I love Carrie Prejean. She’s just so… special. Watching her intermingle among the evangelical elite is as interesting as watching Nancy Kerrigan’s teeth. I just can’t look away.
On Friday, it was reported that Carrie spoke at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter’s Conference in Washington DC. And let’s just say this: the 1700 Jesus-loving Republicans in that room LOVED Carrie.
Here’s a 3-minute clip of her speech…
Some of my favorite moments from Carrie’s speech was when she said…
“Everybody said that California was the girl to beat. But I never let that get to my head. I was confident… so I did see it in my head.”
Uh, wait a minute. So did she or didn’t she let it get to head.
“[after the media frenzy hit] I felt like Miss Universe!”
Yep, she let it get to her head.
“As I saw my goals and aspirations flash by me… “
I wonder if the nude photos were included in the flashbacks. Not judgment. Just curiosity.
“I knew God had a plan for me… “
This is where she tells the audience about being impregnated by the Holy Spirit.
“… God chose me for that moment.”
Go figure. Carrie is a Calvinist. She doesn’t look like any Calvinist I know.
“… He knew I was strong enough to get through all the junk that I have been through.”
Wow. She’s like this generation’s Esther.
“Even though I didn’t win the crown that night. I know the Lord has so much of a bigger crown in heaven for me.”
And God will name her Miss Heaven.
I wonder if her silicone implants will make it into heaven.
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“God will name her Miss Heaven.” = Hilarious! Can’t you just see her resurrecting a few corpses for the talent portion? And modeling a celestial bikini for the archangel judges? (Michael to Uriel: “Watch out, Gabriel’s about to blow his horn!”)
i like her. i mean, seriously, yes… she’s not perfect and there’s nudie pics of her out there and she’s not the brightest bulb, but we all have baggage. she didn’t need to stick up for her beliefs during the pageant but she did — and she sacrificed a dream to do it. yes, it isn’t a dream that most of us consider noble or important, but it was to her.
“so much of a bigger”…
Heaven help us all.
You know, it’s easy to make fun of her, but she stands by her convictions…no matter how weakly expressed.
“yes, it isn’t a dream that most of us consider noble or important, but it was to her.”
Crystal, doesn’t that (or shouldn’t is) negate the rest of your comment? Noble is a big word. 🙂
Just giving you a hard time. 🙂
Well, I guess one might say that.
I’m not a fan of her “convictions,” or how she addresses them. But that’s just my opinion.
And an opinion that’s a little harsh.
Wow, that was painful. I’m so glad God has Carrie to stand up for him. What would he do without her?
And that last bit, damn. She sure knows how to perform.
Okay Matt (and everyone else), clue up the ignorant foreigner. This was one American non-story which didn’t make the British Press (or at least not while I was paying attention). Who is she? Is she really a Christian, and what’s the deal with her? Just wondering…
You’re just pissy because chicks like this would never give you the time of day.
Besides…I think she does an awesome job on tv…especially when you properly use the mute button.
Nathan H,
Who was that directed toward?
“Nathan H,
Who was that directed toward?”
hahaha…hmmmmm 🙂
Carrie Prejean was in the Miss USA pageant recently, and when asked (during the ceremony) whether or not she felt gays and lesbians deserved equal rights, she said no. She subsequently lost the pageant, and has been living off of how popular she has become with right-wingers, particularly of the Christian persuasion.
Bottom line? She’s of little consequence. But that just makes the elevating of her to “Miss Saint 2009” status all the more amusing, particularly from the Focus on the Family crowd. And BOY! do they love her…
Dude, you kill me. Are the implants an example of double predestination?
Yeah. Not a fan. It’s a little difficult to pronounce what is and what isn’t “biblically correct” and adamantly maintain the moral high ground over those pesky, wanna-get-married gays when you have topless photos of yourself in lacy pink panties floating around on the internet…
Will Joyce Meyer’s plastic surgery make it to heaven? I guess Jay Strack ain’t the real thing either since he’s got a past and he screwed up. I really feel sorry for all the Christians who wear bikinis – or is it just the ones who participate in pageants that can’t or don’t have a real testimony or relationship with Jesus? Would that be “pageant Jesus” where did that sash go…
We, as Christians, are really quick to judge each other any time we speak out. Remember, this chick is still a kid, she’s young, she’s going to mess up…
…I always expect the ‘world’ to rip us apart every chance we get, but it’s sad to me when the ‘cool’ Christians get together and rip apart the ones who ‘aren’t doing it right.’
She may not represent all of us, but that’s no reason for us to tear her down. How many of us have actually made a difference in the kingdom lately by leading a friend to a real relationship with Christ? That’s really all that matters, being Jesus to everyone…even Carrie Prejean.
btw, keep the Jesus pictures coming.
I definitely see your point. But the people who invited her to speak are not young, are not unintelligent, and are using her to gain political momentum.
This isn’t really a Christian judging Christian post. It’s a critique or assessment of our culture…
Glad you like the Jesus pics!
Oh, I understand, and I’m no more a fan of that collective than you are, but a lot of the comments are, in fact, directed at Carrie, herself. You and I have been around long enough to know it’s good we’re not judged on the way we acted when we were 22-23 years old…even though we were Christians then too.
I agree with you most of the time, but this post just felt a little harsh…
…but not harsh enough to make me unfollow you…
I like following you because you challenge my “churchiness” that I’m always trying to think outside of, but today it kinda feels like you’re just being little harsh.
What do you mean you don’t agree with her “convictions” or how she address them? Do you mean you don’t agree with her stance on gay marriage? Or is it her contradictory behavior?
I hope this comment train turns into a convo about gay marriage.
Good post, MPT, I’m wondering when she’ll finally just fade away…
In my circles, God bestowing a crown on you is a direct and specific reference to martyrdom.
I’m not implying anything. I’m just sayin’.
Oh, and, Mr. Seeling? You should be ashamed of yourself! …Right after I’m done being ashamed of myself.
The day after that whole thing aired it was all over my FB page about how unfair it was that she did not get Miss Universe or whatever it was….. she was “robbed” because of her beliefs. So…. I watched. Ummmm. maybe it was her poor presentation! I don’t know anything about pageants or her “competition” and how they did on that segment but…. I did not think she was all that wonderful as a speaker or as a Christian stating her views.
As for her comments, well, who knows the context I have to say though, I doubt she’s a calvinist…. just because she believes she was “Chosen”. To a calvinist, being “chosen” should result in all-out humility. From her comments, it’s elevation.
Be kind to the Calvinists; we don’t want her! (oh, and I’m only a convenient calvinist… not a 5 pointer)
I could make fun of her, until the last line about the crown. That was just great.
As a single Christian male, let me just say:
I’d marry her.
Songs 7:7-9 for the win!
you’re quite a smarmy character in your own right, Paul. I find it quite amusing how you attack people that don’t fit into your progressive (or, should I say regressive) views. You’re just as guilty as you claim they are for “giving Jesus bad p.r.”