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jesus would have spanked his children…

By November 23, 2009Blog

Says John Piper when one of his fans asked (in February of 2009) if Jesus would have spanked his children…

Yes, it’s a dumb question. But Piper answers it anyway.

My problem with the following clip is that Piper uses the “spare the rod/spoil the child” verse from Proverbs to support his theory.

However, most biblical scholars now believe that verse is not about spanking, but rather about guiding/directing a child, like a shepherd guiding/directing/protecting his sheep.


I’m not advocating to spank or not to spank with this post… but far too many Christians misuse that text to support spanking. But in Piper’s case, to use this verse to support the idea that Jesus–the one called the Good Shepherd–would spank his children is ridiculous. In my opinion…

Here’s a good link that discusses the biblical idea of a “Good Shepherd.”


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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