and perfect God. Just my thoughts..I could rant longer, but I have a busy morning. :).