For 1 more day, I’m keeping open the opportunity to get your questions in about sex. No topic is off limits. If it’s something you want to know, please feel free to ask.
You have until the end of Saturday to ask.
So… what’s on your mind?
For 1 more day, I’m keeping open the opportunity to get your questions in about sex. No topic is off limits. If it’s something you want to know, please feel free to ask.
You have until the end of Saturday to ask.
So… what’s on your mind?
Frankly, I’m worried about my sexual health. Growing up home schooled with every outlet for sexuality regarded as sinful, I have never engaged in a sex act with anyone else and never even learned to masturbate. In this area, I know I would be regarded as some kind of super-Christian, but I don’t feel proud of my “purity” because if I had a choice, I probably would go the other route (like normal, sinful, sexual people, including Christians). How concerned should I be about never acting on my sex drive, including the (unlikely) contingency that I enter a sexual relationship, married or otherwise? And if I were thinking of marriage, wouldn’t it be a good idea (physiologically or theologically) to try to let sex happen beforehand…just in case?
– A frustrated, male young adult
What is “allowed” Biblically in a marriage bed?
Why would someone like Governor Sanford, who built his entire career on being a straight-shooter, conservative, and Christian, throw it all away with a sexual affair? Are men really that simplistic and stupid?
I’ve been married to my husband for 12 years and have never had an orgasm. Now I’ve been on antidepressants for a few years, and the side effects of lexapro seem to have completely wiped out my chances of ever experiencing one. I see the whole thing as a lost cause.
Anonymous – have you tried experimenting by yourself on what works/reading up on the mechanics of female orgasm? Some women find that practising by themselves helps them work things out and then they can take that info back into the relationship. This might be a stupid question as either you’ve tried that already or alternatively you consider masturbation sinful – but just my 2 cents…
Will it emotionally scar a “tween” kid to accidentally catch her silly parents having sex?
Granted, the living room was risky. But we thought our own room at midnight was a safe bet.
This isn’t so much a question as just another comment I wanted to get off of my chest after reading someone else’s comment about getting Aunt Flo on her wedding night.
To be perfectly honest, I always thought it would creep me out to have sex on my period but rather, it’s quite intense. There’s an extra smell (but really your nose isn’t down there so that’s good!) and it yes, it WILL be messy. But it’s like your period is major lubrication and it feels great.
I’m lucky enough to be with a boyfriend (partner) that isn’t squirmish about being with me on my period. And, as a plus side, women (okay, me) tend to get aroused when they are on/near their period.
I have friends with husbands who will not under any circumstances have sex with their wife while is menstruating but if you can look away from the messiness (and it’s really not that bad), it’s quite fun.
Okay, just wanted to throw that out there.
Thanks, MPT. I’m sorry if that was too taboo or too much womanly stuff for you!
I’d be interested in hearing an exploration of the topic of what passages about sexual immorality, written in the first century – where the age of marriage was commonly in the teens – apply and/or don’t apply today, where the average age of marriage is past the age of the sexual peak (a sexual peak designed by God) and thus has more implications. Is it really “God’s plan” for most people today to not experience the pleasures created by Him?
Maybe this question has already come up, but I didn’t read through all the comments. Sorry if this is a repeat! I’m wondering about oral sex. It doesn’t come up in conversation a lot, but I get the impression from some people I know that they believe it is a sin. What do you think???
I don’t have a question, but here’s an interesting take on sex and the Evangelical community:
ttm – Thanks for that article it was a good read.
You’re welcome, Callum. I thought so, too! :^)
These are the best blog post/comments ever. I can’t wait for the answers! Does somebody really have the answers?
Dear Anonymous who has been married for 12 years and has never had an orgasm,
I wrote a reply for you and sent it to MPT. He planned to run my reply as an article during sex week but was not able to do so. I wanted you to know I didn’t forget about you. I have posted my reply to your comment here on my blog.
Love, Shula