First, I think Danny Gokey is a rock star. My wife and I have liked him from the beginning. Not only because of his voice, but also because of that geeky “I should be working at Radio Shack” charm he’s got going on.
From the moment that American Idol debuted Danny, I assumed he was a churchgoer. Well, in his interview last night, he confirmed that he was a church-music leader.
A friend of mine on Twitter is a friend of a friend of Danny’s. So I asked her if she knew where he went to church. She didn’t, but she found out. Mr. Gokey’s church is called “Faith Builders International Ministries.”
As soon as I heard the name, I gulped. Well, I didn’t gulp exactly, I just thought it sounded a bit cultish. Sorry, but there’s something about the words “Builders,” “Faith,” and “International” all put together that makes the word “CULT” blink on and off in my head.
Then I went to the church’s blog…
Here’s one of the posts…
NOT RECESSION BUT POSSESSION! This word continues to really “ring” in my spirit, “Not recession but possession!” We are in the world but we are not of the world! When the children of Israel left Egypt (the world’s system) they did not leave empty handed! Obviously, pharoah did not want to see his wealth stripped from him. He pursued God’s people to get his money back. That was a big mistake…The children of Israel were faced with a dilema, the Red Sea in front and the egyptian army from behind. No way out in the natural! But, our God always makes a way where there is no way! He opened the Red Sea causing safe passage for his children and crushed their enemies with the same! In other words you have to know God is setting you up for intense breakthrough, promotion and POSSESSION…praise God! Your dilema is about to become your deliverance! And this money issue in America is about to be stripped and placed in the hands of the righteous! Get ready for absolute overflow in Jesus name!
I’m not saying his church is a cult, but I am saying that I think it’s a little weird.
We’ll have to wait and see… He definitely can sing, that’s for sure…
Your thoughts?!?
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the word “cult” is definitely a strong word to throw around. definitely my cup of tea theologically but using the word cult is harsh. my suspicion is that all of our theology is off in places and will be till we see clearly as Paul says we will one day.
in the meantime God works through all of our brokeness including our broken theology.
You are right in that it’s not necessarily a cult. But sure looks like it’s into the name it and claim it group. The if your Christian you are rich, because that is why Christ died to make us all very rich, money wise that is, group.
I have nothing to add to what Darren said, he nailed it. I think he meant “not my cup of tea” though.
Blab it and grab it, baby. Name it and claim it.
It’s pretty sad, for sure. I haven’t checked out the site yet, but I’m not surprised to see this type of teaching anymore. I wouldn’t call it a cult based solely off of this, but at the same time, it is unscriptural, and perhaps heretical.
-Joshua M.
Darren’s right, a lot of us have flawed theology…but asking the congregation to pay for your Escalade from the pulpit doesn’t seem to be a Biblically based teaching. While I don’t know that I’d call it a cult (not knowing enough about it), I don’t agree with what I’ve read! And as for the Pastor’s words…God doesn’t promise us worldly riches. Jesus said that the least of us would receive blessings in Heaven. Maybe that’s what the pastor meant, but it sure didn’t come across that way. They seem to be a money making ministry to me..
You have to be careful about the word “cult”. The term is very subjective. The language used in the post definitely has a Pentecostal tone, however, as does the name of the church itself. Dig a little deeper and no doubt you’ll find something you won’t agree with.
I’m not saying it IS a cult… just posing the question because that was the title of the other blog’s post…
Prosperity preaching is NOT Pentecostal. It goes against the teaching of many Pentecostal churches. It’s a distortion of Scripture. There may be some Pentecostals who teach it, but they do not represent Pentecostalism.
There are a few different definitions for the word cult here: It seems that the one we would use in this discussion is, “a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.” Possibly “unorthodox” fits especially since there is certainly an element of “Prosperity Gospel” teaching going on. That is unfortunate as it diminishes Christ’s to the subordinate status of genie and turns the church into a ponzi scheme.
