No, but she’s playing an unmarried pregnant woman in a movie!
And uh, it stars Dick Van Patten. Yes, THAT Dick Van Patten. From “Eight is Enough”!
Oh, and it also stars non-funny comedian Brad Stine.
Rebecca, Brad, and Dick?!
All I can say is this: poor fictitious unborn baby.
(I’m trying really hard to be nice. But seriously, who’s going to go see this movie?)
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you don’t think Brad Stine is funny?
Things could be worse… It could’ve been written by Tommy Tenney, produced by TBN and starring that Baldwin clown.
Oooh Rebeca, why?
Mandy’s choice? Not to see this movie.
oh man. looks like that one chick from Step By Step is in it, too. you know, that show with suzanne somers and patrick duffy.
hmmm.. not sure that one will be winning any Oscars… but i have to say i think it may be a little better than the other clip you had on here of the little blind boy who gets the 10 commandments on CD. now that movie was awesome!!
Youth groups and other christians will watch it…that’s who.
Wait, isn’t that Eric Niles from the first Real World season playing the baby daddy?
I have to say that it doesn’t look like she’s that bad of an actress. I’d have to see the whole movie to form an opinion, I guess… and I won’t.
Kind of kills the suspense, showing the baby in the trailer, now doesn’t it?
I choose to remember Dick Van Patten as King Roland from Spaceballs. We need a Christian remake of that movie.
May the Schwartz be with you.
Rebecca’s Choice. I wonder how THAT story’s gonna end.
I choose to remember Dick Van Patten from his role in “High Anxiety.”
@SUSANISAACS your comments make me laugh!
matthew, i hadnt been to your blog in awhile. now i remember what i was missing!!! hilarious stuff. i bet i know who will watch this movie. people that loved “facing the giants”, thats who.
Well, you aren’t being nice. You aren’t funny either.
I like you, please know that. I like you a lot.
But I have to tell you, you always come off sounding a little harsh. So maybe a movie is a little corny, that’s ok.
Just be sure, as someone whose words are read by lots and lots of people, to be Christ-like -especially in those words- since that’s all a lot of people know of you. You could totally be joking, and actually like the movie, but people who don’t know you wouldn’t “get” that.
Just think, would Jesus Himself really want me to write this? Or is it something I can reword, or skip altogether? Just a thought.
Not condemnation, encouragement.
ps- and just so I can prove I’m trying to be legit here, I’m resisting the urge to post all annon-like 🙂
pps- If you hadn’t said anything, I never would’ve known that was Brad Stine. Crazy!!!
Thanks for your message. Can I ask a question though? How is this post different than any of my other satirical/opinionated posts about Christian culture? I’m only asking because I’ve gotten several people who have complained about this particular post and yet don’t say anything about posts that I would deem much “harsher.”
Is it because it’s Rebecca St. James?
I don’t mean to sound harsh. I think I’m just blunt sometimes, and there’s no nice way to say “Sarah’s Choice” looks like a dreadful movie with a storyline that NBC was doing back when NBC Sunday Movies were still around. (You know, the ones starring Tori Spelling!) 🙂
I don’t know if the “Would Jesus Say This” applies when it comes to critiques/judgments about popular culture.
The real reason I posted this clip is because I think it’s funny that Rebecca, somebody who has become a “celebrity” based partly on her desire to remain chaste outside of marriage (and uh, has made A LOT of money for herself and her family from that decision), is starring in her first movie role as an unwed mother.
Do you see irony in that?
To me, blunt opinions become acceptable when $$$ is involved. But perhaps I’ve lived in Nashville too long. 🙂
I do appreciate your comment and am thankful that you didn’t post it anonymous! 🙂
Thanks for reading.
Charlene Tilton from “Dallas” is unrecognizable.
Also, the voiceover guy on this trailer makes me want to stab myself.
See? And THAT is why I like you. You’re real.
To answer you’re question, (for me only of course… I can’t speak for the “others”) No, it’s not different and it didn’t really have anything to do with it being RSJ. You’re right, it IS fuh’riggin hilarious and the irony is not lost on me. [Brief aside: You totally scared me when I saw your blog title in my feed… for a second I thought…well, yeah.:)]
I just think it was a culmination of several posts. I stand behind what I wrote, but hey, who knows… maybe I’m just subconsciously jealous that you have jewels to say what most people only dream of. I bet every blogger wishes they had a bit of mpt in them. Write on, bro. I will never stop reading 🙂
Have a great night, and love on that baby for us!
Maybe MPT is being cynical — or as Anonymous interpreted him, not nice or funny. Personally I’m cynical based on typical Christian films on the topic which are too overt. But consider a film like Juno, which shows the alternative to abortion. I don’t even think the writer meant to be pro-life. But LOTS of pro-choicers saw JUNO. Lots of teenage girls who like Michael Cera saw it. Teenage girls who might have been pregnant and chose to do what Juno did. I also liked Bella. It was flawed, sometimes it was too sweet. But it was a nice way to tell the pro-life story in a way that allows the viewer to come along for the ride, rather than hear a sermon. Of course Sara’s Choice may turn out great.
Susan. Isaacs.
Great? The best it can be is “not horrible.” That’s the way my mom would describe Wednesday evening church when it starred The Bradley Bluegrass Family Singer. “They weren’t horrible, Matthew. I could have given them a few suggestions to help their performance. But they weren’t bad.”
But you make a great point by mentioning Juno.
I think a part of what’s funny for me is the fact that the trailer asks: “Will Sarah keep her baby!?”
It’s stars Rebecca St. James, Brad Stine, and somebody said Vicki Beeching, too… Does anybody have to ask whether or not Sarah is keeping her baby?
Not to mention it’s being released by a movie company called PureFlicks or PurePics or Pure something.
But again, it might be that I’ve lived in Nashville too long.
Um, no I’ll return to my original, cynical question:
“I wonder how THAT is going to turn out”
I’d LIKE to see a Christian film company deal with a gal having an abortion. In a balanced, realistic way. Not having her end up hooking in Vegas, but dealing with the post traumatic stress Planned Parenthood doesn’t want you to know about. Getting through it, healing, getting married, having kids. And wondering, what if? What if.
What if she had a dialog with her lost baby.
But that’s me. I’m cynical.
BTW my captcha word looks almost like innuendo, of which there is none in my post.
Susan, you are so right. i too would love to see a movie where a “preachers daughter” type doesn’t make such a wise choice. that would be worth watching.
Also, if you laugh at this one, you should try a movie called “pamela’s prayer”
it. will. blow. your. socks. off.
“Her choices caught up with her”… oh gag.
You know, this story could just as well have starred a married Rebecca St. James considering an abortion because the timing wasn’t ideal.
Forty three percent of women have at least one abortion. They’re not all unmarried.
Oh…my….gosh. It’s fireproof all over again…..
Make it stop.