Wow. Ed Dobson is a former pastor who decided that, for one year, he would stop being “Christian,” and instead, “do what Jesus did.” Yeah, I know you might think being Christian and being like Jesus are the same thing, but trust me, they very different. (I mean, if you take the “Apostle Paul” out of Christianity you practically have Buddhism. Well, maybe not Buddhism, but you don’t have Christianity.)
Well, anyway, Mr. Dobson’s year of “being like Jesus” ended last week! And now that he’s back to “being Christian” like the rest of us, he’s doing PR, interviews, and writing a book about the whole crazy adventure. (See how much the Apostle Paul added to Christianity?)
OK, now watch the video.
One question: Now that’s he’s stopped “being like Jesus,” would he change his vote?
ANSWER THIS: What part of Jesusly living would be the most difficult for you?
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Probably voting like him 🙂
Loving my enemy is always the toughest…definitely not impossible, but because of pride, its tough!
No chicken enchiladas? That would be the hardest part…
Growing a beard, actually.
In seriousness, probably having a totally different mind set. Also, in what Mr. Dobson did, which is read the gospels once a week.
on a different note, i got and read your book today. it was a great read and made me laugh a LOT!
Ed has been an important person in my life. It was nice to see him here. I know for a fact that eating kosher would be TOUGH on me!
I read Churched this past week too….while visiting my parents…sleeping in my old room…a surreal experience for sure. That was a lot of memories to drag out into the sunlight! I’m not done thinking about it yet…
I’ve heard Ed teach before (Mars Hill Bible Church podcast) but I’ve never seen a picture or video of him. Not what I imagined. I have always been impressed with his understanding of the Bible and its context. A great teacher.
I think the eating kosher would be tough for me.
Would Jesus of voted at all? Was he concerned about his representation in Rome? Did he write his local Emperor? I know that he’s seen as political because he claimed to be the Son of God, and had authority from a God above Caesar, but I thought that he came on earth to save human souls? Jesus didn’t even read the Gospels or the New Testament, didn’t have them. So to live like Jesus besides the impossibility of being perfect, you could only read the Old Testament.
The part about who he voted for is absolutely unnecessary and pointless. Jesus never talked about political systems or public policies, he talked about how a Christian should live. I think Jesus would rather Christians give to the poor in His name than the government give to the poor in the name of secularism. It is just pure speculation based on nothing to think of who Jesus would vote for. So that should not have been included in his “being like Jesus” thing.
I read about Ed in Saturday’s newspaper. Let’s face it: Our beloved Lord was pretty radical when he walked this earth. I think the toughest part of living “Jesusly” is– for me– sticking with those in my life who seem to want no part of him. Jesus would have still enjoyed their company and wouldn’t have given up on the lost sheep (which is really all of us).
One more comment: In the article I read, Dobson explains why he voted for Obama, stating that the future president’s work as a community organizer, reaching out to the poor and marginalized, was much like Jesus’ ministry.
It’s funny how liberals want to keep religion out of public policy but they justify welfare and redistribution of income as “being like Jesus”.
being betrayed, rejected, mocked, and dying on a cross with my Father punishing me for the sins of the world which were not my own … that’s probably the hardest part, huh? Eating kosher being the hardest part? Reading the Gospels every day? I think not… It seems that reducing Jesus to eating kosher and being a community organizer denigrates the purpose for which He came .. Ed D wasn’t willing to do that, was he?
Im sorry, Im sure social issues Mr. Obama might match, but would Jesus vote for Partial Birth Abortion?!?! Come on, i weep when i heard about what they do when they perform this “procedure”. Mr. Obama supported this during his time in Illinois.
I read AJ Jacob’s book “The Year of Living Biblically” and it was great. (Altho is “The Know It All” was funnier.) I can’t imagine this guy is quite as entertaining …
The hardest part for me would probably be the food. I’m trying to not eat pork and shellfish in 2009 and three days into the new year I had Eggs Benedict. Sigh.