Still, the dude can sing. Maybe he’ll meet Mandisa and she can set him straight.
man, i’d feel bad if it hurt his possible success on the show. he seems like a good cat with an interesting voice. definitely one of my faves this season. they shouldn’t have dropped his buddy either.
I’m not an expert on cults, but did write a book on the subject: Why We Left A Cult: Six People Tell their Stories (Baker). What I learned is that while a religious group can have cultic characteristics they’re not necessarily a cult. When I teach college classes on cults, I tell them that the definition of a pseudo-Christian cult is a group that 1) deifies man 2) humanizes God, 3) ostracizes Scripture and 4) provides a non-biblical view of salvation.
Of course there are many more marks of a cult, but according to the way I see it, if they don’t fit those first four characteristics, they’re merely cultic. (Like I’m sorta Marilyn Monroe-ish because I’m blond. 🙂
Hope this is helpful in your discussion!
Feel free to write me with any additional questions at my website:
Latayne C. Scott
i know that church and some folks that go there or went there. it’s pretty messed up…
When we take our eyes off Christ and start looking around for answers (possessions) in this world, we’re gonna miss the boat every time. We are a redeemed people. God gives us what we NEED because He’s a loving Father.
Sorry I’m not preaching at you. I just feel sorry for all the misguided people out there under the leadership of ‘corrupt’ shepherds. Don’t get me started on Joel, Robert, etc.
I think instead of focusing on how his church is a “cult”, we should focus on that he loves and praises God!!! Now THAT’S an American Idol!!
Shut up Anonymous.
I haven’t adequately researched this topic, and frankly, I couldn’t care less if this faux hawk drinks the church kool aid.
I will say this, though…
Paula: Still on drugs.
And, after watching the Grammys…
Whitney: Still on drugs.
As long as we’re talking about TV, Carla should win Top Chef.
Rachel Maddow should be required viewing.
The Bachelor should be sponsored by Valtrex, and he should have to wear their brand name across his chest like a race car driver.
Why ‘shut up’ to anonymous? You clearly don’t have anything more intellectual to say. You also clearly are not serving YOUR God at the moment. I highly doubt He died on the cross so you’d be able to carry on being rude and disrespectful.
And Matthew, I completely understand that you’re just posing the cult question and that you do, in fact, like Danny Gokey. However, aren’t you perpetuating the tolerance of judging people based on rumors instead of fact? This should be a non-issue. He has every right to worship at any church of his choosing–whether he’s on American Idol or not–and he should have that right without having to worry about other people badmouthing or judging him.
I am not feeling quite so diplomatic as everyone else. If that blog post is at all representative of what the church teaches, I can’t come to any other conclusion than to say that it is a cult. This is not merely a matter of reasonable disagreement among Christians. Prosperity theology uses people’s greed as to manipulate them. It worships the false god of economic prosperity and then slaps on the Jesus label in an attempt to give it a ring of credibility. How is this not a cult?
Shut up, colesGodmommy
I think Jeff was joking. I mean, we’re trying to have a frivolous discussion and people keep bringing up logic.
Actually, I think MPT is raising a good question in an nonjudgmental way. And since he did more than raise the question but posted a quote from the church blog and link to said blog, I think he’s been very responsible. It’s not judgmental to examine the theological background of someone in the public eye (or out of it). It’s actually being quite biblical.
Simply bashing them based on rumor and innuendo would be judgmental, but I don’t think MPT is doing that.
The idea that “if they’re worshiping Jesus, we support them” is good as long as they are actually worshiping the Jesus of the Bible and not some other guy who has the same name but bears only a passing resemblance to the Son of God.
Churches that teach a prosperity gospel are wrong theologically, but they aren’t necessarily cults
Who are we to say OUR God is THE God….people can worship whomever they want. You guys are being stupid. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are being rude!!
I wish every kind of false teaching was as obvious as this. Unfortunately this kind of stuff distracts us from the more subtle forms of deception…. Like messages that are for the most part truthful but in subtle ways ommitt important details, like Repentance for just one example or messages that are full of truth then topped with subtle bits of error.
Sadly that is where MOST of Christendom is at the moment.
