In honor of his new movie Fireproof, his new book Still Growing, and THIS story from San Francisco Gate, it’s Kirk Cameron weekend at my blog!
Exciting stuff, huh?
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Let me just say this about Fireproof. When I heard the tag line, Never leave your partner behind, I assumed that this was a movie about a bad marriage. A really bad marriage. Like the kind of marriage where you find your partner trapped in a burning building and you really have to think twice about whether or not you want to go in after him or her. And then, because God tells you that you have to, you reluctantly put on your firefighter outfit and rescue your miserable spouse.
That’s the kind of bad marriage movie that I can relate to.
But, it turns out, in this movie, they just don’t really like each other all that much. Which, I think we can all agree, is far less compelling.
The best thing about SF Gate is the commentary…
“Oh man, what an idiot. Actors get few freebies and kissing hot women while married is one of them. Yeah dude has a purity ring…on his weenie.”
i’m proud of him for making an unpopular decision and deciding for himself that he’d like to honor his wife that way. the comments below the article are ridiculous. your take, matthew, is probably similar to theirs, but i think it’s awesome. it’s a personal choice he made, and he’s not judging anyone else who might decide otherwise.
The movie was one of the better christian movies I’ve seen as of late.I enjoyed it as well as the others who went with me and the many who talked it up after seeing it. I still prefer Tyler Perry for my christian viewing pleasure but it was a good movie. As for his comments in the article I agree and support his decision and he shouldn’t be hated on for it. Of course in this day and age it should be expected as the whole family value and morals are going down the drain.
while the “christian” comments on the article made me gag, i don’t actually think there’s anything horrifying about his no-kiss commitment. i have to admit that if i were the spouse of an actor, i’d definitely have some issues with that part of his job description myself, even though it’s just acting. isn’t this just a more extreme version of the commitment some actors/actresses make to not do nude scenes or graphic sex scenes? the kind of decision that should be respected, not mocked, even if it seems a little wacky? because who really gets to draw the wacky line? a lot of my “moral” choices as a non-fundamentalist, pretty liberal Christian still weird out a lot of my friends, so i find it hard to join in with the laughter over this one. and it’s not exactly hurting anyone the way a lot of crazy christian things do, unless you feel particularly offended by those pesky rumors that christians are all prudes…
having said that, maybe it’s just that it’s kirk cameron, purveyor of the “banana = proof God exists” illustration that makes this a little harder to take seriously.
My husband every single time the commercial for Fireproof comes on says in his deep movie coming attraction voice, “A movie about Kirk Cameron, starring Kirk Cameron, written by Kirk Cameron, produced by Kirk Cameron, with Kraft Service probably cooked by Kirk Cameron, wardrobe provided by…” you get the point.
For this reason alone I know I’d giggle my way through the movie.
; )
I’m not sure if I should laugh or wince?! Either way, I posted it on my blog as well, so thank you for that. I just ran across your blog and book for the first time. It seems we have some of the same friends. I look forward to reading your book and love your blog. I’m getting ready to add it to my blog roll as soon as I stop writing. Thanks! It’s so great to find a kindred spirit in Christendom, especially around these here parts (aka Nashvegas).