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monday morning (an update)

By October 13, 2008Blog

I’m sitting at Starbucks this morning. It’s a beautiful morning here in Nashville. Lots of sunshine. A nice breeze. Just perfect. It’s one of those days where it’s hard to imagine Heaven feeling better than this.

Jessica, Elias and I had a good weekend. We took Elias to a local pumpkin patch. If you want to see pictures, you can visit my wife’s blog. Jessica’s sister Melissa and her boyfriend Dan are in town. We’ve had such a nice visit with them. It’s been awesome getting to know Dan better (great guy with a huge heart), and they’ve had a blast hanging out with our little Elias.

Today is the first day of the Churched blog tour, which is pretty exciting. I’m sure some of you are very tired of hearing about Churched. Hopefully not too much. But I’m pretty stoked about the tour. So far, here are newest blogs that are either mentioning or reviewing Churched, or they’re featuring an interview with me. I know I sound like a broken record, but thank you so much for the support. While I know I’m repeating myself, I don’t mean it any less than the first time I said it. Blogger: Jesus Needs New PR–Author Matthew Paul Turner – Create Post

At many of these blogs, you can actually win a copy of Churched, so make sure you check them out.

Also, my book signing is tomorrow at Davis-Kidd here in Nashville. I’m so honored to do this. I’m just hoping people show up for it. If you live in Nashville, please consider coming by Davis-Kidd at 7:00… I’ve love to meet/see/read to you!


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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • b/ says:

    Thanks for the link MPT. I loved the book. Absolutely loved the book. I was going to do the book giveaway by having people tell their own hilarious/sad/true/interesting story about growing up in church, but since most people don’t leave paragraph length comments on my blog, I wouldn’t get a lot of response. Hopefully this will.

    Appreciate the time spent on the book.

  • Sara says:

    You’re not a broken record… we’re all pretty darn excited right along with you! I’m thinking after bills are paid next week I should have enough left over to order it… I’m SO excited to read it!


  • Eric says:

    Hey man, thanks for the appreciative words on the review. Don’t take what I said too hard, I really did enjoy the book. Besides, you’re the published author and I’m the blogger whose sum total of published material was some online poetry scam when I was 18 🙂 Keep up the writing!

  • Chilly... says:

    No, not too bad… maybe because I’m a survivor of a similar ‘churched’ background.

    You might want to read some of the funny stories (comments) on my site, – some great material for future ‘churched’ endeavors!! By the way, I’m giving away a free copy too.

    I really do appreciate you – your books have been a blessing to me on many levels and at various times in my life & ministry. All the best, Chilly

  • Matthew. Could not love the book more, one of the BEST christian books on my shelf, read it in two days (which is an amazing record for me) anyways two questions,
    one being will you make small group curriculum for it? our 20 somethings love it and have been asking about it, and two, would you please post this clip from “The Critic” making fun of yourself for your recent tour? Not hating at all, just a suggestion.

    here is the clip:

  • @Relevant-ish Pastor: So glad you enjoyed the book. And I loved the YouTube clip. Perfect. And yes, look for a study guide to appear on my site in the next couple weeks. Also, just in case you didn’t see this from a previous post:

    SPECIAL DEAL FOR SMALL GROUPS AND BOOK CLUBS: Consider using Churched for your small group or book club. In fact, we’re in the process of creating a reader’s guide for the book right now. It will be available at my website on October 21. And here’s the special deal (something I’m stealing from Oprah!): If you purchase 10 copies or more from for your small group or book club, I’ll make an “appearance” at your group or club via Skype to chat about the book or answer questions or just join in the discussion for a few minutes. If this is something you would like to take advantage of, just email me your receipt. It could be a lot of fun!

  • Thanks for the blog link MPT and for the record I enjoyed our AIM conversation as well. I just posted my official review today so feel free to check it out if you like.