You rock, Pastor Ed! I mean, not only do you look awesome dressed in 90s fashion, dude, I just heard about the little seven-day sex challenge that you’re doing at your church! So cool, man. You’re even cooler than you think you are, I believe. I mean, seriously, everybody loves sex! How cool are you? Well, I just read your interview from CBS This Morning! (Way to go against the cultural flow! That’ll teach Today and Good Morning America not to book you!) Your quotes were awesome! Here are a few of my favorites, Pastor Ed!
“I think [having sex] is one of the greatest things you can do for your kids because so goes the marriage, so goes the family.”
So let me get this straight, Pastor Ed: Are you saying that, if my wife and I have sex for seven days in a row, our son Elias’s life will be bettered? That’s pretty cool. And who would have thought that such a selfless act could be so much fun? Question though, do you think it will get rid of his infant allergies? His nose is stopped up an awful lot. How about the rash that he has on his head? And Pastor do your kids have to know you’re having sex for it to work?
And btw, Pastor Ed, does this method work for extended family, too? And if my life sucks–does that mean my parents aren’t having sex? Wow. My whole life is beginning to make sense.
“Sex is really the super-glue–I believe it’s a real reflection of how the marriage is going.”
Sex is like super glue? Sweet. I’m going to totally see if it will keep the leg on my coffeetable from falling off. We’ve had an awful time trying to find something to make that thing stick. I’m gonna try sex; it might work. And even if it doesn’t, it’ll still be sex, right? So it won’t be a total loss.
But I believe you’re right about sex being a real reflection of marriage–I had a dog when I was kid who did it with everything in sight. He couldn’t keep a doggie girlfriend to save his life. Yet his nose was still always wet. Go figure.
“So I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if we could get 20,000 people having sex for seven straight days?'”
Wait, Pastor Ed! Didn’t God destroy entire cities for spectacles like this? I think he did, bro! Way to live dangerously. You. Are. Awesome. 20,000 people having sex? I hope you guys have a good supply of mops at your church. You’re gonna need them.
And I think some of the issues that you have to deal with prior to going to bed together, that’s going to be the real take-home from this ‘sex-periment’ that we’re doing. [The reaction from church goers] has been overwhelmingly positive, because so many people are whining from the economy, and I thought, ‘How do we change whining into whoopee?’
You just used the word WHOOPEE! I haven’t heard that word since watching The Jeffersons. But don’t worry, Pastor Ed; at least nobody heard you say it. That’s one good thing about being on CBS This Morning!
“We had guys who were texting their friends during the sermon, they were like. ‘You’ve got to be here next week. You won’t believe what’s gonna happen!
Ed, the guys in your church sound super cool! I wish I could totally be there next week–I’m sure I’d be texting my friends too. Maybe WTF? Or something like that.
“Even my wife and I are going to do this. We’ve been married for 26 years and we have four kids, so I’m looking forward to it. It will be one of the greatest Thanksgivings ever!”
Don’t forget to stuff the turkey, Pastor Ed. Stuff the turkey.
Gravy is good, too, Pastor Ed! Happy Thanksgiving.
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OMG!! Great post!
VERRRRRRRRY Good…verrrrry funny
have a great holiday man!
MPT, great post. I love it! We need to do coffee soon and laugh some more!
You owe me a new keyboard. Milk shot out my mouth all over this one when I read your post.
We really love how encouraging he is of all the single people:
“If you’ve said, ‘I do,’ do it,” he said. As for single people, “I don’t know, try eating chocolate cake,” he said.
After all, in a pre-recorded sermon that’s being boomed in on jumbo screens over a candlelit stage, why bother with the “details” of “other people” in the population who “might not be married,” and thus are unable to participate in this life-altering experience that will end whining, cure addictions, cease all sinning in one’s heart?
I guess, if you’re married, you’re engaging in “congregational copulation” (which I’m fairly sure is *not* okay, and is breaking some rule that pops up in Leviticus or Romans or something). But if you’re single… it’s FORNICATION!!!!! Bless their licentious hearts.
This was the best blog I think I’ve ever read. LOL! My absolute favorite part was: “I hope you guys have a good supply of mops at your church. You’re gonna need them.”
I can’t wait until I can save up the money to buy ‘Churched’!! You are such a funny writer! =)
This is hilarious!
Wow. *blush. I’m going to bed feeling so loved. But also as a no-sex-tonight failure. Sorry Pastor Ed.
Well, maybe not a complete failure. After all, you were thinking about 20,000 people having sex.
Forgive the ignorance, but I am new to the site, do you actually support this guy and are just being sarcastic or do you think that what he suggests is really a poor idea?
You do know that Pastor Ed and his wife only made it to Day #5…
I guess he wasn’t a very good “sex-ample” to his congregation. 🙁
But no worries. His church will forgive him. (That’s what good Christians do.) 🙂
They might, however, think twice about that Christmas “bone-us.”
“Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la-la!”
Too funny! You really are terrific writer. Is this guy for real? It saddens me that so many people get sucked into following people like this.
What a bunch of biblically ignorant responses.
One man has stood and tried to get people to talk about sex in church, what a shame!
Churches have been raised to think that sex is a taboo issue, but go figure, God created it and we ignore it.
Yes this message is meant for married couples and leaves single people behind, why!? BECAUSE SEX WAS CREATED BY GOD FOR A HUSBAND AND WIFE!
Sex was created as a way for a married couple to connect in a spiritual manner and enjoy each other in a way that was supposed to be held sacred and not traded on the open market in a billion dollar a year industry.
So I guess people want to attend church where nothing but hellfire and brimstone are taught from a pulpit and all believers are left to ‘figure it out on their own.’
