OK, so this is my first attempt at doing a Podcast. And so, it might sound like my first attempt at doing a podcast. I’ll get better. Promise. 🙂
My good friend Stephen Lamb helped with the recording! Yes, we know the intro music needs changing. Stephen arranged the music–that’s what he does here in Nashville–string arrangements–but we both agree that the music needs to be a little faster. But for now, it works.
This is an interview with Robert Irwin. Robert and his wife Susan have a sex ministry to Christian married folk called Become One Flesh.
The media–including Fox News, Details Magazine, and others–has dubbed Robert America’s Christian Sex Expert. I read his first e-book, Sexually-Skilled Christian Husband, and I must say: I learned so much. And I know that this is going to sound like a cheesy infomercial quote… but after reading Robert’s book, my wife has seriously asked me on several occasions, “Where did you learn how to do that?”
Insert my cheesy grin here.
Please don’t take that as bragging. Me “bragging” is laughable. I simply believe that Robert’s books are fantastic resources for husbands and wives.
Husbands and wives, read Robert and Susan’s books! I can pretty much promise that your sex life will improve. Not just a little. But a lot. Even if you already think your sex life is pretty good. Or AMAZING. The information in these books will help make it better. I swear.
OK. I’m done being cheesy infomercial guy. (Forgive me.)
THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO ENTER TO WIN… (and yes, doing both improves your chances!)
Enjoy the interview! Look for Part Two of the interview on Thursday…
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sweetness I hope I win.
I would really love to win, too! I’m working on a book on sexuality and spirituality, and this would help a lot with… ahem… research. 🙂
Thx for the giveaway!
Cool. thanks 🙂 I’m in. 🙂
I wanna win! Choose me…my wife will thank you!
I hope I win!
my Wife would definitely approve haha
Pick me. I am too cheap to buy books.
word verification for this comment is “rebeg” I guess I have to go to the other site now.
I was just thinking this morning about how I’d like to do some reading on this subject anyway, so this would be a big help!
Thanks Matt, Answered Prayer. The other staff wives and I were just discussing this yesterday.
I was going to say “help me help others in the war against bad sex,” but then i realized that didn’t sound how I intended
I am very happily married to an awesome Godly man (yes, we pray for great sex… yes, God answers!) As marriage mentors at our church, we counsel couples all the time on this subject. So, if we win, we’ll go through these first (you know, just to practice what we preach!) and promise to pass them on to other couples as well! Thanks for your great ministry and for TALKING about what a beautiful fun extraordinary gift that God has given to us in our marriages:) Blessings! Stacy:) auctioneerist@gmail.com
pick me, pick me, pick me!!!! We have four children… we would love these books, I’m sure!!!
oooh, pick me, pick me!!!
I’d like to win… FYI: the top post at BecomeOneFlesh.com currently has comments disabled.
I’m in! Pick Me please 🙂
*crosses fingers…
thanks for the opportunity for some free stuff!
Always looking for a good read. Good read + making wife happier = BONUS!!
Just in case it wasn’t super clear, I added a new post, titled, “This is the Top Post!” on our blog.
To get to the actual blog posts you need to hit the “blog” tab or go to http://www.becomeoneflesh.com/blog/
See you there.
And…sorry this interview was a little “rambly”…I’m blaming you…many of your questions could not be answered in glib short answers…they required the full “Robert Irwin Ramble.”
But, I hope they are still valuable to you.
Yes please… I would enjoy receiving free sexual resources so that I might resource myself further in matters of sexuality.
Blessings on you and your week of the exploration of intercourse brother Turner
🙂 Oh boy, would this be an awesome gift!
What a cool giveaway! I read Robert Irwin’s stuff and he and his wife are very good at what they do. I’d love to have some books by them!
my husband would LOVE if i won these books 😉
Oooo…pick me! I like free stuff!
thanks. Pick us.
This is a big giveaway! I hope I win!
Awesome giveaway!! Thanks 🙂
Wow, I definitely need this. I am the posterchild for needing help! Great interview by the way. Can’t wait for part 2!
Would love to get my hands on these books before I get my hands on my wife. lol
MPT, glad you’re doing the Sex Week series. Good stuff.
This comment has been removed by the author.
These are the only sex books my wife will let me read…
This is a fantastic series! The books sound amazing…if I don’t win them, I plan to buy them. Thanks!
SEX!!! Do these books have pictures?!? Totally kidding…hope the random number picker picks me.
i’d love to win this 🙂
Yeah… hello… who wouldn’t enter this? I’d love to surprise my husband.
ooh, free stuff!
These! I need these.
No, really. I need these.
This is sweet!
I would love to win! Thanks for approaching such an interesting and taboo subject for most!
Thanks for giving Christian Sex Better PR this week, and for weeks to come through your posts!
Wow. I need to read those.
I would read them to my husband. In bed. Wonder how long it would take to read them? I’m hoping we’d stop pretty quickly. 😉 Kate in Pgh.
hey.. so i am getting married later this year and am kinda freaked out by the whole topic.. (thanks church) so i’d love to win..
I’d love to win!
I am really enjoying sex week.
I too would like to win!!
You’d love for us to win. You’d get the amusement of knowing Stephen’s little sister is getting a “healthier marriage.”
Your first cast, really? I never would have guessed. 😉
Of course, if you give me free stuff, then all audio flaws are forgiven. Okay, they’re forgiven anyway, but it would be cooler if I won stuff.
I love books.
I’m entering this because my hubby would like me to do it.
If it were up to me, I’d never have sex again. Maybe these books could change that attitude!
It’s such a surprising treat to have stumbled upon your blog. I’m enjoying all the posts for sex week. It’s even better with a chance to win some great resources.
i’ve been enjoying catching up on your “sex week”. lots of great info here!
(i came over from your “better half’s” blog!)
Can’t remember if I commented or not yet, but that was a great interview. Looking forward to reading their books.
My wife and I have been out of commission for a while due to her pregnancy. Our little guy is set to arrive in the next few weeks, and we are looking forward to reconnecting. Winning these books would definitely help.
The books certainly look to be of interest and help to my marriage. I think my husband would appreciate them too.
And I’ve been enjoying all the various posts this week.
That is a lot of stuff…
This would be a great collection to have not only for my marriage but to share with our community to have lot’s of connected happy visits. Thanks for addressing interesting and taboo subject for most!
i would love to win these books. i need all the help i can get.
My husband and I are new believers. We could really use some advice in this area. We have 5 children who are 4, 3, 2, 1, and a bun in the oven!! We live on a small budget and have NO family in the area to help us with our children. It would be so helpful to get some ideas on how to be creative with our time, and with our money when so much of both go to our children!! What a tremendous blessing your products would be to our marriage!! Thankyou for the oppertunity.
Would love to use these books not only for my own marriage, but in marriage counseling.
I’d love to win these books.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sign me up.
hmm.. I will have to check out Sexually-Skilled Christian Husband. 😉
What a great prize. Count me in.
Oh, how I hope I win!
Winning would certainly be nice – one sould never stop learning!
This has been an interesting read…
If I wi I will teach many here in Africa proper Christian ssex behavior
If I win will teach many here in Africa proper Christian sex behavior in Church
Robert and Susan are amazing to be doing God’s work and helping christians discover what god intended for marriage, To enjoy each other and become one flesh! I’m so much more relaxed about sex and my desires for my husband, I used to feel like I was doing something wrong by wanting sex all the time so I suppressed it but I feel so free now and my husband is loving it! Thankyou