Thanks for your compliments on my blog. I appreciate the comment, coming from a soul with a focus on the literary side of life.
Your blog and blovies are indeed great — will you permit my attempt to morph the language a bit in the direction of more ridiculous? The template/presentation is well thought out. Something I could work on myself. I am going to drop a bookmark here. Keep up the great work.
Being the penguin lover you seem to be and the always evolving successful author you are, you may be interested in reading a short book called Our Iceberg is Melting by John Kotter.
My comment comes too late to wish you a Merry Christmas but just in time to wish you and Jessica a Very Happy, Creative, and Fulfilling New Year.
I hope you have a great Christmas, Matthew.
thanks man. Hope you do, too!
If you want to be My PR guy, I’d love it. This blog is a blast and I’m off to buy one of your books on Amazon.
I love you,
Jesus Christ
Thanks for your compliments on my blog. I appreciate the comment, coming from a soul with a focus on the literary side of life.
Your blog and blovies are indeed great — will you permit my attempt to morph the language a bit in the direction of more ridiculous? The template/presentation is well thought out. Something I could work on myself. I am going to drop a bookmark here. Keep up the great work.
Paul Cooley
Linux Lore
Being the penguin lover you seem to be and the always evolving successful author you are, you may be interested in reading a short book called Our Iceberg is Melting by John Kotter.
My comment comes too late to wish you a Merry Christmas but just in time to wish you and Jessica a Very Happy, Creative, and Fulfilling New Year.
aw, thank you, ttm! Happy New Year to you, too!
Best, mpt