Oh and way to take things out of context people. Pastor Ed made a comment about 20,000 people having sex, so we all jump to the conclusion he means an orgy. genius. I guess next week we will take more sccipture out of context and I will preach where Judas went and hung himself, and then we will jump to a passage the Bible tells us to go and do likewise. How stupid does that sound!?
Good for you Pastor Ed and not being afraid to bring God’s message to the people. Shame on everyone else for making fun of God’s word.
SO disturbing, Matthew–thanks for pointing out some reasons why! I saw an interview of him with some network–don’t know if it was CBS or not–and thought he was perhaps one of the creepiest pastors I’ve seen since Joel Osteen. And if I ever heard Joel Osteen talk about sex like that I’d hurl vomit (not milk) all over my keyboard.
I doubt that anyone who regularly reads this blog is Biblically ignorant, is making fun of Scripture, or is saying that the church shouldn’t address the issue of sexuality.
What I take objection to is how Pastor Ed has USED a very sacred and precious gift in a gratuitous manner. We all know that sex sells. By using sex as a marketing tool to get warm bodies in the pews or to draw media attention to his church, Pastor Ed has somehow cheapened it.
There is a massive need for the church to open up dialogue about sexual topics, but always remembering that such conversations have the power to change lives for better or worse. It’s one thing to design and present some “cool sex-speriment”–it’s another thing altogether to bring people to an understanding that great sex is founded on trust and love. Which takes us all the way back to the I AM…
Wow…I guess I am getting old-fashioned : / A little too much info for me… And here I thought I was hip & with it ; ) You young people sure live in a different world than I did as a young adult & I thought mine was TMI!!! I will just keep praying!
Dang, that got kind of passive aggressive.
I am totally in line with Chris’s comments. Usually i think Pastor Ed is ridiculous, but this time i think he is right on. Sex isn’t talked about at all in the church, which is why we get educated everywhere but, and why it is treated in such a poor manner.
It may be leaving singles out (by the way, the sermon series is about putting sex in the only context it belongs, marriage) but it is teaching about it the only way it should be taught.
This is great press for the church and i think it will do wonders for people who don’t look at sex in a way they ought.
The challenge may seem silly, but listen to the ENITIRE sermon before you judge it.
Laughed my head off. Love the idea of 7 days of sex, but I’ve seen two interviews where he talks about this and he never seems to communicate why it would be good for my marriage.
well as a single guy, I guess I need to start making my chocolate cakes instead of whoopee…
Funny post…and the responses are pretty hysterical too.
I just want to say that I have three kids with one on the way (yes I’ve been known to “do it” just not seven days in a row) and….my kids still whine! There ain’t no magic super glue that cures whining unless you use duct tape. And I think that’s considered child abuse 🙂
I’m sure the series is a little better than these quotes. I love sex, and am happy to discuss it. I just thought the soundbites were a little off…
way to put the “P-U” back in “COPULATION”..
WEEEEEELLLLLLLL crap… I should’ve gotten a husband… I’m pretty sure jumping in on this bandwagon with no husband is going to cause a God-problem in my life… shooooottttt… I knew 1 of you guys would come in handy for something and now I’ve gone and missed the boat! Happy sex-giving??? is that even possible??
Wow, way to build up the body of Christ.
thanks for helping me laugh about this. my first reaction was to throw my computer across my screen.
while true that the media may be editing his words to convey a certain idea, I find the absence of Christ to be particularly disconcerting.
because last time I checked, he was the superglue.
I am a member of Pastor Ed’s Fellowship Church and let me just say this series “Leaving Lust Vegas” which is where the 7 day Sex challenge was discussed was AWESOME! Of course no sound bite or quote will ever do it justice until you actually “hear or see” the entire message. It is time the church started talking about sex after all God made it so we could make it!! You should definitely go to and watch the series. I wish every married couple could hear this message.
Wow – nothing surprises or shocks me anymore! I heard about this Pastor – and heard something about a bed on the stage when he talked -wow! It’s a good idea but not for the world to hear about – its between a man and wife and God – not the whole community – I have a better idea – how about a couple pray together daily – this is the most intiamte you can do with your wife really! Amen! God bless,
Nothing like sex to stir the pot.
That was hilarious! I needed a good laugh. 😀
And some people just need to lighten up and not take things so seriously.
called me old fashioned, but i find it weird that he is getting personally involved in people’s sex lives by telling them how frequent they should have sex.
i find it odd that you have some sort of obsession with making fun of pastors and other christians. i know people are weird, but you’re still supposed to be on the same side. i mean, you’re moderately funny, but the sarcasm makes you seem very petty.
That was a great Blog Post. I don’t know Pastor Ed and I have only heard a couple of sermons on TV so I don’t have any bias for or against his sermon series…or his ability to “stuff a turkey”! I find the hypersensitivity (from both the pro and con side of the discussion) to be even more amusing than the post itself. What does it matter whether any of us agree or not…with Pastor Ed or Paul? I dare all of you married people to try to talk your spouse into having sex 7 days in a row (maybe it will cure some of that hypertension coming through the strokes on your keyboards) and for you single people 7 days of baking a chocolate cake (plenty of opportunity to get your recipe just right). All I know is I don’t have a corner on the market when it comes to what God is happy or unhappy with so I will continue to enjoy good writing, good sermons and good sex an be happy with that.
I was literally crying from laughing so hard as I read this to my hubby. Rock on, MPT; rock on.
Call me a dinosaur but I can remember 20 years ago when lotsa church people were picketing that movie, “The Last Temptation of Christ,” partly over the scene where Jesus even -thought- of it!
Sure hope nobody feels led to make a documentary on “The Last Temptation of Pastor Ed”!
i don’t think it’s an obsession.
just a hobby.
people can be weird?
that’s an understatement.