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september eleven

By September 11, 2008Blog

I was at Disney World with my friend Daniel on September 11, 2001. A very weird place to be on such a dark day. My friend Lisa was at Dulles International Airport. Another one of my friends was at the Pentagon.

Where were you?

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • barton Damer says:

    i was working at a church that had a christian school just outside Washington, DC. we were gathered in the classrooms watching the TV with fear of a bomb or something crazy continuing to spread outside of the city. it was crazy. kids were crying left and right as they were on the phones trying to get a hold of parents who work downtown and in the Pentagon.

  • Julie says:

    I was at my work place, a residential treatment facility for adolescent males with behavior and other domestic issues.

  • Anonymous says:

    I had just quit a job that was in tower one about five monthes before 9/11. I was on my way to work when they struck tower one. I had to leave work.. I lost about 25 friends and co workers that day. I spent the day trying to call them.

  • ness says:

    I was making breakfast for my 2 year old, holding my 6 week old baby son in Michigan. My husband packed a van full of bottled water and drove out there and gave it to the workers on Staten Island at the landfill where they were bringing the debris. We lived there before our kids were born and just wanted to do something to help…but I was so scared something else would happen and he wouldn’t come back.

  • Dave Carrol says:

    I was sleeping after hosting an all night Christian TV Call in show. My wife woke me up and I ignored it. 10 minutes later she said… “NO REALLY… GET UP”

  • BreDrum22 says:

    I was at work, a pre-school. As one of the only two adults in the classroom listening on the radio to all the chaos and tragedy unfolding, it was so hard to maintain composure and suppress the emotion I had towards what was happening. I didn’t want to scare or confuse the children. I pray we will never forget the events of that day.

  • Mar says:

    I had just arrived at church for Bible study, heard about the first plane on the way there. Our daughter had just left for her freshman year of college, and my husband was on a plane that morning. There was a long delay learning if he was OK, and my daughter seemed very far from home at that moment…

  • chip says:

    i walked into a math class my freshman year of college not having a clue what had happened, and in that hour the second tower was hit, and both collapsed. it was very surreal. Classes were cancelled after that, or atleast we stopped going to them, guys running up and down the halls asking who wanted to move to canada with them and someone saying we should just nuke the entire middle east.

  • lindsey says:

    i was headed to art class and walked by the tv in my dorm lobby. i watched the tower fall live on the today show. i will always remember the exact spot i was standing and the pole i was leaning against when i saw it.

  • Jill says:

    I was at my apartment drinking my morning coffee and watching the Today Show after the first plane hit. I remember Katie Couric talking to a woman on the phone and the woman screaming as she saw the second plane coming…

    And then driving to my college campus and an announcement coming over the radio saying that the FAA had grounded all planes and were trying to land all of the others.

    It was eerie.

  • Sara says:

    In my apartment. I hadn’t turned on the tv and my sister called giving me a report as to where all my siblings were and that two of them were still in airplanes travelling. I had NO IDEA what she was talking about and she said, “Sara. We’re being attacked. They are blowing up buildings in New York.”

    I don’t think I breathed again for the rest of the day. A bunch of us went to church that night and kept praying because we didn’t know what else to do. I remember sitting on my patio the next day and it was so beautiful outside and I kept trying to imagine the building across from me suddenly being left in rubble. I just couldn’t imagine their terror.


  • amoslanka says:

    i was sleeping before getting up to go to class.

  • vaneblu says:

    I was home in Dominican Republic, when I turned the TV on I though it was a movie, I kept switching channels and seeing the same over and over… I freaked out because I have family in New York, and tryed calling but the lines where all jammed

  • I was in a small convienence store when everything first happened. I walked in and Peter Jennings was on the TV. I knew instantly that something was wrong. Shortly after I had to head to work. When the Pentagon was hit I was on I-95 half way between New York and Washington. We shut down our offices about then and I turned around and headed for home, all the while, watching the sky more then the road, fearful that something…a plane, a bomb, something, was going to take me out before I could get home to see my family again. Fortunately, most people I knew didn’t go to work that day, or made it out. However, one fairly new friend was on one of the planes, this quiet friendly guy I met playing church softball…Todd Beamer.

  • Anonymous says:

    I was home sick, watching the news (something I rarely do). They were trying to make sense of the first one and the horror of watching the second one hit was overwhelming. Surreal.

  • I was 18yrs old freshman in College in Knoxville,TN 24hrs away from home. I walked out of an english class to people running to the main auditorium…never will forget watching that happen. It was life changing for me….God became very real in my life after that.

  • derek cornell says:

    i was on the other side of the river when i heard a loud boom… to turn around and see the plume of smoke and fire coming from the pentagon… my co-workers and i were getting ready to enter a navy building to do some site work… we had just heard about the first plane in new york… as we stood there and looked at the pentagon trying to put pieces together in our minds, navy medics started streaming out of the building where we were… they told us we needed to get out of the city as fast as we could… my heart was pumping so hard i thought my eardrums were going to burst… that’s what i remember about that day more than anything… the muffled sound of sirens and painfully loud beating in my ears…

  • Simone says:

    I was on my way to work, and kept pulling over to cry. While I was walking to my office, I remember thinking to myself, “I wonder if my boss would mind if I went upstairs to the media lounge to get an update.” I stepped into the media lounge, which was PACKED. The enormity of it all didn’t hit me until that very moment. Then our building (one of the taller ones in Minnespolis) was evacuated and I spent the rest of the day turning the TV on and off, simultaneously not being able to watch any more, but not being able to turn away.

