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pat robertson has become a tired ugly cliche…

By June 17, 2009Blog

Needless to say, I disagree completely with Patty.

But apparently, somebody still takes him seriously.

Content source: Media Matters

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 14 Comments

  • Vanita says:

    Why do you disagree with him?

    Do you see God condoning homosexuality in the Bible?

    I’m curious to hear your views.

  • davidmac says:

    Well Pat – Every nation in history that has tried to have the government enforce Christian values has produced lazy unloving “Christians” (see. Roman Catholicism)

    While Pat is moaning about queers and this meaningless Hallmark Holiday – The Holy Spirit is burning through persecuted China and around the world.

    Pat, This country’s Christianity is in the crapper but it has little to do with trans-gender pride.

  • Heather says:

    pat robertson is dreadful. our country may be on a path to ruin, but it has nothing to do with the LGBTG community. so, let me understand his reasoning: they represent 1-2% of the population but can cause the ruin of all of us?

  • Brian says:

    They’re still God’s children, as is Pat Robertson. The good reverend may not like the example the LGBTG community leads with, but I have problems with his examples, too. He seems willing to abandon all hope for those with lifestyles different from his – shaking his head and worrying for the downfall of America, while neglecting the souls to whom he should minister, if he truly feels that strongly. He should be judged so strongly. Jesus Christ Himself didn’t discriminate – what gives Pat Robertson the right?

  • TJ says:

    I’m curious to Matthew. Were you speaking from your time machine 20 years ago? Because the tone of your title implies Pat Robertson has become a tired ugly cliche recently.

    I’d like to say well he’s old and means well but he’s been doing this same act for a long time and I’m not sure he means well either.

  • ihatechurch says:

    ::hilarious:: reading all these comments, good to see you fire some readers up :: GET EM HOT!!

    i personally could care less :: ill just move to another country and keep doing my best to get to heaven.

  • Old Geezer says:

    ihatechurch “ill just move to another country and keep doing my best to get to heaven.”

    Not sure if you’re serious or not, ihatechurch, but getting to heaven is not something to be attained…it’s a gift.

  • Old Geezer says:

    Regarding Pat Robertson: There was a petition circulating a few years ago urging Pat Robertson to shut up.

    Regarding his comments: Whether or not you think LGBTG is sin or not, they’re still people.

  • TJ says:

    God doesn’t condone a lot of stuff in the Bible. The problem comes when Pat Robertson and friends pick out specific things and say they are ruining our country. How about pride, adultery, divorce, hate…need I go on. Sin ruins everything, that’s why we need Jesus to un-ruin us.

  • lisa says:

    Um . . . Greece? That’s still around as far as I can tell.

  • TJ, very wise.
    I totally agree. Homosexuality is a sin, to deny that is to deny the reality that is presented in scripture, but it is always mentioned in line with a list of sexual sins. Homosexuality is just another form of lust, and almost every man has a huge issue with lust, whether it is towards a man, woman, puppy or iPod. Most of us have that problem.

    The old thing that Pat is saying about societies that fell because of embracing it is insane. Rome didn’t fall until they became a “Christian” nation.

    In my non-expert opinion, we as a society struggle more with pride and envy than being gay. Gay is a very small population, whereas envy and pride are called “marketing”.

    So yes, acknowledge it is a sin, thats fine and well, but stop singling it out like it is the only one we should be confronting, and yes, they are PEOPLE, not statistics or object lessons.

  • Terroni says:

    The Netherlands seems to be doing ok.

    Of course, they’ve embraced homosexuality AND legalized marijuana. Perhaps, the later has some sort of protective effect against the destruction wrought by the former.

    Pat, I think I’ve found the solution… Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

  • Jesse says:

    Luke 13:1-8; Eph. 6:12

    The constant whining and moaning about public policy is the main reason I don’t consume a lot of Christian media. Last I checked we weren’t living in the millenial reign yet, so what do we expect?

    Pat Robertson should hang out with Al Sharpton more. Maybe they’d rub off some of each other’s sharp edges.

  • Priscilla says:

    Yeah, the Bible says being gay is a sin, but it also says that women praying with their heads uncovered is a sin, and wearing clothing of mixed fibers is a sin. It says a whole bunch of things are sins that we’ve clearly determined are not relevant to the Church today and we’ve moved on. So why haven’t we moved on from the homosexuality thing? Maybe because it feels good to hate? It feels good have a group that you can look down upon as sinners.

    This kind of hate is what is keeping to the Body of Christ bound.