This is a brand new holiday video from the psycho hate-driven whackjobs from Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas.
Care to sing along?
I have no words. Well, I do. But I can’t write them here.
This is a brand new holiday video from the psycho hate-driven whackjobs from Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas.
I really have a hard time loving this group. I really think they do what they do for publicity. This is the same group that pickets soldiers funerals, praising their death saying its God’s judgment on America.
I love their sign, “The World is Doomed” except for the fact that John 3:17 said Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to save the world. Maybe they are condemning because they think Jesus got it wrong…that must be it.
I love how they are using the “devils tool” of the internet and video, and You Tube, and the media to get their message out…was that a psalm, a hymn, or a spiritual song? Looks like they are the one’s (based on their own teachings) that are doomed. 🙂
It makes me want to scrap my “Santa in moderation” stance and just go full on “he’s eating cookies in the living room kiddies” this year.
At least Fred Phelps isn’t featured in this one so that’s a refreshing change
i can’t believe this kinda stuff. the leader of this group will have some splainin’ to do…
I especially am disturbed by the “santa’s little helpers” sign…
makes. me. ill.
man, that makes me sick…funny thing is they are all a bunch of white folks??? odd
oh boy. I had a run in with this group in New Orleans at a Billy Graham rally a few year back. Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Charlie Hall, Nicole C. Mullen came to do a free concern thing at the New Orleans Area a couple months after Katrina and i was there on a missions trip. So Phelps and his people are on the bull horn telling everyone that gays caused the hurricane and Bill Graham is a false prophet demon. well myself and a few others got in a debate over this with Phelps and his people. I wouldnt have been so offended, if not for being there with a family who had just lost their dad in the hurricane that i had met.
So fred was quoting scripture, and i walked up to him and asked him what translation it was, and he told me king james. So i happened to find a king james from someone near by. We look up the verse he just quoted, and its 20 miles out of context, and worded completely wrong. Fred tells me that my king james is wrong, so i ask to see his and he wont let me, lol.
Then he quote billy grahams latest biography and says that billy claimed to be the messiah. I asked him to show us where it said that, he didnt, but one of his other yelling guys did, and on that page, in the sentence, it didnt remotely say that. Well anyways, i never got mad, he was furious. I giggled a little, but never acted like he did, nor did the guys i was with.
So yeah, they are a fun group.
I honestly couldn’t watch the whole thing. I’ve never seen people so happy about hate in my life.
Santa should put shit (I mean coal) in their stocking…
That is one vile group. I feel sorry for the kids.
So sad. Wow. Speechless. They need to wipe baptist out of their name…that is WAY not representative of any baptist I know.
What upset me most were the kids. They should be subject to a group where they literally suck the fun and excitement out of everything.
I would never call this freedom of speech. Very, very sad…would love to hear yours words Matthew 🙂
These people never seize to amaze me. *sigh*
Better not tell Elias about Santa or you’ll be sending him to Hell.
Man. That is really sad, depressing, and bunch of other crappy things all jumbled together. What a poor representation of the real reason for Christmas.
I actually feel physically ill after watching this. I’m really speechless. I kind of think some old school “smiting” would be in good order here, but I guess God has His reasons for leaving them alive and “representing” His name.
Wow. Gosh. I am just shocked at them. Barf.
My jaw has hit the floor. Not many things literally make my jaw drop the entire time watching it.
W T F ?
These guys are AWESOME. Not awesome like Tony Hawk, guitar hero, Hillsong, or snowboarding, but awesome like hemorrhoids, dandruff, ingrown toenails, and lung cancer.
I’ll pray for them to read the bible and to love people because of it.
It really disturbs me to have such little children involved in this. The language they were using and the message is not for small children.
Well, that definitely sucks the sentimentality and commercialism out of Christmas…poor, poor Santa! 🙂 Too much Christmas music in the malls for them, I gather. Perhaps they need this song played over and over:
Mercy. Where is the love? If they think Santa is taking us to hell, they are obliged to say it. But where is the love? Where is the mercy? They are looking so smug, like they will enjoy it when the rest of us go down. Does that seem Christ-like? No. No. It doesn’t.
This is really sad. In a time when we should be celebrating and reaching out to love each other purely and holy as God does, there are messages like this going around. It’s very sad and self-destructive to have this much hate in your heart and soul. This makes me really sad for all those people than don’t know how to love others and see beyond their own weaknesses. God please be merciful and loving, even though they don’t love You. :o(
I live in a military town and we’ve been plagued by this group before. They are the enemy! Christmas is about Jesus, but I’ll take Santa any day over this group.
Sickens me to watch this garbage and to see the joy they have while doing this is truly sad.
I have something of a morbid fascination with these guys…it’s been a while since I’ve seen something from them, it’s good to know they’re still active.
The trouble with these guys is that they’re absolutely convinced that they’re right. Almost every member of the church is related to Phelps in some way, and they’re convinced that he’s the only one that knows what he’s talking about, theologically speaking. It’s impossible to convince them that they might be wrong, because they have it in their heads that they will be HELPING Christ judge the sinners once the judgment comes.
Matthew, I’d love to hear what you really think of these guys sometime.
I used to live on the same street as Fred Phelps and the lovely Westboro Baptist Church. Can you imagine them being your neighbors down the street?