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third day has a new album out… oh boy!

By July 30, 2008Blog

Did you see them on Leno? Did you run out and buy the new CD? I bet you did. You stayed up late and bought it on iTunes just after midnight, didn’t you?

Be honest.

OK, here’s a confession: I don’t like Third Day. I know, I know… It’s true. And yes, I do love Jesus. Admitting you dislike Third Day is sort of like saying you don’t like the Book of Zechariah. But I am certain that if I had ever really read the Book of Zechariah, I would like it MUCH more than I like Third Day. Oh, yes. That’s almost biblical. That’s how true it is.

Now, I must admit that Mac Powell is a good singer, and if he were to go solo, I might listen to a song or two. But Mac is the nice one in the boy band, and from my vantage point, unworthy of being in Third Day.

That’s just my opinion. Others might disagree. Others might think he fully deserves to be in Third Day. But I don’t. He’s better than that.

What do you think of Third Day?

For the record, I don’t like Spam either. But I do like Julie Andrews and George Michael, at least better than I like Third Day.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 51 Comments

  • Linny Best says:

    I would say that I’ve always liked Third Day. I like Mac more than the band as a whole for some reason, but this album takes the trophy. I love this album. I think the greatest part of it is that they collaberated with Robert Randolph on #6 Otherside…that’s just awesome.

  • Shelby says:

    I think your sniffing to much breat milk:) Third Day is awesome!! I have 4 kids and a business, so I rarely if ever get to listen to music that one of kids isn’t playing and I had no idea Third Day had a new album out, but I Love them. They are no TFK, but… Shelby

  • Tim Gibson says:

    I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan, but I like 3rd Day. Not sure if I’ll get the new album though. Kinda like Friends; not as great as Seinfeld, but you know they’re always around and they give you nice warm fuzzies.

  • @shelby: Ha! Maybe that’s it. Breast milk is strong stuff! But I must ask: who is TFK… I can’t place the acronym. 🙂

  • Lisa says:

    Never liked Third Day until I went to my first concert a few months ago at our church here in Louisville – Southeast Christian (yep, it’s a mega church … 22,000ish, so it truly was a concert). It was beyond all my expectations. My husband even pre-ordered the CD, and we just got it the other day. I’ve played “Revelation” so much it’s now become the worm in my head that I can’t squeeze out.

    BTW, this is my first time posting as I’m now addicted and thought I should contribute something. I got hooked by visiting Angie’s site, then Jessica’s, now yours. I saw the title of your blog and had to learn more, being as though I actually work in PR. And I completely agree, Matthew. Jesus DOES need new PR.

    Seems little Elias is quite a bundle of God’s perfection (minus the pooping). Congratulations on bringing a little life into the world. You and Jessica are already quite the example of Godly parents.

  • Brad Ruggles says:

    Liking George Michael better than Third Day? Ouch! That’s pretty tough stuff.

    I can’t say that I overly like or dislike Third Day. I’ve seen them in concert back in the day and they were good but I haven’t been too big of a fan recently.

    And frankly all this hype around the new album kinda confounds me. Maybe I’m off track. Maybe we should have a George Michael listening party.

  • b/ says:

    I’m with you 100%. They lost me when they did the whole, “Hey, this worship stuff is selling well, let’s do that for a while.” The Christian world needs great entertainers to compete with the secular market. They did that well for so long, and then it looked liked they just started doing what everyone else did.

  • Shelby says:

    Sorry…Thousand Foot Krutch. I love their song Home. I did not grow up in the church and I really thought the only Christian music out there was whatever was played in church. Then I became a youth leader(well not so much became one as was shoved into it as all the other leaders backed out) and we took our youth to Creation(a large outdoor Christian concert) and TFK was there. Loved it. They have some rap and I am not into that, personally, but I think rest is fabulous. I am not a musician. I can’t not play a single instrument and I can not sing, so I can’t say if they are musically sound, but I like em.

  • machoo says:

    Thank God someone else said it…I have never liked Third Day. When I was a new Christian and tried to be liked by my new peer group, tried to like them. I did. But to me, everything about them is safe and mediocre. I was told I needed to like them because they were one of the only Christian bands that didn’t compromise thier lifestyle. I just think its because they’re from Georgia, like my old pastor was.
    To conclude, I agree with MPT that there is a peer pressure involved in liking this band (not to downplay those who really do).

