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SO annoying: kid preachers

By April 27, 2009Blog


Prepubescent pastors aren’t cute. And no, I’m not talking about Joel Osteen. I’m talking about the young sons (oddly, never the daughters) of pastors who pretend to be just like daddy at delivering the “word.”

The little guys “quote scripture,” slam their fists against pulpits, and carry hankies. But they don’t always wipe themselves thoroughly after a number two.

Just like their daddies.

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 16 Comments

  • Matt Heerema says:

    what… in… the… world…

  • Nick says:

    You may find this story/video interesting:

  • georgeluke says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, Matthew – but the girls are at it too. This doc was on telly over here in the UK sometime last year:

  • Gary Durbin says:

    was that sermon or a song…I’m so confused by it all.

  • yeah, wow. i see these clips on tangle featured all the time. i just don’t get it.

  • Rick says:

    Gary, you should be confused by it all. You’re watching a snap shot of a “sermon” given by a particular person, with a particular purpose, to a particular people who speak a particular cultural language.

    The real mystery should be why people allow children to take high public platform in their ministries when the children have yet to live/understand any of life’s challenges. It is a strange line to draw because so many things have fallen out of order in the Christian Church that it is difficult to single these type occurrences out (70 years ago this subject would be about a woman preaching). It is possible that children like this have a personal relationship with Christ and have some truth and wish to share it. Do we know the age limit for the Holy Spirit to use someone? I’m not saying it is God using this child but I don’t know for sure that it isn’t. We should challenge the spirits but in proper settings and on appropriate platforms. Firing e-darts at a snippet of a church service does not seem like fertile ground for spiritual warfare. “If” this kid, and others like him, are not vessels of the gospel and merely minstrels in a Sunday morning circus, we should be praying for the church, its leaders, its parishioners and the community in which it resides. They need the gospel too. Just like any other lost soul. If God weeps for them why would we scoff?
    I’m just saying…WWJB? (I’m only half kidding with that last one.

    Love in Christ

  • My first thought was similar to one expressed by Rick…how in the world can someone this age preach about trials and tribulations, etc when they have yet to experience what it really means? Excuse me but I find this something akin to grandstanding. Too harsh? maybe. But he should be sitting and learning not posturing.

  • you’re gonna have to excuse me for this, mpt, but i think this warrants a “WTF?”

  • Most of you didn’t like the style of preaching. You don’t like the fact that the kid can preach better than you ever could. You’re sitting on the fence, while little David is ready to fight the battle.
    Is there not a cause? Cheers to this young man. You don’t know what this boy has been through. At 8 years old, a lot of boys have had to grow up without fathers, in rough neigborhoods, with mothers who work 3 jobs.

    “out of the mouth of babes, God has ordained praise” “you must become like one of these (young children)”

    His heroes aren’t thugs, or ball players, but preachers. Praise God he is given the opportunity to strengthen his gift, and encourage his congregation, while the religious and legalistic sit back and smirk.

  • Robb Hand says:

    Does the kid glorify God? If so, I say let him speak his mind unless and until he speaks heresy.

  • Nice try, Anonymous. 🙂

    Now go away.

  • Anonymous says:

    Here is a trippy yet FASCINATING documentary about a kid preacher who turned out to be an atheist the entire time….Kind of blows the cover on “Charismaniacs” !!!


  • davidpeck says:

    He’s mimicking a style, which is fine. The vast majority of preaches mimic the style of their particular favorite or stream. I don’t know the kids story, but the style isn’t a big deal. Preach it, brother.

    Saw a couple vids last week of toddlers who can’t even talk yet doing the same thing. That was just a little freaky. Check that, a lot freaky.

  • Bryan Allain says:

    i would have taken him much more seriously if he was wearing a suit that fit him. or Clone Wars pajamas.

  • gitz says:

    Yeah… umm… I’m Catholic. If we had kid preachers imitating Daddy it would be called “a scandal.”

  • Anonymous says:

    i have absolutely zero respect for you. dude, don’t you have a baby to play with? get a life and quit moaning about stuff you think is annoying. wanna know something *i* find super annoying? your arrogance and assumption that everyone must be just DYING to hear what you think about petty things like this. write something profound. something of substance. i’m begging you.

    oh yeah, and i’m gonna post anonymously just because i know it gets under your skin…that’s the beauty of blogging, man.