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monday morning’s jesus picture!

By October 5, 2009Blog

What do you even say about this?

Jesus and Michael have a similar chest hair pattern.
Jesus is wearing one glove.
Dead Michael looks like a clown.
Alive Michael looks like one of the Cosby kids.
Jesus came down to get Michael in nothing but a loin cloth.
And he’s still wearing his crown of thorns.

Hmm. What would you call this?

Special thanks to Christy for providing this picture.


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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Join the discussion 23 Comments

  • errrr I would call it theologically inaccurate, not to mention, freakin’ hysterical. Jesus is kinda manly with all that chest hair.

  • Barton says:

    Truly amazing!

  • ttm says:

    Extremely disturbing?

    The gold curtain looks like an evil angel ready to snatch a soul, and the folds on the fabric beneath the dead body look like a wolf’s face.

    This picture just puts me in a state of shock.

  • Scott says:

    It looks like Jesuse is pulling Sanjaya out of a Dead Michael. I would be wearing a glove on both hands.

  • Kudos to the Sanjaya-Michael comment, @Scott. You made me smile.

    This is damned creepy.

  • Lew says:

    This is what God had in mind when He had Moses write down the second commandment

  • PeeJay says:

    Why so serious?

  • Ed Cyzewski says:

    That’s a “thriller…”

    There are way too many MJ song puns coming to mind. I’d better go. ditto on the second commandment comment. Well done.

  • gitz says:

    maybe it’s saying that no matter what we do to ourselves on earth, we go to heaven in our original state… you know, since he pulled a black michael out of a white michael’s body and all…

  • Danny Bixby says:

    “What would you call this?”


  • Chad Estes says:

    So many questions…

    Will Michael be mad when he realizes he’s black again?

  • 1 -Lew said… “This is what God had in mind when He had Moses write down the second commandment”

    Um… “thou shalt have no other god’s befor me”? I don’t get the connection to that picture. Please explain.

    2- Given that MJ was undecided as to what he believed, and since he vascilated somewhere between JW Christian and Muslim depending on what week you happen to catch him, and who his “spiritual advisor” was that day, I’d call that picture confused, terrible art, and bizarre.

  • Plenty of people have worshiped Michael Jackson as thier God.

  • Jaden's Mom says:

    What would I call it? I’d call it creepy. And, Dead Michael doesn’t look all that different from Alive Michael, in this artist’s rendition. Coulda done a better job with that.

    I also think it’s really weird that Jesus is still wearing the crown of thorns and the loin cloth. It seems that somebody needs to tip off Creepy Jesus to the fact that…hellooo…he conqured the grave, so he can get dressed now. As for the crown of thorns…maybe Creepy Jesus likes it?

  • Jaden’s said: “As for the crown of thorns…maybe Creepy Jesus likes it?”

    I hear thorn crowns are making a comeback this Fall. It’s a fashion statement.

  • very, very creepy. just plain weird.

  • Anonymous says:

    I say:

    – It’s Dan Lacey, who also made the “Naked Obama riding a Unicorn” and “Palin with Pancakes on her head” paintings. This explains much.

    – He’s Catholic, hence the crown of thorns.

    – Everything else, right down to the glove, I’m chalking up to “Artist.” Say what you want, but it’s at least not Buddy Jesus or the God who claps as you juggle.

  • Anonymous says:

    MICHAEL WAS AN ANGEL… watching how beautiful hearts follow him… people who hate Michael (if you notice) are all people who have a CRUEL heart… people who loves Michael have a great and luminose heart… thanks to Michael, I understand and I arrive to listen JESUS voice.. because Michael always teach us to listen Jesus… Michael is LOVE. GOD BLESS HIM. The haters… well.. if you hate Michael.. you don’t listen GOD. That’s the real truth. You have EVIL inside. I hope one day you will stop this hate. God Bless everybody. Bye.

  • About the only thing creepier than that picture is the email posting above from Anon.

    Thank god I’m an ateist.