  • Sara says:

    Right now I’m thinking I must be a really bad Catholic/Christian because until you got to the loving Jesus part I thought you meant Green Day. Cuz I’ve never heard of Third Day.

    I know, I’m a heathen. Don’t throw stones.



  • @Sara: You and I could definitely be best friends! I normally get along really well with heathens… 🙂

  • Jill says:

    hey there. (I’m a new reader of your blog and I’m really starting to like you!!)

    I don’t like Third Day either!! I have to change the channel when they come on the radio. I think we could start a club 🙂

    btw-congrats on your new little guy.

  • @Jill: Sounds like an excuse to start another one of those Facebook groups? Third Day Therapy?

  • Vern says:

    What a great discussion going on.

    I personally like Third Day…promoted their appearance on my blog and stayed up to watch them on Leno last night…The producers saved the best for last! The first part of the show was terrible!!

    So Matt share with us…

    Have you ever been to a Third Day concert?

    Who do you like to listen to?

    Just curious…

    Thanks for the blog fun!


  • @Vern: I’ve been to like five live performances of Third Day. I’ve been in the same room with them on many occasions. (When I worked at CCM). I was forced to put them on the cover once. Seriously, I was threatened by their wonderful publicist. She told me she would ruin the magazine if we didn’t put them on the cover. I didn’t believe her, but my publisher did. “They DESERVED the cover,” she told me. And then she called me the next day after they were put on the cover and said, “You know I love you, right?” To be honest, a couple members of the band just aren’t that nice… That’s not why I don’t like their music though.. I would just rather listen to Pearl Jam or the Black Crows if I’m in a “Third Day” mood…

  • Pete Wilson says:

    I’m on Total Axxess with them tonight and I’m going to tell them everything you said! 🙂

  • Dave Carrol says:

    No third day?

    Ha… you know when i used to run our christian radio station and would do the interviews in the festival tents… 3rd day were one of the only really rude groups. Mac wasn’t there (we was doing youth ministry seminars) but the other guys were grumpy and let it be known that they didn’t want to be there

    i don’t like to talk bad because everyone has “those days” and It’s far from a case study… but it was quite a contrast when relient k are goofing with you and share giggles about Canada with John Reuben and then 3rd Day snarls at you when you take a picture

  • Jacob says:

    I’m the opposite. I like the band mucho better than Mac Powell’s voice. I just met them a few weeks ago. They’re ALL nice guys. Maybe they just don’t like you. Seriously. If I posted how I don’t like Third Day on my blog, they probably wouldn’t like me either.

    I like Third Day live, but not many of their studio stuff.

  • @Jacob: Good point, man! You might be right, but I think they disliked me long before blogs came into the picture… 🙂

  • Kate says:

    Come on MPT… is there really any Christian music that you DO like? I love Jesus, but I can’t listen to Christian radio for more than 5 seconds. It makes me queazy. I would rather listen to praise and worship than some of the cheese that is on the radio.

  • @Kate: I agree with you about Christian radio. I RARELY listen in. But I do like some Christian music. Brandon Heath, Derek Webb, Sara Groves, the new Bebo stuff, and a few others…


  • You should check out my friends The Classic Crime –

    They just released their sophomore album last week and the music is fantastic! I think you would like them. They don’t categorize themselves as a Christian band although two of the members are christians. They write all their own music and lyrics and put on one heck of a live show! Just wanted to plug some music that I think is worthy of your attention. See what you think and I’d love to hear back a comment. Hope I’m not overstepping blogging rules here. Just wanted to share with you.


  • Jessica says:

    Wow this has been quite the discussion. I too found your blog via Angie and then your wife. I keep checking back because I enjoy your sense of humor. I think that’s what you call it. I like that you say the things most people just think in their heads…are you like that in real life? or just in writing?
    So I have to admit I’m a Third Day “lover”- please keep the fiery darts and sighs of dismay at a minimum. 🙂 I also listen to Christian radio. Ok I know I’m lame. And wait…I have one more, I also lead worship. Oh boy I can see the darts flying.
    It is a shame when Christian people “suck” in person – slightly disappointing. However, I just like to sing the songs! For me it’s all about “bopping my head, stomping my feet, singing at the top of my lungs”…you get the picture.

