While I love Harvey, I hate the distinction that you can either be smart or kind, not both. So does that mean all kind people are stupid, and therefore kindness (in a world that values intelligence) is willingly discounted because only stupid people practice it?
Sorry, I dislike that distinction, being both a person who believes herself to be both smart and kind.
However, Lamott is getting at something important here – don’t insist on being right to the sacrifice of your love for your neighbor. That, I think, is better than Elwood’s quote.
There is a difference between having to be right and being smart. Arrogance and pride go hand in hand with being “right”. But kindness does not have to be right it just is.
Love Anne Lamott I just started one of her books. Good stuff.
I think the “oh so smart” comment makes sense because of the “oh so” that precedes smart. There’s a layer of sarcasm running along it. Like “aren’t you oh so smart, you know it all you?” Make sense. So it’s not that there’s anything wrong with being smart per se but with being oh so smart and being so darn smart you trample people’s feelings. All that being said, I could be completely wrong. Y’all have a nice day. – Teesa
A similar quote comes from the old movie Harvey. Jimmy Stewart, as Elwood Dowd.
“My mother always told me, ‘In this life, Elwood, you can be oh so smart, or oh so kind.’ For twenty-five years I was oh so smart; I recommend kind.”
You’ve got to see that movie! It’s one of our family’s faves.
While I love Harvey, I hate the distinction that you can either be smart or kind, not both. So does that mean all kind people are stupid, and therefore kindness (in a world that values intelligence) is willingly discounted because only stupid people practice it?
Sorry, I dislike that distinction, being both a person who believes herself to be both smart and kind.
However, Lamott is getting at something important here – don’t insist on being right to the sacrifice of your love for your neighbor. That, I think, is better than Elwood’s quote.
There is a difference between having to be right and being smart. Arrogance and pride go hand in hand with being “right”. But kindness does not have to be right it just is.
Love Anne Lamott I just started one of her books. Good stuff.
at what cost are you wanting to be right?
love Anne Lamott!
I think the “oh so smart” comment makes sense because of the “oh so” that precedes smart. There’s a layer of sarcasm running along it. Like “aren’t you oh so smart, you know it all you?” Make sense. So it’s not that there’s anything wrong with being smart per se but with being oh so smart and being so darn smart you trample people’s feelings. All that being said, I could be completely wrong. Y’all have a nice day.
– Teesa
Is the combination of being right and being kind … being tactful?
My favorite Lamott-ism:
The opposite of faith is not doubt. The opposite of faith is certainty.
The word of Anne for the people of Anne.
Thanks be to Anne.
Если врач знает название вашей болезни, это еще не значит, что он знает что это такое. Никогда не приписывай человеческой зловредности того, что можно объяснить обыкновенной глупостью. Человек может долго жить на деньги которые он ждет. Реальность это иллюзия вызываемая отсутствием алкоголя. Женщины едят за разговорами, мужчины едят заедой.
Dianna, you’re so right. I was totally wrong about the Elwood quote.