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a fan comment!

By May 2, 2009Blog

Dear Blog Reader,

THE FOLLOWING IS A RANT. Please forgive this post. I received this anonymous comment this morning. Obviously, the guy/girl (I believe a guy) really enjoys my blog. And more importantly, he/she loves reading my opinions about things. 🙂

Read it for yourself.

i have absolutely zero respect for you. dude, don’t you have a baby to play with? get a life and quit moaning about stuff you think is annoying. wanna know something *i* find super annoying? your arrogance and assumption that everyone must be just DYING to hear what you think about petty things like this. write something profound. something of substance. i’m begging you.

oh yeah, and i’m gonna post anonymously just because i know it gets under your skin…that’s the beauty of blogging, man.

So, please, allow me this opportunity to respond to my anonymous friend. I rarely respond to comments like this. I usually just delete and forget. But sometimes you just have to respond. So you might want to look away now. 🙂

1) It’s my blog, and I will “moan” about whatever I want to. Uh, that’s the beauty of blogging, right? Right.

2) Also, this might surprise you, but I can blog and play with my son Elias at the same time. In fact, he enjoys sitting on my lap while I blog. (He’s waving at you!)

3) I don’t understand why somebody who has ZERO respect for me would want me to write something profound and substantial. That makes no sense. However, I keep my blog simple because I write books for a living. I spend most of my working day writing “profound” “substance.” In fact, I’m working on my 17th book of profound substance. OK, so maybe only 10 or 12 of them are BOTH profound and substantial, but who’s counting. And so, if you really lack that much respect for me that you would go to a bookstore and purchase with your hard-earned money one of my books… please, be my guest.

4) And uh, a large number of people find my “moaning” a good bit interesting and entertaining. In fact, 1000s and 1000s of people come to my blog to read my “moanings.” And I’m pretty sure nobody’s making you be one of the 1000s. My guess is that you read my blog because you’re one of those people who enjoys being annoyed. But I PROMISE it wont hurt my feelings nor will I care if your IP address never shows up at my blog again.

(I know that’s not very Christian of me, but I’m a sinner in addition to being a Christian, and sometimes the truth trumps my Christianity.)

How’s that for profound? Should I put asterisks around it for emphasis?

5)Oh, and the real reason you post anonymously is because you’re a coward and don’t want to own your thoughts/opinions. You’re scared that somebody might disagree with you and then find your blog, email address, or the rock that you live under and tell you that they disagree with you. And you can’t handle that, it seems.

6) Lastly, I do have respect for you, because I’ve wasted 19 minutes of my life responding to your comment.


PS: My son is waving bye-bye now.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 30 Comments

  • Shawn says:



  • Jay Pesek says:

    Love it! Great response Matthew. I find that sometimes when my “inner sinner” trumps my Christianity, it can be quite rewarding and satisfying!

  • supersimbo says:

    i would have just told him he was a complete and utter knob arse!!

  • CrisLyric says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • christopher says:

    Substantial I would say

  • This might be one of the best “blogger meets anonymous troll commenter” comebacks I’ve ever read. *that* is just *my* *opinion*.

  • RDA says:

    Anonymous bloggers can be immensely irritating. Mostly because they aren’t brave enough to identify themselves when they get all rude online.

    I think if you are man/woman enough to voice your opinion you should be man/woman enough to stand behind it.

  • Michael says:

    AAAMEN! that just got me fired up!

  • Rant on! 🙂

  • Lately a load of blog readers seem to have had horrid comments left anonymously on their blogs.

    I have always been taught the following, and I think this annonymous ‘dude’ should listen: If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all.

    Oh and Matthew I want you to know I love your blog musings. It is different and make a nice change from some others. Have a good weekend *waves*.

  • Chad Estes says:

    I enjoy the flavor of your blog, Matthew. Don’t let the turkeys get you down.