  • Vern says:

    Thank you…I appreciate your responses to my questions.

    Love Brandon Heath and Sara Groves too!

    I admit that I ocassionaly listen to Christian Radio but prefer to play my CD’s o my favorites music and messages…especially the old school Christian Artists like Keith Green, Janny Grein and others…My Music Mondays will have some reflections on that era…as well as from secular groups like Journey!!

    I just went to hear them last weekend…the new guy Arnel…was amazing and had so much energy and stage presence…I recommend the concert and their recent CD…Hmm…It is titled REVELATION too!!

    Oh Happy Day!


  • Nen says:

    not a big fan of third day either… i def don’t mind mac’s voice… and i agree… i would probably rather him go solo. but what can ya do? heck, who IS third day without mac? seriously.

    i’m picky about my music though!

  • Shelby says:

    My son read your post and said you are brutel, but in a good way. He is 16 and very into music and thinks you are funny. My 10 year old says “who cares about Third Day they have the cutest little boy on the planet!!” and she has a little brother and a cousin:) Shelby

  • Jen says:

    It’s okay to not like Third Day. The darts don’t fly until you say you don’t like Casting Crowns. 😉 (which… I don’t. “Every Man” was the last straw for me.)

    I’m cool with Third Day. I’ve never met them, so I can’t say anything about the guys personally. I’ve seen them in concert a couple times, and I definitely like them better live than on CD. I’ve heard Revelation, it sounds pretty good, but I don’t think I’d buy it and listen to it a lot. (Lacey Moseley from Flyleaf singing on a couple tracks is a surprise and a plus.)

    So, I’m pretty neutral on Third Day. Definitely would rather listen to Brandon Heath or Bebo Norman. 🙂

    And Jessica: it’s okay. If listening to Christian radio makes you lame, then does that make me double-lame for working in Christian radio? 🙂

  • jordanmc says:

    I’m with you Matt, never really liked Third Day much (although I can see why some do…. sort of)… And now that they ripped their album cover from Radiohead`s `Hail to the thief`cd, I dislike them even more!
    And yes, I love Jesus too!

  • Stephanie says:

    I don’t listen to Christian music, so no opinion on Third Day, but I did find a video about Jesus’ face being found in cat fur, and thought you might enjoy it! Maybe they can enhance the cat video by adding Third Day music to the background. Haha!

  • Anne Jackson says:

    i used to listen to third day in high school. then i stopped. then i met mark lee at dinner once. and he invited a bunch of us to a show. and then i had a jack and coke. and then maybe it was god, maybe it was jack, maybe it was both, and i knew we were supposed to move to nashville. i got the cd a little bit before it came out…and i have to say i really dig it. and that mark is a really swell guy.

  • @Anne: OK, I didn’t feel guilty about this post until your comment! 🙂 I’m gonna go grab myself a jack-n-coke to work through it… 🙂

    Check out Anne’s blog, btw!

  • Joy says:

    I like a lot of their songs (but I also despise a lot of their songs). And I personally don’t think Mac’s voice is that fantastic. BUT… overall I do enjoy a good Third Day song!

    Didn’t see Leno (but I did hear it was NASTAY before TD played) and I don’t think I even own a CD. We may have a *GASP* burned CD somewhere!

  • Oliv18929 says:

    I am totally with you….I am not a Third Day fan. Thanks for reassuring me know I am not the only one. 😉

  • supersimbo says:

    Dude, Careful Mac & the boys dont sue your ass!!

  • andy c. says:

    jordanmc said it,

    total hack job of ‘hail to the thief’.

    every band rips off radiohead.

    how can what bands you like be tied to your love for Jesus Christ??

  • Angela says:

    Im not 4sure why we need a blog about how much people ‘don’t like’ someone? We talk about the example of Jesus loving people… turning your cheek to enemies.. ect. Amazing amazing amazing grace has extended to us….. are we not suppose to extend that same grace? The guys in 3rd Day might be the biggest fakes – maybe they are rude – maybe they misrepresent Jesus… idk , but is that any different than whats happening here? I wonder what Jesus thinks of 3rd Day?

