Gone soft since abandoning his outdoorsy lifestyle long ago to become king, David regretted the hasty decision, for old times’ sake, to dance before the Ark of the Lord until his clothes fell off.
Tonight on The Spin Factor/Larry King Live we will be talking to the artist that Oprah paid 1.8 billion dollars to recreate the famous Michelangelo statue “David” to look more like her since her weight gain.
I never post on your blog, but I just couldn’t resist. I hope this isn’t too inappropriate…
“Geez, was that water cold or what?”
Sara wins.
Gone soft since abandoning his outdoorsy lifestyle long ago to become king, David regretted the hasty decision, for old times’ sake, to dance before the Ark of the Lord until his clothes fell off.
” Okay, I know, I’m NOT the Biggest Loser!”
how about “just plain nasty” ??? grosssss
“I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today…”
I’m still carrying a few extra pounds from the High Holy Days, OK?!
Where’d it go?
third in michaelangelo’s kings of isreal series: jobba the judean.
As the culinary scultpures continued to disappear after hours, museum detectives finally got a lead.
you are begging people to be crass… so why not? haha
two fold new years resolution: 1) nutrisystem for men 2) enzyte
Oh man, where did it go?
I thought David herded sheep, not elephants.
He must have been the king to get in bed with Bathsheba!
The first commercial for the MANiere.
He must have been the king to get Bathsheba in bed with him!
Nothing grows in the shade….
The Statue of Dave … Thomas that is
The real reason why Saul’s Armour didn’t fit…
Tonight on The Spin Factor/Larry King Live we will be talking to the artist that Oprah paid 1.8 billion dollars to recreate the famous Michelangelo statue “David” to look more like her since her weight gain.
So, what will Sara be winning?
Proof that King David was a Baptist
Supersize Me!
When you’re proud of something you build a roof over it!
Michaelangelo’s slightly lesser known work: “Fat Fat Jehoshaphat”
“Hey Goliath!
David standing in his closet and thinks to him self…
“I wonder if I can get away with the skinny jeans?”
If Michelangelo had sculpted Bill Clinton
Since my caption was the same as Christopher’s caption that was waiting on moderation, I will submit a second caption…
“David reflects on his thankfulness that Goliath did not challenge him to a contest of their manhood”
Tiny is the new Big.
“O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had dieted instead of you – O Absalom, my son, my son!”
Trans-gender David?
After slaying Goliath, David traded in his work-out regime and healthy diet for beer and pizza.
This week on Tyra…
“Welcome to Michigan”
“David before WiiFit”
the biggest loser
Proof positive that David was, in fact, a Baptist.
Version 2:
Proof positive that David was a Baptist. All gut, no balls.
ooh, welcome to michigan is also especially brilliant.
“The McMasterpiece” or “The McDavid”
Feelin’ Puh-roud!
David had a sneaky suspicion that holding in his farts was going to cost him in the end
David ponders his new set of emperor’s clothes: “Does this make me look fat?”
Ever since King Saul stopped throwing spears at me, I’ve gotten a little out of shape.
The Nudist Colony Gospel: Sharing your faith in Everyday Conversation
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What you didn’t learn from your parents about Christianity…
all the years of heavy lifting, fleeing from King Saul, pretending insanity, and wine drinking took their toll on old King David.
David, a man after God’s own heart; a king after Eglon’s own gut.
When others see a shepherd boy…I see an emotional eater.
Daniel, about that fast…?
The one time David forgot to suck in his gut.
Michelangelo’s gravity-defying masterpiece depicts King David just after regrettably finishing the bountiful meal detailed in Psalm 23, verse 5.
OMG! David ate the Buddha!
I was in the pool !!!
bwahhhh ha ha ha ha, I think the winner should DEF. be “nothing grows in the shade!”
The captured beauty of the “21st Century American Man”
I saw this pic a few months ago with a caption, “Michelangelo’s David returns from his American tour.”
SO how about
“Hey, I just discovered Olive Garden.”
The American Diabetes Association launches its antipasta campaign.
“I haven’t seen my feet or my penis in years…but I’m rather fond of these new ManBoobs”
Can anyone say “training Bra”?
And why is it that I instantly pick on the fact that he has boobs and not the tiny weiner or gut?? What does that say about my brain?
The difference between me and you is that I make this look good.
I didn’t realize “The Emperor’s New Clothes” was about King David.
Uh…Rebecca St. James,
I think he’ll sleep with you.
“don’t be jealous”
As I was saying to, hey, are you gonna finish that? Joab, pass me the hot sauce.
“thou shall not feed the statues…”