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jesus pictures of the day (stiff edition)

By October 28, 2009Blog

“The artist was an Eskimo.” -Jesus

Eating Disorder Jesus

“How many fingers am I holding up?” -Jesus

“Hey, it happens.” -Jesus

“As I was posing for this one, I was singing ‘Waterloo’ by ABBA. That song puts me in a good mood.” -Jesus

“Why is my face silvery and shining? Just because I’m Jesus doesn’t mean I walk around shimmering all the time.” -Jesus

“Well, at the time, I was doing some consulting work for Southwest Airlines. Hey, don’t laugh; it was a fantastic working environment.” -Jesus

“They told me to cry. And so, I did. I’m Jesus; I can do anything. Crying is actually pretty easy.” -Jesus

“Get it? I’m not on the cross; I’m shaped like the cross. That’s called creativity.” -Jesus

“Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy and also tourists. And once in a while, free hugs.” -Jesus


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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Join the discussion 12 Comments

  • Michael says:

    The one of Jesus crying is across the street from the site of the OKC bombing. I don’t like that he faces away from the bomb site. It’s like he turned his back on everyone.

  • Silver baby Jesus looks like shape changing Terminator character as a kid.
    or maybe Robo-Jesus?

  • Beverly says:

    Eskimo? Really? Does the “New PR” need racist nonsense. Please substitute “Black” or “Jew” into a statement about race before you make it public. It might help you notice when what you are saying might be offensive.

  • caitlin says:

    I’m glad you posted the one of Jesus coming out of the lake. We always pass it as we are driving to Ohio…it is a landmark of sorts. We can’t wait to pass “touchdown Jesus”

  • @Bev: if that offends you or actually seems “racist” to you, stop coming to my blog. You’re wasting good energy on attacking “something” that isn’t there. Thanks.

  • Michael says:

    @Matthew: Maybe you should have said “Canadian” instead.

  • @Michael: That wouldn’t have been funny. Eskimo is funny.

  • Michael says:

    @Matthew I suppose you’re right. Canadians are funny, but the name isn’t that funny. Is that racist? Are Canadians a race?

  • etrine says:

    That last one is in Mexico just south of US Border on the pacific coast. I see that one all the time when driving for surf trips. That thing is huge! And you can’t see it in the angle of the pic, but it has a giant sacred heart in the middle of his chest. totally catholic styles…

  • lisa says:

    The one of Jesus in the pool is here in Ohio near Dayton. This picture doesn’t even begin to do it justice!

  • Nikki says:

    @caitlin @lisa – I used to go to school right near ‘touchdown Jesus’! We called him cottage cheese Jesus, though…… it’s really unbelievable. and you’re right, this picture doesn’t come close to how incredibly silly it looks in real life.

  • KatFrench says:

    Comedy singer Heywood Banks did a song about the “touchdown Jesus”–only he called it “Big Butter Jesus,” because it looks like it’s carved out of butter. You can hear it in this YouTube video: