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more b.s. from james dobson

By May 6, 2009Blog

“As I’m recording this video greeting, there’s a so-called hate crimes bill that’s working its way through the congress that contains no adequate safeguards to protect the preaching of God’s word. Because the liberals in Congress would not define sexual orientation, we have to assume that protection under the law will be extended to the 30 sexual disorders identified as such by the American Psychiatric Association. Let me read just a few of them: bisexuality, exhibitionism, fetishism, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, prostitution, sexual masochism, urophilia, voyeurism, and bestiality. Those are just a few. And I have to ask, have we gone completely mad?” –James Dobson

Somebody’s gone mad, that’s for sure.

I just don’t understand this man.


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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  • you didn’t really expect to not have an opinion did you? I think that is just how he rolls.

  • gitz says:

    i guess my only question would be this: if it’s a law legislating against HATE… why would that limit preaching about God? Isn’t preaching about God supposed to be done in love? God wouldn’t be in the hate. Moot point, Dobson.

  • Southern Gal says:

    I listened in on a conversation at church about this topic. It would be a hate crime for a preacher to preach against those things he mentioned? Showing my ignorance here. Help me out.

  • Anonymous says:

    As far as I understand, it doesn’t affect freedom of speech. All a hate crime is is an aggravated assault, so if you hit someone who is gay because they are gay, you will be more ehavily punished than if you just hit some random guy in a drunken brawl.

  • Joel says:

    What concerns me isn’t that “Dr.” Dobson says such inane things. My concern is that so many people believe this nonsense. I have grown used to this man’s outright intellectual dishonesty. However, much of the conservative media has jumped on the bandwagon and have accepted the Fox News verions of the Hate Crimes Bill as the reality, when a plain reading of the bill reveals quite the opposite.

  • Anonymous says:

    gitz – “why would that limit preaching about God?”

    anonymous – “As far as I understand, it doesn’t affect freedom of speech.”

    Gitz, Anonymous – You may think it will not affect free speech, but look at what has actually happened here in Canada where hate laws are used to control speech. A pastor in Alberta (google Pastor Boisson) has been charged and found guilty by a tribunal (which is a kangaroo court in reality) which used Canada’s hate crimes legislation to stifle his expression about his biblical position on homosexuality which he expressed in letters to a newspaper. You may believe that the law’s intent may be to prevent assault, but don’t assume that the original intent will have anything to do with how the law is eventually interpreted by the courts. This directly leads to Dobon’s concern that sexual orientation is not defined. If is is not defined, then special interest groups will define it and then push the definition with court challenges.

  • Susan Isaacs says:

    Last week a friend of mine said, “They passed a bill that makes it a crime for preachers to say that homosexuality is wrong.”

    She’s maybe 25% correct. HR 1913, “Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009″ aims to protect GLBT from hate crimes.

    Conservatives worry that this bill’s language coud be interpreted to extend to speech as well. So if you were to say homosexuality is wrong, you’re preaching hate and guilty of a hate crime.

    It sounds pretty ridiculous. But when Rick Warren said he was opposed to gay marriage, gay activists called it “hate speech.” There was a HUGE putsch to get Warren ejected from the inauguration.

    On the other side of the hysteria, we have Dr. Dobson, reading about bestiality and pee fetishes on the radio to freak everyone out. Nice work, Dr. D.

    There are angry, bitter, insecure and immature a-holes on both sides of this divide. Perez Hilton calling Miss California a “dumb Bitch” is another example. BTW, I can’t figure out what church Miss California goes to. Apparently it’s immoral for gays to get married but it’s OK for her to pose topless and get a boob job. Hmm.

  • Kacie says:

    aye, aye, sir. I grew up on Dobson, and now I think he’s crazy. I don’t know he’s gotten crazier or I’ve gotten more liberal, but I suspect both.

  • Aside from the simple-mindedness of his take on the bill, this is the kind of thing that happens when one (in the words of REO Speedwagon) “have forgotten what *we* started fighting for.”

    In this way of being/thinking, the coming of the kingdom is mostly about eliminating elements of culture we find uncouth rather than seeking for, praying for and working for redemption, transformation.

    Also, REO Speedwagon rules.

  • Stephen says:

    Well, it looks like we’ll keep hearing from him, because ‘Joe the Plumber’ just told Christianity Today, after saying that he won’t let any of his “queer friends” anywhere near his kids, that he thinks James Dobson is one of the emerging Christian leaders.

    He also said that God hasn’t told him yet to run for political office, for which we can all be thankful.

  • Phil Cobucci says:

    To bring it back to a anecdote that my father taught me when I was a child… when you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

    Clearly, Dobson just did in making this comment.