    Today our MOMS Club went to our local fire station for an annual tour/visit. We always bring treats for the guys to pay tribute to the work they do. They were demonstrating their equipment, including the motion detector alarms. They set it off (intentionally) and I was immediately brougt back to that day, when we heard the chirping from motionless firefighters lying under the rubble. No words.

  • Sitting in my office in Warren, PA. 8 weeks pregnant – shocked! My Sister-in-law was in NYC and lived near the towers, she and her Husband are fine!

  • I had just arrived at a Bible study and it all just seemed surreal. We thought someone was kidding at first…and then the news kept coming. My parents live in NYC, uptown and not really near by, but they just seemed way too close. And then the horror set in.
    My dad teaches art at FIT in NYC and one of his students was lost his life at the Pentagon that day…

  • Bev says:

    This was incredibly hard for me to talk about for the first five years. I was in a college Physics class in Northern Michigan. We were calculating the velocity of a person who jumped from a really tall building. Someone had gone to the bathroom and said that something was happening and we should check it out. We turned on the TV in the class room just as they showed a person jumping from about 103 stories up. I will never forget the shutter in my professor’s voice when he said “I wonder what is so bad that they feel it is better to jump?” We never did that example again.

  • Anthony Dodd says:

    I was getting up on that day to take care of our 8 day old baby boy. I was getting up to take care of Joshua to let Dana sleep in that day. Of course when everything started I had to wake her up to let her know what was going on. I will always remember where I was on that September morning.

  • Terroni says:

    I was at the college switchboard where I worked when it happened.

    Eighteen hours later, I was there, passing out clean underwear and socks to firefighters. I went as a medical volunteer, but there were no survivors to triage.

    It was my first time in New York.

  • Kaitlin says:

    I was in my 8th grade sciences class and had just written a journal about my weekend at my cousins birthday party. Most of the time we were pretty clueless about what was going on because the teacher’s didn’t want us to focus on it. Some of my friends were worried because they had family that lived there or worked in the Pentagon. In my orchestra class later that day, we were able to watch the news.

  • Erin says:

    I was in my dorm room at UT in Austin watching the news when the 1st tower was hit. I went to my class that morning in a daze. By the time I got there, I heard that the 2nd tower had been hit. They sent us all home and cancelled classes the rest of the day. I was also told by many people to stay away from the Tower because the UT campus was thought to be a target since Jenna Bush was there at the same time as me.

  • Darlene R. says:

    I was at my mom’s daycare. I had just quit working at the bank, so I was keeping them posted as everything unfolded. It was a day of mixed emotions, as it was our daughter’s first birthday.

  • I was a junior in highschool. I remember walking through the cafeteria and into a history class and saw it on the tv. I thought it was a video at first not realizing that I was actually watching the second plane crash. I had a sick feeling all day.

    I asked MY STUDENTS who are in junior high 6th grade if they remember it. Some said they did and described it at age 4. amazing how it can have such a huge inpact that a 4 year old can remember it.

  • Daniel says:

    I was working on the first edtion of the newspaper – in the production department -when I heard a plane flew into one of the World Trade Center Buildings -I was like -what idiot would do that? They had the Tv on and we saw the 2nd plane hit live -I had this sinking feeling – I thought the world was ending and thought the damage was more wide spread- spent a long time just waiting to hear any more news – going home that night was strange -it was quiet -not a plane in the air and I was actually scared to go to sleep – what a day – today brings it all back. Most of the tears have dried but still the pain is there – what a horrific day in 2001

  • Anonymous says:

    I had just watched the break in on the Today show and called my daughter at college to tell her the news…first thinking it was a freak accident. I remember saying to someone at work that day that I finally understand how my parents felt with pearl harbor. We must never forget those that fight to keep us FREE!!!!

  • Sean says:

    like Chip I was in a math class, freshman year of college(7:30 MST). we sometimes mentioned current events or other stuff b4 we started and someone brought up that they heard on the radio that someone crashed a plane into a building in NY. I think we all thought it was a small plane some flying student crashed and the teacher joked about it not knowing what really happened (she was very apologetic and sad the next class). I came back to my dorm afterwards to people crowded round the tv in the lobby. the rest of that day/week is a blur. Never forget!

  • ~Alicia~ says:

    I was in my first year of high school and remember waking up that morning (in Australia) to find my mum had been up half the night after someone called her to fill her in. I remember turning on the tv and seeing the video of the first plane just being replayed over and over and I naively thought it was a terrible accident. I didn’t even know what terrorism was!

    I remember going to school and everyone trying to keep things as normal as possible, and one of the guys in my class (kind of an army buff) had this portable radio on all day, screaming “we’re going to be next!” because of Australia’s ties with the US.

  • I was in my fourth grade class, right before we got the call to turn on our TV’s we were talking about things our country would never forget (Nixon Resignation, JFK murder, etc) and then we turned on our TV’s and saw something for ourselves that we wouldn’t forget. Parents picked up their kids that day and I remember being the only kid in the entire fourth grade that wasn’t picked up. I got home that day and made an American Flag to hang in my room, to this day I still have it. A couple days later, I started this thing for my community at the time, called Honk For America, and we got 523 honks in 2 days!