Round of applause to Anonymous. Not even confident enough in your opinion to comment with a name? Hats off to you.
Matthew, if you have any sense, please put this to rest!! This is ridiculous and people are getting WAY too nasty.
Sorry, due to your “friends” you’ve lost a reader. I can’t support a blog who has readers that don’t respect others. The comical thing about this is…it all started over a “friend of a friend who just HAPPENED to hear something”. God bless all you hatred souls out there.
See what you guys have done? I’ve lost a blog reader. Thanks a lot.
Yeah, I’ll live. And I’m pretty sure “he/she” will be back to read whether I respond to their post. Though I do worry for all of you hatred souls out there…
I do agree we should respond to each other respectfully.
“A friend of mine on Twitter is a friend of a friend of Danny’s”
i can’t wait to tell mari and toya about this. especially since toya’s the one that sent me to your blog in the first place.
Prosperity preaching, YOU MUST TITHE or you are robbing GOD…while they drive expensive cars and live in big houses…..sounds like a CULT to me !!!
Alan Hummel
I’m originally from just outside Milwaukee, and my parents are still there, so we were excited to see someone from our hometown on American Idol. My parents started to research where he went to church, and when they told me, I had the same gut reaction you did.
This place sounds remarkably like a “church” a friend goes to where we live now; he invited us to go with him, and I did some research on it first and found many of the same things…pastors running the operation in order to help themselves, people being ostracized when they leave the church, etc. That is not what the church should be, and I definitely described it as a cult.
I don’t think it’s wrong to point out what they’re doing and say “This is wrong.” It’s the easy way out for people to say “He loves Jesus, and that’s enough.” I personally think that if someone is using a name and claim it “gospel” they’re not preaching the true gospel, and therefore they’re not loving the true Jesus, and we should call them on that.
I’m sure some will say “Well, that’s just your opinion and everyone has different beliefs.” True, but I will say that I firmly believe that the “name it and claim it” message is a horrible distortion of Scripture, and those who preach it are doing their congregations a horrible disservice as they preach lies to them.
I smelled worship pastor on that guy too, only to have it confirmed. I was very proud of myself.
PS – I just read the comments before mine and died laughing at what Anonymous said to Jeff! Then the ensuing stuff from Colesmommy, all of it! sighhh
To be honest with you. I do not find anything wrong with the name of the Church.
Faith builders- the foundation of Faith, which I would hope that any church would have this.
International: World wide ministry
and Ministries.
I think Danny is doing a great job of keeping himself sane with all that he’s gone through with his wife’s passing.
He’s a strong man with a strong voice.
Also in regards to the Blog on the church page, I think we all have our own way of seeing things.
Realistically,.. we are in a recession and when the Revelation comes we will see God.
Reading that blip from the church blog makes me wary of such a church as I feel that “Name it and claim it” is not a biblical concept.
I am enjoying Danny very much on the show and he seems like a nice enough guy.I feel so sorry for the sadness he has endured with his wife’s death.
Someone said he did a pelvic thrust during the group number this past week…LOL. I missed it. HMMM. Maybe that is part of the church philosphy too.Maybe it was more innocent than it sounds.
I am proceeding with caution when it comes to supporting anyone merely because they claim to be Christian. I got burned before.
Yeah, Danny did the pelvic thrust thing twice since the show started. Both were choreographed, part of a group dance, and only for about 3 seconds, or enough just to be suggestive. I didn’t look for the thrust, but at Dannys face, and as I expected he looked very uncomfortable. As for the church statement I read ‘posession’ as Christians ‘posessing’or regaining their place in the world, and the money, as ‘power’ to do good works. Not individual wealth or material. I may be way off base, but knowing Danny to be so sincere I can’t think of him jerked around for self agrandizment. Only wealth and posession to be used to further the Glory of God…Alas it takes money to build buildings needed to house the poor and unfortunate, etc. at least in the northern climes. To feed and nourish the orphaned children, for medical care etc. Maybe I am too trusting and don’t want his church to have ulterior motives.
I agree the word CULT is awfully strong.