He’s given it to God! And wants you to do the same.
My friend went to Ed’s church over the weekend and sent this picture to me.
There are some things that you don’t need from your pastor… this is one of them.
Viagra is for the treatment of inability to get or keep an hard-on and similar states when erection is of low quality. When you buy remedies like cialis from canada you should know about cialis online canada. It may have a lot of brands, but only one ATC Code. Erectile disfunction, defined as the persistent impossibility to maintain a satisfactory erection, affects an estimated 15 to 30 millions men in the America alone. Sexual health is an substantial part of a man’s life, no question his age etc.
if you’re going to have sex everyday for a month you need a hot bod or it just won’t happen. you need the body for God before you can have the daily sex for God. Next will be the veg-o-matic for God. But wait there’s more. This is a what in the world is this guy thinking moments.
My preacher warns us away from Muslim loving Fisher Price dolls. But he doesn’t look like Jake, so he must not have given his body to God. I think he gave it to the donuts.
can we get a link to buy that please. I’m sitting in front of the computer instead of working out and need a good, Biblical, weight training plan. WCJB (what could Jesus Bench).
KJV – 1 Tim 4:7 But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. 8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
Only fat, slow people quote 1 Tim 4:8 as proof text.
This is funny. This is from a series back in 2004 and he taught that our spiritual and physical health intersect to reflect the true body God desires for us.
Seems to be a lot of Ed Young on here lately??
I always wondered what he was doing when he wasn’t vision casting or making sweet God honoring love to his wife. Now I know. He’s checking himself out in that mirror at the gym.
(By the way, I think your next post should be entitled, “wtf is vision casting?” Ed’s certainly not unique in his use of the term, but seriously…wtf does that even mean?)
Oh, and TJ, WCJB made me chuckle.
I’m a firm believer in taking care of these bodies God gave us and knitted together in our mothers’ wombs, but I’m not sure about this one …
I really dont know where you come up with this stuff! i come here for a good laugh oftentimes 😉