  • Dani says:

    It’s not that I don’t like them personally. Because I have never met them but I don’t care for their music. I don’t know why. But I just have never really like their music. I have never publically stated that because I was afraid I was going to be attacked or something because most people think..if you are a Christian and like Christian music then you HAVE to LOVE Third Day. So thanks for sharing with us this opinion so that I don’t feel like the only one in the whole world who don’t like them. 🙂

  • Sara says:

    These comments are cracking me up… mostly because I’m starting to realize how “straight-laced” we Catholics are growing up… we pretty much sang in church and that was the extent of our Christian music vocabulary.

    Unless you count when Up With People came and sang at our school. We thought they were incredibly cool.

    You are certainly expanding my horizons, Matthew! 🙂


  • Shelby says:

    Some people just don’t have a sense of humor…sad. Shelby

  • Sara-Beth says:

    Another new reader (well since Elias’ birth) via Angie then thru Jessicas blog.

    I have to agree. I love your music player and Imogean Heap, WTG on that one. Im no Third Day fan, however, one of the members is my neighbor so I have to play nice. That and their 5 kids could attack at any moment!

    Congrats on making an adorable bundle of a boy!

  • Anonymous says:

    I know very little about this band but I do know that there are a good number of Christians out there who “have the gift” of displaying their coolness (pride) before the World by trying to distance themselves from what Jesus loves most THE CHURCH.

    A better take on the Church would be to discern and admonish it for the PRIDE, APOSTASY and CARNALITY that it is embracing these days. I’m pretty sure this band is guilty of non of the former.


  • Anonymous says:

    Met them when the bookstore I managed did an in-store following one of their concerts . . . had the same impression you did – not a good one. Their music isn’t the worst, but I just can’t listen to them after how they (and their entourage)treated my staff and the fans.

    I enjoy your blog (found it via Jessica, via Angie). Thanks!


  • chris says:

    for what it’s worth, they were awesome to my youth group, all 33 of us. I can only say they stayed when they didn’t have to and prayed when they coulda walked with 30ish teenagers who prolly will never affect their record sales….says sumpn to me…..ima tupac fan anyway

  • Michelle says:

    I don’t like them that much, either. It has nothing to do with my love for Jesus. It’s just that I don’t like their sound and I get bored listening to them. Just because I agree with your theology doesn’t mean I agree with your musicology. People need to create good music, but so often christians make crap…and expect people to buy it…and people do. WHY is that okay? I don’t understand that.

  • Terroni says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Anonymous says:

    how can you rag on Third Day when you were the editor of CCM Magazine!? the stories don’t match up. CCM Mag is the cheesiest most plastic representation of any type of good ‘christian music’ out there. if you were the editor of paste, or harp, or HM or 7-ball or Risen….then maybe you could comment on disliking the big guns on CCM. i am not a fan of TD either. and i agree with you, if i wanted to listen to “southern rock” then i would have to pick Skynyrd, Black Crowes, Drive By Truckers or Derek and the Dominoes etc.


  • About says:

    Did anyone else notice that the design concept is completely plagiarized from Radiohead’s “Hail to the Thief?”

    Check out this link:
    Hail to the Thief

  • the holly says:

    tim keel has some great comments exploring the apparent rip off of cover album art you might appreciate:


  • zionred says:

    well, that’s something we have in common. Ive never liked Third Day, Actually, I’ll take that back… I did like their first release (before they were signed) that was produced by Sam Taylor.

    Also, the CD design does look A LOT like Radiohead’s “Hauil to the Thief”

  • Tony says:

    Matthew and Anne

    How about Jack and Dew? That is where it is at. If anything’ll help anyone get over Third Day love, it is that combo. Not that I know, I’ve just heard it from some people, my ‘friends’. Yeah. That’s it.

  • Hutch says:

    I guess I’m posting a little late here, but Third Day is one of my favorite bands ever. But obviously they don’t appeal to everyone…no worries, Turner.