Of course, this might cause some of the more skeptical among us to ask: If that was his “original plan” why then did he create Satan? That stupid tree? Penises? You know, all of the “problem” areas…
Oh well. Maybe we’ll know someday.
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Ha ha ha! That sign is funny… though I don’t agree!
I have to agree with the sign actually. I believe:
*God created Lucifer who fell and became Satan (God didn’t create a Satan)–everyone has a choice, even angels
*The tree gave people a choice
*The “problem areas,” without sin, I don’t think were “problem areas”
I really do believe that so much is about choice… God allows certain things to happen…it doesn’t mean that He wanted it to, or that it was His will for it to occur. Anyhoo, those are my beliefs. 🙂
Okay, so there’s a bit of a theological snag, but I must confess that I have this sticker on my fridge. It’s a conversation starter… “Naked? What?” Don’t worry about it, Dad.
That wasn’t God’s original plan. Why would it be? He knew what was going to happen…
I agree that the sign depicts God’s original plan. He knew man would sin, but I believe his “plan” (or ideal) would have been that man not sin and that we all could have lived in the garden of Eden forever. Wow…this is deep for blog commenting…but definitely thought provoking.
So … when Jesus returns, will we all be vegetarians … and naked, as in the garden — you know, all things restored as God intended?
@anonymous: I HOPE SO! That would be awesome. Heaven will be like a colony!
lol- wow you are good at starting great conversations…I’ll let my husband handle this one- he is more theologiocally savvy!
You’re kidding…penises are “problem areas”? ;^)
Great point, anonymous! Maybe that is what this means… one of those crazy metaphoric simile poetic signs. Makes ya think!
Of course penises are a problem area. Look at all the problems men have caused because they think with their penis. Stupid penis!