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warren and obama sitting in a tree…

By December 17, 2008Blog

And thank God they’re in the same tree. Perhaps sitting on the same limb even. OK, I’ll settle for the same tree. But anyway, our future president (Obama!) invited Rick Warren to offer the invocation at his upcoming inauguration.

Here’s the story.

I’m happy that he was invited.

I’m happier that he accepted.

Maybe this is the season of good tidings of great joy after all.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Wow! I must be totally not around any news sources…

    Indeed tidings of great joy!

    I, on the other hand, just lost a book contract, yeah the baby one…with Focus on the Family (I was up front with them that I wasn’t their poster girl) when they read some of my blog posts. The fact that I posted Sojourners response to the “Prophetic Letter” that Silly Dobson wrote (You handled that tirade with much more grace than I did) didn’t go over too well, and they decided not to return my contract.
    All that means is I am now totally free to be myself and can go back to the title I had in the first place…BTW, I met Greg Daniel at the Great Emergence and am hoping to hook up with him.


  • So I guess he’s the “Purpose Driven President” now…

    All Obama needs to do now to get “in” even more with the evanjellies is to have Michael W Smith sing there too!

    Or if he wants it a little more “edgy”, get Jars of Clay to perform the song “Hero 42” in memory of the previous President… 😉

  • get Jars of Clay to perform the song “Hero 42”

    I meant to say “Hero 43″…

  • i think its a great sign. He seems to have ticked off the gay community quite a bit with this choice, but he really won’t be able to please both sides often.

    On a completely different note, PLEASE watch this video, lol

    i don’t know if its supposed to be funny or they just dont get it

  • Jordan says:

    Not a very good job of promoting diversity.

    Choosing a mulsim or hindu speaker would have done a better job of showing that there is no established worldview in America and that and we are not assuming any worldview to be truer than another.

  • Nick says:

    I love the conversation the two are having 🙂

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s all political. This will be the last time Warren hears from Obama.

  • Melissa says:

    I was thrilled to learn about this! Indeed, a great first step on inaugaration day! Perhaps Rick and Barack’s focus on purpose and service will help trun this nation around!

  • Terroni says:

    It’s not just the gay community that is ticked off.

    Personally, I am so angry with Rick Warren that I could spit. On his purpose driven shoes.

  • @Terroni: Amen. It’s been more than frustrating.