  • Terri says:

    Substance and profound are often present in the monotony and mundane
    of daily life–not that I find your life monotonous and mundane 🙂


    a faithful reader

  • Amy says:

    You go! I love the “coward” bit; it’s so true! What possesses someone to write something like that? Has he nothing better to do with his time?

  • Yeah we have this issue on our blog every once and awhile too. Kudos for responding. And you are profound often, and very entertaining. I check your site at least once a day for about 2 years now, and that ain’t too shabby.

    Never think the the minority is the majority as far as negative comments about your writings.

    you are great.

  • Mallory says:

    Of course, you could just ignore him and know that the thousands of people who read your blog and love it make up for that one idiot, but where’s the fun in that? 🙂

    You’re absolutely hilarious, Matthew!

  • Dale Best says:

    very nice, Matthew! very nice …

  • nugget says:

    I actually had someone post anonymously on my blog today

    Its so annoying.

    “Matthew Paul Turner doesn’t do comebacks but if he did they would probably be the best in the world.” lol

    Nice post

  • Anthony Dodd says:

    Great response!! All I can say is Great Response!!

    Carry on with your “moaning” post.

    Waving at Elias right now

  • vaneblu says:

    I love it!! great response!!!

  • Eva Foster says:

    What a jerk. I bet he has short man syndrome. Should I asterisk that? He likely has too much time on his hands and goes around looking for blogs to post rude comments on. You responded way better than I would have.

  • dgmontalvo says:

    What a perfect example of e-conflict as described by Shane Hipps in Flickering Pixels, of 117. Dude! You know better than to communicate with some fool via a post. I hope in doing so you don’t discredit the very wisdom you dole out. If I were you, I’d delete this post. Let your readers advocate for you if they want to respond. She obviously doesn’t know you. Step it up & show everyone what you’re really made of. Be the class act!

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

  • @dgmontalvo

    I agree in some ways. But I also believe that in certain situations it’s necessary to address these kinds of comments.

    But thank you for your comment!

  • a troll that jesus loves…

    i read more of your rantings in relevant mag today, mpt.

  • Jason Grant says:

    Been there done that. When someone like this attacks you; respond you must. I have a feeling it is a teenager because of the horrible grammar and punctuation used.

  • Jules says:

    Even your rants are great! I enjoy reading your blog, MPT, because a little humor spooned at the grind of daily life is NEVER a bad thing!

    Re: responding to personal attacks – Jesus responded so why not? Did he sit back silently while the Pharisees and everyone else slandered and contradicted him? He responded with (sometimes!) loving correction, insight, and wisdom. When that wasn’t called for, He got pissed and turned over tables! (Matt. 21:12) Why do we believe that Christians, because they’re Christians, aren’t allowed to be angry? Where is that written?

    Ok, now I’m ranting. Sorry, your blog! <3 your blog! Keep the juicy bits flowing! :oD

  • Stephanie says:

    I love it! What a lovely rant to read on this dreary Monday morning.

  • Interesting…

    I enjoyed reading your readers POVs.

    I tend to lean more towards the dgmontalvo mindset in that I never respond to trolls. Ever. I delete and move on. They are just people seeking attention and getting a thrill from the “power” of upsetting someone. To respond gives them what they want. So I refuse to play along.

    Having said that, it is awfully nice to have a chance to speak your mind and defend yourself. And you did do a good job of that.

    But mostly, I think you should just skip — trolls should just be deleted — and move on to all the great stuff you write.

    God bless!

  • Kacie says:

    hah! comments like that always make me laugh. After all, the beauty of blogging is that you don’t assume anyone wants to read your blog – you just allow those interested to read. And, considering your following, it appears people find you quite interesting.

  • Amanda says:

    Seriously. You’re awesome. I hope that if I am in a similar situation then I have the balls to stand up for myself like that! Also – I made my husband pause what we were watching on TV to make him read this post 🙂

    Oh, and I’m not gonna lie, I am super curious what the deleted comments said. But I’m super nosy like that!